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Hardened Spanker

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Posts posted by Hardened Spanker

  1. A 'fine' selection of males here: do you guys actually realize how incredibly shallow you all are ? ? ?

    "Judging" females on their physical attributes really goes to show the level of maturity you have reached: I used to have these types of

    infantile discussions when I was about 16 years young.

    Apart from showing the absence of your level-of-intelligence, I find it hard to stomach that you can be so incredibly demeaning to these girls.

    But I fear that it is way too late for you, pathetic 'men' (and I use this term loosely !) to grow-up, - and show some respect for women in general and Thai girls in particular.

    Disgusted ! !


    So you're gay then?Maybe you could give some wardrobe tips out to the other forum members in that case?

  2. "the little girl, her sister, is probably her daughter, lol

    That would make the girl 13 when she had her. Not likely.

    REad all responses from the OP before making assumptions.

    Not really,she's probably 25 and "Uncle" Somchai the tuk tuk driver is the Father.It's a common trick in Thailand!bah.gif

  3. Seriously OP,you have so many red flags here from people who do and don't know Thais and their culture.The engagement Sin Sot is a massive one,I've never heard of it before.
    I really think you need to take all the advice here and have a very serious heart-to-heart with the whole family,saying that they'll just probably tell you what you want to hear as they have done up till now!bah.gif

    I think that you know deep down what the answer is,you know what they say...

    There's no fool like an old fool!thumbsup.gif

  4. it`s string around the wrists, chains around the ankles,lol, walk now very quickly, or really try to do it without to much money involved and see if she still likes you,lol, make up an excuse saying you cannot access your money and see if she says don't worry, only suggestions, but you may be lucky, but could cost you dearly also.

    I actually did this 2 days ago. told her I couldn't access my money. She didn't really say anything but got a little upset. Tonight she wanted to go to dinner and she may have just been talking about me and her but her mom was there and I didn't want to get into buying dinner for everyone one so I told her I had to save for dowry. She told me to go find rice then and left with her mother. I hope she wasn't planning on just us going to dinner??? but when I go with her mom she just orders and orders. I think that everyone is done eating and food keeps coming...lol oh well, she said she would contact me when she was done.

    For you to turn up with your credit card and pay the bill?w00t.gif

  5. "and me and her jumped in the river and washed each others hair, then we swam upstream"

    Nearly cried when I read that!

    Don't remember which film it reminds me of.

    The only thing I want to ask the OP.....where you dressed or naked?

    If naked....can I have some pictures of her?biggrin.png

    its funny you ask that we were fully clothed, I tried to take my shirt off but she said "r u crazy farang this is a public place"

    but she ended up letting me, we were crawling up the river hugging each other in deep pools of water, a small boy came with us, he was so sweet, he wouldnt leave my side


    this story has a very sad ending, im in a hotel now alone, watching all her mis calls to me, im hoping she will call me again, but I wont answer

    Why are you watching her missed calls and not answering?What has happened to your wonderful romance?




    I have been married and divorce to a Thai women. (I'm only 31)


    You wont listen, you have invested too much now, the real question should be how much more time and money are you willing to loose and how difficult of a life's lesson are you going to make this for yourself?

    Will you be able to bounce back from being financially and emotional drained?


    are going to be bankrupt and they rolled on to the next plane or in a ditch.

    Find a women who is closer to your age, financially sound and education and pay nothing... You must have very low selfesteam...you can do it! Get out now!

    Imagine if rich asian men went over to the UK or the US and threw money around trying to marry kids just out of high school or dole scum, smackheads and trailor trash, boardline homeless or people with social and emotional disorders...you would think you were mad!!!

    My current Thail girlfriend is richer and smarter than me and has a great family and will get nothing money wise from me regarding weddings and junk...hell she's sending money to the UK to ME!

    And where do you think she's getting this money to send you in the UK?whistling.gif

  7. Haven't we all read this before? Get TF out while you can. That said it would be interesting to know if your GF has stretch marks. If she does then I know who that 6 year old kid's mother is.

    she is ony 19 with no stretch marks. I am going to play this out tomorow with her father telling him what I think and what some of you have posted here. I will keep you all updated just for entertainment!

    How do you know she has no stretch marks?whistling.gif

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  8. FWIW I think that's what they are doing, it's just that the process is slower than the OP might wish. I also don't believe from what the OP has written subsequently that even if sin-sod is paid and they are married, he will never ever break or diminish the relationship between daughter and mother, it's not possible. She will always be looking for ways to support her parents and improve their quality of life, even if 5 mill. were paid up front, that's the way it is and he shouldn't get involved if he can't accept that! Can't knock the ethos really, the alternative is an old people's homes in Brighton and being beaten up by carers who don't give a jot.

    Well, the OP isn't quite ready for a care home yet being "only" double the age of his 19 year old betrothed.

    Imagine that; a 19 year old Thai girl - with a 12 year old mentality - for a wife bah.gif

    OP needs his head examined

    Coming from someone who can't even keep hold of a 37-year old bargirl?cheesy.gif

  9. So much "sound" advice from the "farang kwai" community, but not one suggestion that you get an "English Speaking" Thai lawyer first (they're everywhere in Chiang Mai),before you spend even one baht on that internet gold-digger). What's wrong with you, sir? Have you taken TOTAL leave of your senses? Again, get a lawyer's advice, and stop panhandling for advice, on this forum. It's time for you to WAKE-UP to reality, fwai2.gifr heaven's sake.

    Do you have any idea just how ridiculous that statement is, "get a Thai lawyer", to advise on a relationship matter between a national and a farang, I'm oddly lost for words on this one!

    If there was a way to mark this as the best post I would! This is the advice I was looking for. Guess where I will be in the next day or so! Thanks

    Exactly which part of "You're being played like a fiddle" is it that you're not understanding here?whistling.gif

  10. hey OP here, yeah I laughed so much at all the comments , thanks for the advice, no sarcasm intended,

    yeah i scare my self some times , I feel like I am the subconscious mind thats the dominant being controlling the body, when I get high I actually become normal

    I find I have real severe trouble completing task because I mainly operate in habitual movement, I cant really explaib these things that well

    my wife is truly amazed at how normal I become, when in high

    they always call me memento

    I feel like a dog some times when I talk to people I read their subconscious mannerism like a book, if they dont like me its painted right on their face

    im trying to figure what is wrong with me

    but I like the way I am because I feel normal people are extremely habitual and wont meander from their opinions

    they live buy the language they grew uo witj and cant explain things in another way

    Don't worry,I'm sure you'll be fine once you get back to your own planet!w00t.gif

  11. Could somebody please explain in simple terms why they think the resistance point for the GBP - THB will be at the 55/56 level?

    There will always be resistance or support in any currency or commodity at a point that ends in a "5",there will be more resistance or support at a level ending with a "0".Apart from that it may be a Fibonacci level also?

    If not then 56 really bears little relevance unless it is an intraday/week/month/year/multi-year high or low.

  12. The dollar rose only 2 bht

    the euro rose about 5 bht

    why is the dollar not moving like eu or pound ?

    Well, mainly because you have to look at the % in each case. If both the dollar and euro gained, say 33 baht it would mean that the usd doubled it's strength while the euro didn't. So the weaker currencies (usd) can not rise as much as the stronger (euro, pound) if you look at the amount of baht.

    Of course I'm assuming here that the relative strengths of usd and euro is constant, which is not always true.

    Don't give up the day job!whistling.gif

  13. Hey there Kangawallafox ... you are true an amazing man.

    May I ask what country you are in now?

    Still up Surin way or back in Oz?

    Never been to surin.

    OK ... no problems.

    What country are you now?

    Thailand,will be back in oz soon,back and forth.

    I love Thailand so much,however on a permanent basis it's not for me.

    So you're a "Romance Traveller" then,are you?whistling.gif

  14. For this that mentioned it,it's not about coffee it's about cowardice. It's rampant,however online everyone is a hero.

    Of course you're the real Harry Hardman Thai boxer I take it,despite being online also and constantly giving it the Charlie Big Potatoes?whistling.gif

  15. If you bought a ticket online via an online agency - Make contact with them - On their ticketing system they will be able to tell you if the seat was used and hence you will know if she arrived in UK or not. Other options open to ticket holder named on the ticket is that the ticket may have some options for changes (different passenger or location) and this information will be available to be known what activity has taken place on the ticket.

    To establish contact - Possibly set up a temp new id new social media account - Set the profile to someone you believe might fit someone she might like to friend or connect with online. Send her a friend request and see if the request gets seen i.e accepted or rejected. Obviously if its accepted you can work out the next moves as she will be communicating with you online, but she thinks is someone else - hence location identity or even phone call will be up to powers of online persuasions.

    Sorry to hear your tale - And good luck.

    How many times does it need to be stated that the OP DID NOT PURCHASE A TICKET.

    Only the true Messiah denies his divinity!


  16. yes, why was that?

    Perhaps the US factory and jobs data giving the US$ a lift.

    US data is mostly lies, official but lies.

    You must be very well connected, huh? Amazing that you know that and hundreds of millions of other people don't. If you have firm data you could be making millions on the stock market. Are you?

    No need,just watch the NFPs (Non-Farm Payrolls) every first Friday of the month!rolleyes.gif

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