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Hardened Spanker

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Posts posted by Hardened Spanker

  1. Why hasn't anyone here offered to take this man into their home in his time of need during this holiday season? I am out of the country otherwise I would love to have him over for Christmas dinner and give him a warm bed to sleep in until he figures out his life and the next move.

    If it was just for the holiday season fair enough but we all know it won't be,you'll end up having to throw the guy out physically and who knows what he might steal out of desperation?

    Generally the people you help out turn on you and despise you for doing it!

  2. It's depressingly predictable that the "Farang Buddhists" are up in arms here,people that just convert to Buddhism to curry favour and increase their standing within the local Thai community!bah.gif

    They have no sympathy whatsoever and that is exactly why these frauds are NOTHING to do with Buddhism in any way,shape or form.No wonder the Thais refuse them entry to the big,important festivals as they can see right through these snake-oil salesmen,as clearly as looking out of the kitchen window!
    If anything they're even worse than the average Farang,with their over developed and oversensitive sense of importance and entitlement,loathe doesn't even come close to how I feel about these shady,great-pretender types!

    • Like 2
  3. The problem with so many young guys today is that they do not know where to 'draw the line' and will always be slobs. This reminds me of last christmas dinner, i went to a well known Irish pub in Chaweng, Koh Samui. Seated on my table were 5 young Irish men all half pissed dressed in their casual shorts and singlets, all looking scruffy and stinking of BO. Being an ex serviceman , to me these young guys were just filthy grubs who have never been taught body hygiene and did not have mum to look after them,if she ever bothered in the first place. Eventually i just could not even start my meal so just walked out. sad.png

    What would you suggest then,top hat and tails or a tuxedo to sit down to dinner on holiday?whistling.gif

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  4. The reason why the OP is a "friend of a friend" is quite patently because the Thai lady in question knows full well she should have no claim whatsoever to any money from a country where she's 99.9% certain never to have worked,or paid any monies whatsoever into the country's pension pot!
    She probably can't believe she's already got away with it for 11 years and is scared that she'll be asked to pay it all back if she makes the enquiry herself,only in Thailand!laugh.png

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  5. Through the Pensions Bill, the UK Government is seeking to withdraw state pension payments to expat spouses. They will continue to receive a state pension for National Insurance contributions they have made themselves, but not for contributions made by their spouse. This was announced last Spring although there was no suggestion it would be retrospective.. Maybe Germany is doing the same but on a retrospective basis as well.

    I am in the middle of a wrangle with UK Gov about the provision of a widows pension for my Thai wife. She has a National Insurance number tho' has never worked in UK. They say she will receive only a Bereavement grant but no pension despite my nearly 40 years of contributions. We married five years ago in Feb. Any one in this situation or can add any info?

    Soon to be ex-wife?whistling.gif

  6. Wow,fancy being contacted by lonely guys wanting to meet up...and on a dating website too,who'd have thought it?

    Let's be honest,she's obviously Chinese-American and has all the negative traits of Western women anyway,no wonder she's single and desperately trawling dating sites to find a suitable partner!

  7. Firstly, to answer the quotes issue, that is to do with the answer function on chrome. Sometimes it goes through and formats like that, sometimes it filters and responds that the the maximum quotes has been exceeded.

    No intention on my part whatsoever, and is one of the vagaries of using a tablet.

    The capitalisation wasn't intentional but is an auto correct issue through spell checking.

    For that my apologies but I still stand by my assertion that the vast majority of wealth creation in Thailand has been achieved by Thai Chinese. (I had to retype that). I can barely think of any major company other than those associated with the Crown property bureau where the initial start and ownership wasn't of Thai Chinese origin.

    Yes the Koreans have done a good job. I find it an interesting place, and admire their unity of purpose. They have achieved a lot. All the money under the sun could also have been wasted, and one only has to look at the academic achievements of their students to see how seriously they take education.

    They built a country up from basically nothing.

    I think Korea has done a wonderful job. However a few things should be pointed out. 1. It was a colony of Japan. 2. A strong man dictator. Park Chung-hee was a Korean general and statesman who led South Korea from 1961 until his assassination in 1979. Park seized power through a military coup d'état that overthrew the Korean Second Republic in 1961 and ruled as an unelected military strongman at the head of the Supreme Council for National Reconstruction until his election and inauguration as the President of the Korean Third Republic in 1963. In 1972, Park declared martial law, suspended the country's constitution and made himself President for Life while ushering in the Korean Fourth Republic. 3. America and Japan funded the economic recovery after the two wars.

    In terms of the Thai Chinese people in Thailand that is the same as saying the Scots Irish people in America. Both groups did and are doing quite well but they are Thai and American now. So you can drop the Thai Chinese and the Scots Irish except as a historical reference.

    Comparing the performance of one immigrant group in the USA when there are dozens of immigrant groups isn't quite the same as Thailand.

    Neither do the Scottish Americans control more than 50% of the wealth in the USA, but the immigrant chinese certainly do here and elsewhere in south east Asia.

    At one time Scots Irish (and a bit of English) controlled 90% of American wealth not a paltry 50%. 75% of American Presidents were of Scots Irish ancestry . The two richest men the world has ever known 1. John D. Rockefeller and 2. Andrew Carnegie were both Americans of Scots Irish ancestry.

    The Scots Irish had a far greater influence on America than the Thai Chinese ever had on Thailand. But now the descendants of the two richest men in the history of the world, Carnegie and Rockefeller just call themselves Americans.

    The only place that the Thai/Chinese thing is big is on ThaiVisa.com. As little as 60 years ago the Chinese in Thailand were overcome with anti Chinese laws. One of the big reasons that Thailand fought on the Japanese side in WWII was the PM at that times dislike of the Chinese even though he himself was part Chinese.

    What a load of nonsense,what exactly is "Scots Irish"?You're either Scottish or Irish,not Scots Irish!rolleyes.gif

    I take it you're American,why don't you ask a Glasgow Rangers fan if he's Scots Irish,you will also learn another Scottish tradition known as the Glasgae Kiss!

  8. Tell yourself early forties and late twenties is ideal if it makes you feel better. My wife's sister is 27,her parents would disown her if she had a man in his forties. I'm not saying it's wrong but I do believe ideal is kinda closer together,of coarse this is Thailand and few will agree.

    Is this a joke?I'm mid-forties,why on earth would I want some fat old hoona the same age as me?Plus if you want to have kids they're past it!

    Most beautiful girls don't like guys their own age,what's attractive about some young guy drooling all over them with a constant hard-on?bah.gif

  9. have since learnt from another source that I have to understand that thai women appreciate the man taking on several roles in the relationship... her husband or partner has to be her lover, father, friend etc.

    This thread caught my eye because I was called that too. But only once so far. I've been seeing this girl for about two months and it was about 2 weeks ago she called me that. Her explanation was it was because I took care of her.

    Your "other source" could be right.

    psychological studies is ideal- these studies stipulate that a man should half his age and add 7 years for the optimum aged partner.

    BTW .. 54 me/33 her ... OMG! She's one year younger than the "acceptable range"! I'm a pervert!

    ANY girl in Asia is considered over the hill at 25 and no Asian man will go near them anyway,most farangs are doing them a favour by being with them!

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