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Hardened Spanker

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Posts posted by Hardened Spanker

  1. This is result of kids evolving from depressed and poor social economic back grounds who in turn revert to crime such as selling drugs to make a living.

    Some of these undesirables persistently stand over and intimidate other kids into joining their gangs so they gain more control over others in their territory.

    We see this a lot outside of 7 eleven and other convenience stores in the Thalang district particularly when our young teenager makes a dash for a store and the intimidation starts by one of the gang members hanging about on motorbikes.

    Actually I would attribute this very common Thai issue to some sort of Simian-esque peer rites.

    Bangkok schools, especially the technical colleges are as good as at war with each other, with numerous bus shootings and gang battles with weapons, besides the typical fights and beat downs of students from other schools.

    It is territorial, ego, and simian-esque in nature.

    From memory 3 different bystanders (commuters in buses) have been shot and killed in BKK in the last year when one pack has attacked and shot at a few others from another tech-college who were on the same bus, in three different incidents.

    Just a few weeks ago didn't a student have his hand chopped off with a machete,that surgeons managed to re-attach,saying he'd probably never regain the full use of it?
  2. Obviously a Jaffa!

    Oh boo hoo.

    Poor Hardened Sociopath.

    His little tantrum got laughed at by all the grown ups.

    Hardly,pretty much everyone agreed with it actually!Look,there's no shame in having a low sperm count and there are many ways to counter it.Try wearing Speedos a little less tight next time you're in Pattaya!
  3. I'm not saying these women don't exist - obviously they do - but it's no coincidence that there tend to be a high percentage of men posting here on these forums who've been exposed to them.

    Little wonder they slag off Western women when they settled for the lousiest examples.

    you never had a woman, long term, in any country.

    how would you know?

    i guess a 12 year relationship doesn't count as long term, right?

    Just cos I didn't decide to marry, have children with and hand over the lion's share of my wealth to a woman who came to regard me as "surplus to requirements" laugh.png doesn't mean I never had long-term relationships.

    You were just too weak to walk away from yours once the rot set in.

    You consider trying, then walking away when the going got tough as a success with women?

    And never fathering any children a success too?

    Obviously a Jaffa!
  4. Only this afternoon I had a Thai woman telling me she'd like a 'Farang' husband, she went on to extoll the virtues of 'Farang' men - I cautioned her that a significant proportion of foreign men coming to Thailand have serious women issues.

    Hardened Spanker has provided us with explicit details of what his women issues are. There are a few others in this thread who are not that far removed from his outlook.

    I feel sorry for any woman, Thai or otherwise who gets hooked up with guys holding the opinions such as those of HS.

    There's a reason why these guys are in Thailand, HS has told us why - but I don't think he really understands what it is he has told us.

    She was probably talking about Farangs that don't go around denigrating themselves foolishly to Thai women,unlike yourself?

    Maybe you're "different" though,for me that would be the kindest way to describe you!

  5. Surely we don't have the house misogynist pretending to be one of the western women he hates - I know there are some sick people around but .. surely not that sick?

    You're way off the mark old man,I'm in my forties and if she doesn't have issues then I am Humphrey Bogart!

    I just don't look,dress or act like a dinosaur like you,that's why I have no problem attracting hot 20-somethings and 30-somethings aren't even fair game for me,just too easy!

  6. It's very simple,ALL Western women are taught from a very young age to denigrate their partners,they get together with friends from school to make fun of their boyfriends,dicsuss every aspect of their sex life,size of the male's member,or any imperfections with any part of him etc!

    They grow up thinking that it is right to see their partner as a 2nd class citizen and it is all a game of control to them,that is exactly why NO Western women will ever come out on top of an Asian girl.Asian society is old-fashioned and girls are taught to have respect for their partner and provider,this is something that is long lost in the West

    It's perfectly acceptable and even funny for a Western women to use violence on their partner or husband but woe betide any husband who uses it back,they are a monster despite the fact that many time it's the women that brings it into the relationship in the first place,what does she expect?

    It's all skewed towards the female getting everything she could possibly want,while growing fat and lazy,plus treating the partner more like a dog than a human being.Women are congratulated for getting house and money from men during breakups,even for using children as a weapon and denying access,plus poisoning the children's minds against their own Father!

    Is it any wonder that these same women haver a very hard time holding onto their man once they arrive in Asia,I think not!Is it any surprise that most Western woman become invisible as soon as they step off the plane to most Western men living in Asia,again no!

    It's nothing to do with the men not being able to hold down a relationship or find a suitable partner in the West,it's the fact that the man has seen the light and there is no going back.Fool yourselves as much as you like all Western women reading this thread but you cannot compete as your Western upbringing has sadly left you trailing in the dust,at being a caring and compassionate partner compared to your average Asian girl!

    Deny it,remove my post,do whatever you like but I guarantee you this is what 99% of guys on this forum think,as for the other 1% I feel sorry for them but there's still hope,at least they are here in Asia so it's a start!

    ..jeez..that is seriously messed up. You either have had some truly shocking experiences, have watched way too many Jerry Springer shows, or are on something thats rotting your brain.

    Ah yes,denial,it's a wonderful thing isn't it?

    Aren't you the one with the Farang boyfriend who has told you,without exception,that he is not at all interested in Thai or Asian women?

    I feel a bit sorry for your naivety and know I shouldn't laugh but come on,the oldest chestnut on the chestnut tree?


    I'm betting that when you're not around he likes Thai and Asian girls mak mak!Of course if you give him the third degree under a halogen lamp he will deny it till the cows come home!

    Why?He has to of course!whistling.gif

  7. Only this afternoon I had a Thai woman telling me she'd like a 'Farang' husband, she went on to extoll the virtues of 'Farang' men - I cautioned her that a significant proportion of foreign men coming to Thailand have serious women issues.

    Hardened Spanker has provided us with explicit details of what his women issues are. There are a few others in this thread who are not that far removed from his outlook.

    I feel sorry for any woman, Thai or otherwise who gets hooked up with guys holding the opinions such as those of HS.

    There's a reason why these guys are in Thailand, HS has told us why - but I don't think he really understands what it is he has told us.

    It's quite obviously been a long,long time since you were "in the game" as far as Farang women go anyway,probably around the time that your avatar was the latest thing in film!whistling.gif

    It's not the same case with me,I can still get 20-something girls back at home and certainly wouldn't pay to take some ageing 30-odd year old bargirl back to mine for a session of the Horizontal Mambo,you would have no choice.Maybe I've been too brutally honest in what I've said but who cares,it's just an anonymous forum that everyone gets banned from sooner or later anyway and comes back as fresh and as pure as the driven snow,so it's really no biggy,is it?

    Marriages are failing more and more in the Western world,to what do you attribute this,global warming?Maybe time to get your balding pate out of the sand and start to smell the coffee?

    I choose to live in Asia and I choose Asian women as they're far more attractive,feminine and compassionate than any Farang female I've ever met,I think you might find I'm not alone in my manner of thinking!

    • Like 2
  8. It's very simple,ALL Western women are taught from a very young age to denigrate their partners,they get together with friends from school to make fun of their boyfriends,dicsuss every aspect of their sex life,size of the male's member,or any imperfections with any part of him etc!

    They grow up thinking that it is right to see their partner as a 2nd class citizen and it is all a game of control to them,that is exactly why NO Western women will ever come out on top of an Asian girl.Asian society is old-fashioned and girls are taught to have respect for their partner and provider,this is something that is long lost in the West

    It's perfectly acceptable and even funny for a Western women to use violence on their partner or husband but woe betide any husband who uses it back,they are a monster despite the fact that many time it's the women that brings it into the relationship in the first place,what does she expect?

    It's all skewed towards the female getting everything she could possibly want,while growing fat and lazy,plus treating the partner more like a dog than a human being.Women are congratulated for getting house and money from men during breakups,even for using children as a weapon and denying access,plus poisoning the children's minds against their own Father!

    Is it any wonder that these same women haver a very hard time holding onto their man once they arrive in Asia,I think not!Is it any surprise that most Western woman become invisible as soon as they step off the plane to most Western men living in Asia,again no!

    It's nothing to do with the men not being able to hold down a relationship or find a suitable partner in the West,it's the fact that the man has seen the light and there is no going back.Fool yourselves as much as you like all Western women reading this thread but you cannot compete as your Western upbringing has sadly left you trailing in the dust,at being a caring and compassionate partner compared to your average Asian girl!

    Deny it,remove my post,do whatever you like but I guarantee you this is what 99% of guys on this forum think,as for the other 1% I feel sorry for them but there's still hope,at least they are here in Asia so it's a start!

    Its a brave or foolish man that would post the above on a public forum, such outpourings might normally be subject to the privilege of Doctor Patient confidentiality.

    Well take it as brave then my friend,as I'm certainly not foolish enough to want to ever put up with the debilitating exercise of dealing with a Farang partner or wife,who would?
    • Like 1
  9. uhm...Thai also say the same thing. It's just a little hurtful to see it coming out from a farang's mouth. But again as I've said before, any farangs with this kind of attitude or knowledge, they aren't really farang. They are Thai with abnormal pigmentation of skin and slightly diferent skull structure.

    Luk Kreung?whistling.gif

  10. It's very simple,ALL Western women are taught from a very young age to denigrate their partners,they get together with friends from school to make fun of their boyfriends,dicsuss every aspect of their sex life,size of the male's member,or any imperfections with any part of him etc!

    They grow up thinking that it is right to see their partner as a 2nd class citizen and it is all a game of control to them,that is exactly why NO Western women will ever come out on top of an Asian girl.Asian society is old-fashioned and girls are taught to have respect for their partner and provider,this is something that is long lost in the West

    It's perfectly acceptable and even funny for a Western women to use violence on their partner or husband but woe betide any husband who uses it back,they are a monster despite the fact that many time it's the women that brings it into the relationship in the first place,what does she expect?
    It's all skewed towards the female getting everything she could possibly want,while growing fat and lazy,plus treating the partner more like a dog than a human being.Women are congratulated for getting house and money from men during breakups,even for using children as a weapon and denying access,plus poisoning the children's minds against their own Father!
    Is it any wonder that these same women haver a very hard time holding onto their man once they arrive in Asia,I think not!Is it any surprise that most Western woman become invisible as soon as they step off the plane to most Western men living in Asia,again no!
    It's nothing to do with the men not being able to hold down a relationship or find a suitable partner in the West,it's the fact that the man has seen the light and there is no going back.Fool yourselves as much as you like all Western women reading this thread but you cannot compete as your Western upbringing has sadly left you trailing in the dust,at being a caring and compassionate partner compared to your average Asian girl!

    Deny it,remove my post,do whatever you like but I guarantee you this is what 99% of guys on this forum think,as for the other 1% I feel sorry for them but there's still hope,at least they are here in Asia so it's a start!

    • Like 1
  11. It is like ordering food. Just walk down any street lol. Maybe you should open you eyes and read if you want to comment. I said all the men committing suicide not me. I have never been happier. Just wanted an insight from losers like you.

    Ok, here's some insight. If you want to understand why people like your husband treat Thai women like food from a menu, then just go out and about in your little tourist ghetto island paradise and have a look what's on that menu. Then go and have a look at yourself. Maybe then you can figure it out.

    Another suggestion, if you are genuinely looking for insight, try forming full sentences that actually contain the meaning you are trying to articulate.

    You might also want to have a look on a map, engage your brain (that might require a change of meds) and realise that Phuket is a very small part of the country you happen to find yourself in, and that it is just possible that not every single woman in the country is on any menu, and that not every single foreign man in the country is a cheating scumbag like your ex husband.

    When I said "it's not like ordering food" I meant that my situation is nothing at all like that of your cheating husband, and I found your comment "If you're happy with Thai" extremely patronising and borderline racist.

    And "all the men committing suicide" I feel, after our little 'conversation' that I understand their mindset a little more now, so thank you for that.

    Please continue to be as happy as you are, I'm sure you deserve nothing less.

    Maybe your husband decided he wanted steak every night,instead of hamburger and who can blame him reading the above?whistling.gif

  12. There are two reasonably distinct celebrations of Xmas. One is clearly religious, and I wouldn't want to impose that on anyone else.

    The other is quite definitely a secular Xmas, and involves things like Santa, trees, decorations, and even the traditional carols.

    As long as the Thai celebration is of the latter form of Xmas, I don't think it's an imposition at all.

    I'm a confirmed atheist, but don't take offence if someone wishes me a Merry Xmas, or Happy Hannakuh, or Riotous Ramadan, or whatever. I might even wish them the same in return.

    So, Merry Xmas (secular) to everyone here.

    Agree for the most part in what your saying but the basis of Christmas is religious the name of the holiday is kinda a give away "Christ" and incidently the holiday itself was stolen from one of the Roman pagan gods

    Traditional carols are hardly secular, go and have a look at the words to silent night.....there is a verse relating to a virgin who is up the the duff LOL

    Actually you're wrong!It pre-dates Rome and Christianity by thousands of years and was originally a a Pagan festival,to celebrate the Winter Solstice,the shortest day of the year and therefore the "re-birth" of the sun!
  13. 3 baht plus to the euro and if you take the months before that it dropped even more. That is almost 10% or more against the euro.

    If the Thai baht were measured against the Euro....... But it's not. It is measured against the dollar and has barely moved one baht. This thread is a sham, scam, or whatever you want to call it. A one baht movement means that the chairman of the Fed blew his nose or some such other economic indicator. The rest is nonsense.

    It's actually measured like all currencies against the majors,or major hard currencies trading the Interbanks Foreign Exchange Market,of which it is not one.

    And if you think Ben Bernanke stepping down in January plus the Fed turning off the taps,in the biggest financial crisis the World's ever seen is a sneeze,I'd like to reliably inform you that you have no business whatsoever commenting on such matters!

    No you missed my point or didn't read my post. I said the chairman of the FED sneezing. Just a sneeze not cutting off anything. The FED is watched so closely that a sneeze could move a currency one baht. If the FED were to make changes it could effect the baht far more than a few people in the streets and far more than the minor move of 1 baht in 60 days.

    PS The baht in this thread and article is measured against the US dollar. Quoting the OP, "The baht yesterday opened at 32.69-32.71 per US dollar before weakening to 32.75,"

    IF the Fed were to make changes?

    They've just started to taper the quantitative easing that has been bailing the markets out for the last 5 years,do you honestly not realise the significance of this?blink.png

    Do you not realise that all the markets are at record highs because they are all effectively standing on a chair and the Fed is just about to kick that chair away?w00t.gif

    Why do you think they are "only" tapering by 10 billion dollars at a time,if they stopped altogether we would end up back in the Stone Age,believe me!If there is any overly adverse effects on the markets they will raise it to above 100 billion,something they were originally going to do at the start of the so-called "taper"!You say this has no significant effect on the markets?

    Words fail me...

  14. Maybe the investors are afraid of some new and costly election promises by the man in Dubai and his clone underminig the already stressed budget whistling.gif

    2 months move 1 baht. How afraid is that?

    3 baht plus to the euro and if you take the months before that it dropped even more. That is almost 10% or more against the euro.

    If the Thai baht were measured against the Euro....... But it's not. It is measured against the dollar and has barely moved one baht. This thread is a sham, scam, or whatever you want to call it. A one baht movement means that the chairman of the Fed blew his nose or some such other economic indicator. The rest is nonsense.

    It's actually measured like all currencies against the majors,or major hard currencies trading the Interbanks Foreign Exchange Market,of which it is not one.

    And if you think Ben Bernanke stepping down in January plus the Fed turning off the taps,in the biggest financial crisis the World's ever seen is a sneeze,I'd like to reliably inform you that you have no business whatsoever commenting on such matters!

  15. It's depressingly predictable that the "Farang Buddhists" are up in arms here,people that just convert to Buddhism to curry favour and increase their standing within the local Thai community!19x19xbah.gif.pagespeed.ic.l9zPefr-9w.we width=19 alt=bah.gif pagespeed_url_hash=4274630315>

    They have no sympathy whatsoever and that is exactly why these frauds are NOTHING to do with Buddhism in any way,shape or form.No wonder the Thais refuse them entry to the big,important festivals as they can see right through these snake-oil salesmen,as clearly as looking out of the kitchen window!

    If anything they're even worse than the average Farang,with their over developed and oversensitive sense of importance and entitlement,loathe doesn't even come close to how I feel about these shady,great-pretender types!


    Why hasn't anyone here offered to take this man into their home in his time of need during this holiday season? I am out of the country otherwise I would love to have him over for Christmas dinner and give him a warm bed to sleep in until he figures out his life and the next move.

    If it was just for the holiday season fair enough but we all know it won't be,you'll end up having to throw the guy out physically and who knows what he might steal out of desperation?

    Generally the people you help out turn on you and despise you for doing it!


    Landing at Don Muang Airport..........the point I'd made,which went right over your head is that I'm not the one pretending to be a sympathetic,love-thy-neighbour,do-no-man-or-creature-any-harm,bleeding heart,fake Farang Buddhist!rolleyes.gif

  16. Nope,no Bintang in Thailand!You know that Bintang means Star in Bahasa and the Red Star is the logo of the Heineken Brewery,right?
    Why would Heineken compete against themselves?It's only produced in Indonesia as it was the Dutch East Indies,a colony beforehand.

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