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marko kok prong

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Posts posted by marko kok prong

  1. 7 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

    Sort of hoists Trump haters on their own petard..look, Biden is winning! Oh that poll that shows Trumps approval rating is a lie.


    If you have watched Bidens recent interviews on TV, you have seen a man that is rapidly mentally declining.


    And then we get to...why hasnt he resigned yet? He is being accused of sexual misconduct. And by the standards of his party, his accuser is entitled to belief. 



    Oh and personally I dont think he should resign. My position on claims like this is "prove it". But thats not Bidens position. Preumption of beleif.


    If Biden apologizes to Justice Kavanaugh, I would consider voting for him.

    Article by Arwa Madawhi,a man hating ,feminist lesbian with an agenda,c'mon man you give her credence.

    • Haha 2
  2. 4 hours ago, Pedrogaz said:

    Keep them on the ocean and throw the bodies overboard until the epidemic on the ship is done. You enlist, you offer your life for your citizens....so instead of coming back and infecting more people man up sit it out. The virus has very low mortality among young fir people but is deadly to the elderly. 

    Captain Crozier, you are a disgrace.

    Bit harsh old chap,see your point,but surely another solution can be found.

  3. 2 hours ago, ukrules said:

    Let me get this straight - they're going around everywhere and speaking to everyone during a pandemic....isn't that one way to spread it far and wide?


    I'm not in Phuket but I'm not welcoming any visitors at the moment as I don't want to bring the virus to my doorstep.


    If they come here the gas mask (the proper one) and goggles will go on before I approach them.

    I have a sign on my gate,in English and Thai,meetings by appointment only,help's keep the riff raff away,i mean it's a rural area i certainley don't want peasants knocking on my door,damn them.

    • Haha 2
  4. 7 hours ago, Chazar said:

    lies lies and more  lies, nothing to do with crop  burning just  like  by me..............lightning strike  no  doubt


    Nice one,looks like the fields out the back of my house,but as it got out of control here there is no brown anywhere,the guy burned everyones paddocks ,tree's went up,a rest hut burnt down,eventually my neighbour called the fire brigade,the farmer had gone off to lunch not a care in the world.

    • Like 2
  5. Makes me happy i live were i do okay it maybe dashed hot up here,but we live about a klick and a half outside our town,in a quiet cul de sac,4 falang houses and 1 thai chap who is a pretty nice guy never makes any noise,does make charcoal sometimes,but rarely,countryside all around,very nice place to sit this out and most importantly very quiet,that alone is worth a lot in Thailand some evenings sitting outside,you could think you were back in Aussie.

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Saltire said:

    Surprisingly since I moved to Thailand from Cambodia 3 years ago, my personal alcohol consumption has dropped from 'a lot' to almost zero, so this doesn't bother me though I ask, what's the point?


    However my rural village are not going to be happy about this. From day 1 here i could not help notice the amount of Lao Khao consumed pretty much 24/7. Many residents are permanently drunk, on my morning walks there would be several invites to join a group 'breakfast-drinking'. I asked one small shopkeeper if the village had a problem with hangovers, answer 'No, never stop drink, never have hangover'


    My first wife died from alcoholism at age 48, a few years after we divorced. When the poo yai broadcasts local deaths, he actually says 'cause of death - too much Lao Khao'.


    Maybe do some people good if they can't drink for a few weeks.

    Jeez,that Lao khao you could run a 2 stroke motorsai on it,same when i used to live in a village one guy would come to my ex wife's shop and down a mi50 bottle of it before work,then about 5pm he would come and buy a regular bottle,his wife did not like it ,so he used to go and hide in the banana trees and sup it there.

  7. 15 hours ago, steven100 said:

    possible not most, but some posters do, so how can one have criticism about a country when they don't even reside there. I've caught a couple out already.

    OOH,Steven,maybe your tv forums ,pi like magnum,so you've caught a couple already have you,ooh, good for you,for your info i have lived here for 8 years STeven [noticed i used how a thai may say your name] no doubt your an awfully clever chap,i wish you luck on uncovering your third poster who post's from outside Thailand also,if you need a tan raincoat i have a box full of them and hat's to match,just in case you need them on your investigations.

    • Sad 1
  8. 2 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


    You mean the chappy who raised $127 million for famine relief in Africa with Live Aid and another $44 million from the Band Aid single... 



    Really marko, I’m not targeting you, but the last 3 threads I have opened up you have outdone yourself with some galactically asinine comments...  Props to you... many struggle to come with such provocatively dumb comments. 

    That's why ya love me,c'mon man admit it,no shame in it.

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