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marko kok prong

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Posts posted by marko kok prong

  1. 7 hours ago, Thailand said:

    The biting of the bum has started. Bound to happen, the military govt can no longer continue to justify their manufactured figures. These extreme measures pretty much confirm that it is going to get much worse.

    Agree,with the paltry amount of testing,figures must be higher,deaths can be struck off as something else,look at the road deaths,not counted if you die later in hospital,they have to get serious here,everything should close except for food shops ,pharmacies and essential services,sure a lot of people will go broke,but money ain,t much good if your dead.

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  2. My g/f uncle just died of cancer,so they will have the gan sop for 4 days then burning,people are coming from all over so as she is looking after Mum for a few days i asked here to leave it coming back for 7-10 days after the funeral,she is 40 and in good health i am 55 and not,a perfectly reasonable request one would have thought,que a rant down the phone of Herculean proportions,from her,plenty of swearing ect,i hope you die ect,obvouisly she has been on the sauce again,in the end unable to talk sense i ended the call,just show's how serious she is taking it,the Gan sop is supposed to be 20 people,you think that will happen?Thai people have to wake up to the fact that life cannot go on just as normal,that includes funerals,no doubt i will get hammered now by the i am more Thai than Thai brigade,well bring it on.

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  3. 1 hour ago, rwill said:

    Went to the local BigC yesterday in Ratchaburi.  Everything was pretty stocked up.  About 1/2 the store was closed off for shopping.  Clothes, electronics, toys, bedding, auto, school supplies, sports etc depts. were off limits.  They said it was government orders.

    Can you still get batteries my g/f needs them for her,er,shaver

    • Haha 2
  4. 17 hours ago, tweedledee2 said:

    Does Peter have any free time? I appears there's a pandemic sweeping though TV. 

    No dash it ,you think i am paying him to loll around,he gets a half day on sunday,actually  today i gave him a full day off the cad,as he was complaining his wounds from the cat'o' nine tails he forced  me to use after spying on my g'f naked in the pool,i pushed him in the other day,how he howled,told him to toughen up,salt water and chlorine will help em heal,he threw the hump,hence not showing up to pour evening drinks,by jove,i told him in no unclear terms this was most unsatisfactory,you just can't get the staff these days.

    • Haha 2
  5. 18 hours ago, digger70 said:

    What's wrong with you people .I start at 4 Am , Have me toilet break and coffee and take a hand full of Meds god knows they might work. Then take the Dog for a walk and his Toilet break. when I come back I have some more coffee and muck around in the veg garden un till the Gf calls me for a cooked break fast after  that taking an Big Toilet break and walk the dog Again. when back, back in the Garden till 10/11 Am Then Relax with a n other coffee and finish with a nice shower and waiting for Lunch. After lunch Relax for a while maybe a NaNa Nap /Movie .After that Walk the dog and some more coffee snd a snack than more mucking around in the garden and the Lawn Feww busy all the time .No rest for the wicket. then have a few or more  beers and wait for a cooked dinner   :burp:

    Gor blimey that dog must be exhausted

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