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marko kok prong

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Posts posted by marko kok prong

  1. Be very careful of gabapentin if you have Tinitus[ ringing or whistling in the ears] i do but at a low enough level i can usually ignore it,however when i took gabapentin  it increased to an unbearable level,i could barely hear anyone talk.the only solution that night for sleep was to get so drunk i never made it to the bed,but collapsed in a drooling mess on the floor,it took a good 36 hours to leave my system so just a warning to any Tinitus suffers,sorry to go off topic a bit Cyril.

  2. 15 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

    Maybe it is time to consider switching to sustainable   plants best able to  survive under these types of conditions.

    Most of them are,it's mainly the potted plants around the pool that suffer,must say the yucca's are enjoying the hot dry weather,most of the palms and mangoes okay,only a few that need constant water,as for the lawn,great if you like burnt brown,but no way am i watering that,it will have to wait for the wet season.

  3. 1 hour ago, eisfeld said:

    That was a good idea. Mind telling how much that cost?


    It's completely ridicolous that Phuket as one of the main tourist destinations cannot supply essentials like water to its residents. And this problem has been going on for how many years? The only way to explain it is to assume those who profit have a say.

    Yes ,the charged me a flat rate of 15,000 baht for drilling,some charge by the metre,so this considering they went 52 metres was an excellent deal,i had to buy all the pipes ,submersible pump ect,which they put in.They found water at 22 metre but the boss was not satisfied so they drilled another 30,and hit what my gf described as the eye of the water,which i took to mean a large artesian deposit,all up about 26/27,000 baht,crystal clear water unlike the town water which stank and was a dirty brown. One tip remove the ballcock from your tank,takes forever to fill and if you forget and the bore is running and the ballcock shuts off the flow you will burn out the pump,also run the bore at about one hour periods then have a break,this allows water to fill the pipe again,leave for an hour or so then you can pump again.

  4. 1 hour ago, NoBrainer said:

    In the Philippines Almost every security guard is packing at least a shotgun, and often much more.

    When you got to convenience store there, you always see armed guard(s) in the front of the stores.


    Seems to work well there, armed robberies are fairly rare.

    For sure,i saw one at a burger outlet and a sign,'Thieves will get a lead burger'

    • Haha 1
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