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marko kok prong

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Posts posted by marko kok prong

  1. 3 hours ago, stouricks said:

    So you must have been in the 10% of the areas for which rain is forecast. For the other 90%, same as usual....drought.

    Last night had about 20 mins of rain not heavy,town itself recorded 4.9 mm,but i am about a cliick and a half out i dont think we got that much,irony was i had just watered the garden. I had a bore put in about a week ago he went down 50 metre,and according to my girlfriend found the 'eye of the water' which i take to mean he found a substansial artesian supply down there.

  2. They should do as Australia and NZ have done,no one allowed in except Thai nationals or residents,this should include expats who live here but maybe overseas.They really have to start getting serious ,of course difficult with TAT whispering in their ears,30milliom tourists this year,they as usual in their state of delusion and self denial,be lucky if they get 30,and why would you want to come,just about everything is shut down,i was just in Pattaya doing my visa,not one taxi would use a meter,even a baht bus charged us a hundred baht for a short trip,then the day before they left they closed all bars,only one that serve food allowed open,but i have now heard that you can't sit in them and drink,have to eat have a drink with meal then leave.

  3. 4 hours ago, 007 RED said:

    I’m sure that with 20 years experience in pest control you know what your about.  But your knowledge of the potential side affects of Pyrethrum appear to be somewhat limited.


    From the video it can be clearly seen that the 'volunteer' spays whatever into the face of the 'willing victim', so there is a high chance that the person will inhale/swallow whatever is being sprayed.   If the liquid being sprayed does contain pyrethrum, then I think there are grounds for concern.


    Source:  US Environmental Protection Agency


    Warning: Inhaling pyrethrum, on the other hand, is a more serious risk. Individual responses to inhaling pyrethrum insecticides vary, but inhaling pyrethrum can result in difficulty breathing, sneezing, nasal irritation, headache, nausea, swelling and flushing of the face, loss of coordination, tremors, convulsions, and a burning or itching sensation. Pyrethrum has a low chronic toxicity overall for humans, and the most common problem associated with contact or inhalation result from allergic responses.


    Obviously the reaction which an individual will suffer will depend upon the concentration of the liquid that is being sprayed into their face. 

    Allergic responses but agree not a good idea to inhale,or spray on to your skin.

    • Thanks 1
  4. It is quite obvious to me that the Neferious insectoid rulers of planet Klendathu have sent this here,in another of their insidous attempts to bring us under their hideous insectoid rule. Trump let's get that space force up and running,train up some Starship troopers and hit them where it hurts don't forget Jonny Rico,and as i am volunteering,Johnnie Walker too.

  5. 3 hours ago, keith101 said:

    Did this company supply maps of prohibited areas where he could not drop anchor and if not they should also receive bigger fines .

    Good question,if not how could the chap know,but of course on the other side,if the water was clear,he should have looked and possibly seen corals,murky water,how could he tell? I agree the company should provide all relevant info,but hey this is Thailand.

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