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marko kok prong

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Posts posted by marko kok prong

  1. Absolutley hammered down in wichianburi last night,my back yard under water,had to drain water from pool as it nearly overflowed,40 ml say the official stats but as the station is on the other side of town,and we are about 1.5 clicks east out of town my homemade gauge had 65 or so,no watering for a few days,and hot again today am expecting another round tonight.

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  2. 12 minutes ago, seajae said:

    all this does is show the total inability of the so called generals and that experience/leadership is not part of the reason for promotion, for one of them to allow these people to over ride his authority shows he should never have been inn leadership, probably similar to many others in the ranks. One would hope this idiot is dragged over the coals and severely reprimanded as well as demoted, never to achieve a higher rank again but being Thailand he will get away with it so he doesnt lose face

    Yea,imagine them in a war,-white flag goes up at 12 ' can we stop fighting ,we need to eat,then have a snooze,would 3pm suit you to restart' no wonder they have won one battle in their whole history.

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  3. 3 hours ago, unamazedloso said:

    anal probe i hope!!

    Well there must be a veritable plethora of strap on's and <deleted>'s available now all the working girls have returned home,i am sure an appeal would garner many,i think personally the black 10 incher should do the job - DISCLAIMER- i have only ever seen these for sale on Sukhmvit rb,Bangkok ,i have no personal experience of them.

  4. 28 minutes ago, jak2002003 said:

    Yes that is true, but your Thai ladies will not be having to go to immigration every 90 days for the rest of their lives, or each year to renew their visa, with a constantly changing and seeming endless list of documents and copies of stuff that is not needs as the info is all on immigration computer anyway. 


    The good ladies would also not be crammed up in over crowded hot immigration offices for hours on end when there is a serious disease outbreak when people are supposed to be staying at home and also using social distancing to prevent the spread of a deadly virus.  I suspect they don't have to take their landlords and property owners along with them either, or photos of themselves outside, and inside their home.  



    Why do you have to go to to the office every 90 days,post it,do online,or use an agent,try using a bit of initiative.

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    • Haha 1
  5. Rooster do you not have a pool at your condo,or is it closed? At least then you could have a swim,but i guess they would have closed it. Mine is still open but i don't live in a condo,mind you it full of leaves and other assorted things after the massive storm we had last night,welcome though it was,entire back garden under water,this morning all gone.Looks like i will have to get the mower out next week,downside to everything. Good column by the way.

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  6. My friend in the uk went to get one of these he had too meet 2 women in the woods at midnight! They had a cauldron he listend before he approached, "eye of toad,blood of kitten,slpeen of snake,by covid thou won't be smitten" gulping he approached,they repeated the mantra to him,adding he should tug one off when he got home.

     He followed the instructions ,he has now had an erection for 4 days. So yes be careful.

    • Haha 2
  7. I came up with a cunning plan,i took a curtain from my outside storage room, this is a proper room, my ex wife's retard of a son was going to live i there,now it basically for tools and other things i store,i erected this over the arched doorway to the north wing of the house,that is not used unless my g'f s, lovely 19 year old daughter comes to stay[she is at uni],this has stopped the cool air from the a/c floating up there,and made the main room which is large i grant you a lot cooler,also close curtains and blinds to the west of the house after about 1pm,we used to do this in oz, keeps the house cooler,one disadvantage,very dark inside,hurts the eyes as they adjust when you come in from outside also,if you stay in the a'c it makes it worse if you go outside,i only go out a present for a dip in the pool and a smoke.

  8. 16 hours ago, HappyinNE said:

    Dr Khajornsak Kaewjaras  needs to go back and retake Chemistry.  Ethanol is what is in "alcoholic drinks".  Beer, Gin, Vodka, Bourbon, Scotch etc.


    My experience is drinking since about 1952 and graduating with a BS in Chemistry from University of Washington in Seattle in 1961.

    Yes methanol is the dangerous one,still i would not fancy downing a bottle of that blue alcohol.

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