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marko kok prong

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Posts posted by marko kok prong

  1. Yes she is quite domineering and even though small very strong,she works out a lot a few weeks back she got drunk[ not uncommon] we had an argument she used her muay thai skills on me flooring me and repeatedly kicking me in the head,then leaping on me and punching me,my mate dragged her off ,she smashed a bottle and glassed him with it insect screen were ripped off,all sorts of chaos luckily my nieghbour heard the fraca's and she came over and took her off to her house,of course she was sorry the next day,and went to the temple for a week i have heard about thai girls going crazy but this was the first time i really experienced it. Anyway i have kicked the idea into touch as i would have to shave my beard,also i am worried about some of the men.

    • Haha 1
  2. 1 hour ago, hotchilli said:

    Complete garbage, the government can stop it under health laws if they so wished.

    Anyone splashing water on anyone else could be deemed to be aiding in the spread of the virus!!

    I just noticed, in Japan the famous "Sumo" wrestling that takes place on alternate months, 6 tournaments each year with 15 days each tournament, have "March" for the first time in over 1,000 years of history banned spectators from attending.. that's a huge loss of revenue..   but health seems to take precedence over profit!

    Italy have just announced a nationwide lock down, while in LOS

    Thailands attitude.. ohhh we can't stop peoples fun.

    Agree,Italy has a nation wide lock down,no football,no gyms open weddings ,funearals everything closed,turn of the water simple,especially as we are in the worst drought in 40 years. Were i live the Ampur has cancelled all activities have closed bars[the few there are] even my mate may have too close his water park, a big blow for him as this is his most profitable time of year.

  3. so i am going to Pattaya next week,to get my visa done,my girl loves dressing me up,she wants to take me out dressed as a woman! If i was 25 i could do it but i am 55, i am not fat,and she has already got me dresses ,shoes ect, but i am not so keen ,what if a russian thug wants to punch me out,while not adverse to the idea i think i am to old and bloody hell you get hot wearing a wig, i guess i could always go the Dick Emery route 'oh you are awful, but i like you' and thump them with a handbag, any thoughts?

    • Confused 2
    • Sad 4
    • Haha 1
  4. 5 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    That reminds me about my recent email when I made an appointment for my motorcycle inspection (which is still under warranty).

    I told them I also want also the brake fluid changed which is optional at that inspection. And I asked for the estimated cost.

    The manager who I contacted asked me if I also want additional service like lubricating the chain.


    As an answer I sent him the long list from the manual what should be done on that inspection.

    It seems he was not familiar with that list.


    So much about preventive maintenance... 

    I would have thought my freind you would have done the lube job yourself,what you got there an industrail amount of lube according to your latest figures.

    • Confused 1
  5. 48 minutes ago, NCC1701A said:

    every month around the full moon i get really crazy and angry. 


    Yes i had to stifle the urge to howl at the moon last night. i went for a mental health check in Bangkok,the Doc said i was fine ,' it's not you it's all the others" he said as i left, gesturing at the waiting room,some in straight jackets ,some in corners rocking back and forth,one eating a stuffed toy, i have to say i was most relieved.

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