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marko kok prong

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Posts posted by marko kok prong

  1. 26 minutes ago, phantomfiddler said:

    In my opinion glass top coffee tables should be illegal, having had one tenant die from blood loss after falling through one, and other not so tragic accidents. Now I use strong plastic sheetrock, easily worked to shape, not expensive, and no need to worry about drunks falling and getting seriously injured ????

    Exactly why i don't have any damn dangerous idea. All my tables are wood.

  2. Seems to vary depending on which office my local one love it,cos they fine you regardless saying they never got it,or the report if you do it at the police station does not count,no one ever gets a reciept ,thats why i am going to Pattaya through an agent will cost only slightly more as i have money in bank,4 times i have been to change my address at my local immigration yet the letters still go back to my old adress!

  3. Tragic accident,poor young girl,sick of all the experts on here she should have done this,that and the other,sometimes we as human just react,obviously she did.nt think oh i i get the bottle the backpack will tip me over the edge. Look once in India i was hiking in the mountains just me and a beautful swedish girl,we came to a cliff but found away around,on top,we bathed in the small creek,which cascaded majestically over the cliff erosion from the water had formed a sort of lip of rock that protruded out,showing off i guess i scrambled to the edge of this and looked down probably 150 metres to see where the water landed this lip of rock may never have born a human before it could so easily of cracked,sending me to my doom,it was not until an hour later when we stopped and she burst into tears,i inquired why comforting her,she told me she was so scared the rock would crack it hit me then how stupid i had been,see often we act especially when younger without thinking of the potential dangers.

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