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marko kok prong

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Posts posted by marko kok prong

  1. 10 minutes ago, NCC1701A said:

    that is why i strive for 100%. there is no reference point for comparison.

    I must say the POTUS seem's to be and expert on everything,wind farms,The Taliban,coronavirus, even mundane things like his rambling speech about low water pressure in faucets and showers,he seemed to loose his thread on that one mumbling about dripping showers,i guess that maybe one thing he has no expertise in dripping showers?

  2. They are turning off the city water where i live because of the drought ,we have only just got a trickle back where i live about 1.5 km out of town due to drought,we only get that for a few hours morning and evening,the last 3 weeks nothing had to call water trucks. Of course a lot of people have bores so rather than thinking lets save our bore water knowing Thai's they will happily use it and literally throw part of their supply down the drain. To be honest i couldnt give a fig as i stay in for 4/5 days over Songkran anyway.

  3. 1 hour ago, Susco said:

    Well, if you don't know the difference between a face mask and a respirator, then I guess providing a source is a waste of time.


    Try this one for a change


    What is a face mask?

    A face mask is a loose-fitting mask that covers the nose and mouth area. They have two ear loops that stretch around the ears to hold the mask in place. Face masks are designed to be used as one-way protection only, only capturing large particles or droplets from the wearer and preventing them from being spread to the environment. They are typically used to prevent the spread of common colds and the flu. Contrary to belief, face masks do not protect the wearer at all. Typically, most face masks do not have any protection factor assigned to them and are not NIOSH (National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health)-approved apparatuses.

    What is a respirator?

    A respirator is a tight-fitting mask that creates a facial seal. Each respirator, when used properly, will create a facial seal that will provide two-way protection, filtering the air entering and exiting the wearer at a level of efficiency designated by the respirator or filter/cartridge (half-face and full-face). Respirators come in three distinct categories:

    Yes,a respirator i what i used to wear doing pest control back in oz,green a filter at either side and moulded rubber/latex,stops dust,gasses ect just about anything some of the pesticides i used stunk but with the mask on could smell nothing. Drawbacks are they are awfully hot and sweaty,very unpleasant if you cough and sneeze in one and filters are expensive and need to be regularly replaced.

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