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marko kok prong

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Posts posted by marko kok prong

  1. Sometimes i get bored,i make up little stories and talk to myself when i am in the pool here's an excerpt from my latest

    'is Daddy coming back from the war soon Mummy'

    "oh yes once he has given those nasty chaps a punch on the nose' [i left out any mention of nationality as not to offend]

    'are they very naughty Mummy and nasty'

    'oh yes they're too awful' 'will Daddy be back for Christmas mummy'

    'well Mr Churchill says so"

    And so on, my girlfriend just looks at me as if i am weird or something

    • Haha 2
  2. 2 hours ago, colinneil said:

    Not really the case?

    Please explain what on earth you are on about.

    They should have made provision for when times get tough.

    When have you ever seen a Thai do anything for the future, never, today is all most care about.

    Totally agree Colin,reminds me of my first wife's now dead sister " if i had big money like you i spend it all" and what of tommrow i asked "my pen rai" she replied

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  3. 5 minutes ago, NoBrainer said:

    Forget tourism, this would seem to be great news for Australians. After all, who really wants to live in a cold country?


    People from cold countries all over the world flock to warmer climates every chance they get. You think all those people living in Siberia wouldn't trade Australias summers for their unrelenting winters? They would do it in a heartbeat.


    All this Climat Change & Global Heating, is all just a fantasy, invented by the left wing nutcases, in order to sell you more fear, and fleece you of your hard earned money.

    The earth is a self cleaning ecosystem, and mans activities make zero difference to what is going on, in that system. in another 50 million years, the earth will be the same, no matter what humans think or do. Just as it has been the same for the last four thousand million years.


    Siberia and the Artic are some of the fastest warming parts of the world.

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