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marko kok prong

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Posts posted by marko kok prong

  1. On 12/25/2019 at 7:42 PM, JFK39 said:

    Thank you all for the help/ banter i understand how thai girls are she seemed different but appears not life goes on, It's not like i paused my life for her or anything i just thought if it's too good to be true then it is. I'm still meeting and hooking up with people in the uk so i'm not one of those sad people who get hooked on these girls are throw cash at them I'm 28 who's not bad looking and muscular built so she wont be the last one


    Again thanks everyone for input (l)

    Mate,if you are as you say,why worry about a Thai girl,sure they are exotic and very open to sex,but at your age look for and English bird,if there are any left there that are not obese.I have had 2 wives here,countless girlfriends, the one i am with now seems okay,great in bed,good fun,great housewife and cook,but i have learnt things change,if a better offer came along i think she would be off more than likely,mind that can happen anywhere,aaah,women!

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  2. On 12/24/2019 at 8:34 PM, ChasingTheSun said:

    Would you want to seriously date a woman working as a “guest-entertainer“ in a bar in the UK? Too many red flags right? 


    However, if you are looking to try To find a serious relationship with much fewer red flag warning signs, there are literally millions of other single Thai women who dont work as “guest-entertainers” in bars(or in massage shops), many of whom I suspect may be better candidates for a serious relationship.

    Yes like the idiot who suggested to me when i posted sometime ago on a dilemma i was facing to get a 'Temple girl" which in 8 years here i have never heard of,and women who go to the temple,do not go to be chatted up by falangs.

  3. I had money transferred bank to bank from Uk to Krung thai,on around 16th dec,a large sum,so far it has not appeared in my account,have not had a problem before,but this is most worrying,of course i can do nothing until 30th jan when my lawyer returns to work as her company arranged it but i don't know which Uk bank they used,my biggest fear is it has been stolen,by hackers,or a bank employee,not unknown here.

    • Confused 2
  4. The situation is getting bad here in Wichianburi,phetchabun province,the Pasak river is now a series of pools,there is zero flow ,this usually does not occur until beginning of feb, many of the ponds around are dry,water has already started to become cloudy,i may be forced to dig a bore well this year,and after a week of cooler weather it is not back to 36c,global warming i think.While we had less rain than normal this wet season,i look at the rainfall figures on the gov met site,some places got only 500mm,that is starting to verge on  an arid climate.

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