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marko kok prong

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Posts posted by marko kok prong

  1. I have heard the cry of a mermaid,when i was an able seamen,on a pearl clipper off the coast of cappadocia,half the young crew dived off,to the small island,we came in close,too close for my liking,as there were reefs and shoals,the Cap'n,sent out a small boat,to return the miscreants,as we could here moan's of ,how could one say carnal pleasure issuing from the isle,the boat finally made it ashore,but alas the seamen had been turned ,into things resembling large mackerel,some of the greeks aboard wanted to eat them,the bosun,and first mate struck them down with battens,a horrific episode, we sailed away with ears full of cotton wool,lest anyone else was tempted to such a horrific end. Yes they may have pleasures unbounded,rather like a Thai woman,but at least they don't turn you into fish!

  2. 3 minutes ago, Scot123 said:

    Mr 55 my advice is to look for a more friendly country to get old in. In the last 12 months there has been several major headaches for expats embassy income letters, 800k in bank account, TM 30/60 etc "or whatever it is" immigration police on mass turning up at your doo and this health insurance scam oh and let's not forget the magical baht that rises regardless of fiscal events like coups or shutting the country down for 3 moths, 70% of foreign companies leaving the country it keeps on rising. 

    I would be thinking about what next.... Another coup most likely sooner rather than latter and this one maybe very bloody as 2 military factions fight it out for the golden goose. 

    Have been thinking of going back to Europe,but God,that would be the 3rd time i have shifted my whole life,plus i have two houses here,lord not sure what to do.

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  3. 2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    You must be born lucky. I've had multitudes of problems in LOS with Thai people from con men to the travel agent wouldn't let my THAI GF on a bus.

    I've been insulted, ignored, gossiped about, exploited, treated like dirt, ripped off, had rockets fired at me, been abandoned at railway stations, lied to, had food poisoning from an expensive restaurant, severely injured by an idiot m'bike rider, nearly killed more times that I can remember while driving, property stolen by relatives, not had loans repaid, never thanked for anything I did to help relatives. I'm sure there are more but that's enough to be going on.

    Sadly, that's pretty normal in my life, wherever I am. 

    I have some advice,one from the great band Crowded House 'everywhere you go,you alway's take the weather with you" the second part is "Better call Saul"

  4. 11 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

    Unfortunately this article gives the wrong impression -- that approved insurance is available at age 85 and also that there is an option to self insure with 500k. Neither is currently  the case.


    "  we will literally be thrown out at the age of 85 because we are unable to pay for health insurance costing B300,000 a year or deposit almost half a million baht in a bank account until we are on our deathbed."


    There are no approved policies that will insure past the age of 75 and no option for money in the bank in lieu of insurance has been given.


    There is also the question of whether the police order applies to this couple who are already here  at all, of course; that is still being sorted out. 


    But I hate to see an opportunity missed to  highlight that what TI issued does not meet what the MoPH announced previously. Sounds like they wrote this either before, or without reading, the Police Order.

    Sheryl,i have a few mil in the bank,so would that make me okay,it's all very confusing,i mean i can cover all med expenses as i have more overseas i am starting to get the feeling they just don't want us here,the tm30,stuff now this,i mean i am 55 do you think i should do something now re insurance?

    • Sad 1
  5. 1 minute ago, Scot123 said:

    Lol! Do you honestly think that will be true in the weeks and months that follow plus there is the gray area of interpretation at different immigration offices throughout Thailand. It is the wait and see attitude that wear's people down. When the dust from this finally settles it may cost Thailand so much that its scrapped or becomes another misunderstanding but my guess from experience is it will quickly spread a cross all long term visas including renewals. What will next year bring expats? That is the real question!!!!! 

    Scot123,i reckon a brown envelope will get you over the line.

    • Haha 2
  6. 7 hours ago, owl sees all said:

    Great post again. I'm learning so much.


    I've heard it said that collecting a mature ladies urine first thing in the morning and smearing it on a man's bald head can promote hair growth. Any thoughts on that Marko?

    Owl i have a full head of hair so i am sorry i can't help on this one.

  7. Mate,,the op,i got wedge, am i happy? no,first Thai wife 4 years was okay but her father hated me so eventually i had to leave,second was okay i thought but was playing the long game and took a heap of money off me when we divorced,then i met a really nice girl,until she told me she had an English boyfriend,she was going to stay with as she had known him 5 years,for 2 weeks ,that was now 2 months ago,i have heard nothing from her since, sure it's nice to have money,but it a lot better to have some one who really cares for you.

  8. On 10/17/2019 at 8:32 PM, owl sees all said:

    What a great, informative post Marko.


    I don't want to get this wrong as I might try it myself. Does your intake of cider cure rotten teeth? I've only got 5 left (2 on top and 3 on bottom) and I'm pulling them out about one a year. Don't go to dentists as I don't thrust 'em. I have to put apples in the blender or I can't eat them. A carpenter friend was making me some dentures from bamboo, but he was taking so long. Another tooth had gone, and he had to start again.


    Is that your own urine Marko or someone elses? Interesting! I'll have a word with the wife.

    Well as for the teeth i think it could be a combo of cider and urine,but DO NOT mix them,taste's damn awful.

    • Like 1
  9. On 10/17/2019 at 8:32 PM, owl sees all said:

    What a great, informative post Marko.


    I don't want to get this wrong as I might try it myself. Does your intake of cider cure rotten teeth? I've only got 5 left (2 on top and 3 on bottom) and I'm pulling them out about one a year. Don't go to dentists as I don't thrust 'em. I have to put apples in the blender or I can't eat them. A carpenter friend was making me some dentures from bamboo, but he was taking so long. Another tooth had gone, and he had to start again.


    Is that your own urine Marko or someone elses? Interesting! I'll have a word with the wife.

    Well my own,due to an absense of cows around here,cow urine is best,keep it chilled overnight,and then ,man what a rush,but clean the teeth after.

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