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marko kok prong

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Posts posted by marko kok prong

  1. Well in a new development ,she called me the other day,the guy has offered to marry her,in the Ampur, and the embassy[poor fool],she then asked 'if i stay with you,you give me 1 million baht for my future'.

    He apparently was very angry with her,and had given her the same 10 days i did not surprising he was angry. 

     She knows i recently had an expensive divorce,partly so i could be with her properly,her reason was; 'If he marries me and we split,i can get big money same you give your ex wife,and maybe house' so it really is true love. I told her no way i was handing 1 mil to someone i had know 3 months,told her to go back to him and deleted her from line and my phone,have not heard from her since,reckon i dodged a bullet on this one,actually more of a drone strike,don't feel too bad actually,sure she was a lovely girl and treated me well,but like my mate said ' Marko,that's her job,she never loved you and was only after your money" after verification from two seperate Thai girls i know,and another friend it is fairly obvious she was a golddigger on the scale of my ex,so i guess the moral of the story is once a bar girl,always a bar girl.

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