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marko kok prong

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Posts posted by marko kok prong

  1. On 10/25/2019 at 8:18 AM, Nyezhov said:

    Nice dude. I find women, even the ones I love, to be an intolerable annoyance. Wouldnt mind having one around every now and then to do the laundry and cook and clean, but hey, every once in a while rent one for a half an hour and you are good.

    You ain't wrong buddy even my last girl who was great until she decided to go spend 2 month's with her English boyfriend,there were times when she was talking utter nonsense [she liked a drink] when i thought ,ye Gods i hope you go home soon,or crash out drunk,but just shut up,plus she was mental,like my previous wife who used to talk to herself,when not on the phone,yes,the Ottomans i think had it right keep a harem,of about 3 too400 women,get em up for a bit of fun,and get rid in the morning,i know you can do that here but i only need it now and again,rest of time to busy drinking,and thinking of ways to halt climate change.

  2. Well i have had a few,lost a fair bit of money,suffered heartache,but there is really nothing like having a fun girl in your life,some of the posters will be familiar with my travails over the years, but you never know what's round the corner,trouble is i just don't know where the corner is. Alli have to add is promise nothing and say your skintish,it " a bit hard for me as a have a large house and a pool,maybe next time i say i rent it.

  3. On 10/23/2019 at 8:41 PM, Isaanbiker said:

    Whenever I hear or read Detroit, i think about unemployment, homeless drug addicts, guns and gangs.


    My apologies when I'm, wrong with my assumptions. 


       Good news? "In 2018, 13,478 violent crimes were reported — murder, rape, assault and robbery — in the city compared with 13,796 in 2017, a 2% drop." 


     Source: https://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/2019/09/30/detroit-crime-numbers-drop-again-but-still-fbis-most-violent-city/3787467002/


    Does a 2 % drop really mean it got better? 

    Worst city in Usa,St louis is closing the gap though.

  4. On 10/22/2019 at 7:31 PM, PatOngo said:


    How many households do you reckon you'll buy?

    you buy the debt,then when a rise occurs you sell debt wrapped in cods,these are worthless but banks like them as they think they can turn them,course they can't,look i have not got half my life to explain this, but i have used cods before,and very tasty too.

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