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marko kok prong

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Posts posted by marko kok prong

  1. Now,i have researched the hell out of this,yes Indians have a strong body odour,same as many,how do you you say this now Africans,followed by caucasians,no the question is personal hygiene,i swim in my pool every arvo,then shower-HOWEVER i use shower gel maybe once or twice a week,no one has ever said i smell,my hair ,i may shampoo once a month,hair is self cleaning,and you are loosing it because of to much shampoo.I am 55 and have hair a 30 year old would be happy with,glossy,sun kissed,and very few greys,hey i don't deserve greys,i intake at least 5 can's of cider a day,guess what this fixed my tooth decay, i eat once a day and always include a sweet after dinner,maybe a pastry or a chocolate bar washed down by water,a glass of urine in the morning always invigorates me,as to the op i am sure the Thai's would much rather be smelling the oils applied no doubt by a reputable massuer,than the stink of bo.even i recoil at that after 7 years.Asians do not generally have it due to genetics,they sweat much less than us never have i had a Thai girl that smelt bad,anyway i think the op would be pleasant in the bts due his veritable cacophoney of oils ,and aftershaves.

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  2. 8 hours ago, Angry Dragon said:

    sounds like you might have a usufruct in place, which would grant you the right to live in the house and use the land as long as you live.  after that, it reverts to the actual owner (your ex?).  if that's the case, you'll want to avoid pissing off your ex.

    You could be right,yet if i am dead i don't think i will be worrying on it,but she is happy she got a <deleted> load off me so i don't forsee a problem,she signed all the docs,and all were witnessed.

  3. 18 hours ago, Skallywag said:

    Sir Patrick Stewart's/Star Trek's "Picard" series starts January.  The Borg collective likely to re-appear  

    I hope they do,always liked the Borg episodes,of course especially 7 of 9 in Voyager.

  4. 12 hours ago, holy cow cm said:

    Biggest thing is if it came to  that, I have all papers stating my investment for a house, so it stays 50/50. Just be smart everyone. 

    Same i have all the paperwork,even down to reciepts for the furniture,the ex was happy with 2 mil and new car,i have a large sum overseas that she knows nothing of,so to be honest it was chump change and well worth it to get the witch and her 2 brats away from me, she has spent most of it already on her Thai guy,who is younger than her,once it's gone no doubt he will be on the lookout for fresh meat.

  5. 10 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

    I wouldnt watch the movie, but I would do all 3. I realize that you old guys are stuck in your rigid roles of what a smoking hot babe should look like, or even an attractive one, but Im a far more modern dude and I even have a 24 year old xgf who would make you geezers priapic so like Im in tune with female todays  fashion and looks as well their concept of hotness.

    Agree,women today are more assertive,that mean's we have to be more masculine,like smashing people with beer glasses,and packing heat,like i used in the states, women want a strong guy not a crybaby,tell em once and for all i am yours if you don't mess with me,they like a direct approach ,not some pathetic snide,sure tell them they are beautiful,but always hold the aura of crazed menace around you like that there John Wick,or Riddick we are all animals .

  6. Look,this place is unreal,my  wife was shagging a Thai guy down the road,guess what through the grapevine his wife,who is hooked up with a german,and lives in Germany calls,crazy at him for going with my wife,they all know each other and threatens to take the 2 trucks he delivers soil in off him as she  owns them[well with the germans money],,so eventually i divorce my wife she pays off the trucks and buys him a big motorsai,meanwhile i am shagging a friend of hers,who she used to work with in Phuket,so the 2 mil settlement is nearly gone,meanwhile my new chick tells me i have man from England,he take care 3 year,ihave go see him,as i owe him,devastated i say 'how long ' 2 week then i come back to you,i lub you too much" disgusted i reluctantly agree,as i liked her a lot,some 6 weeks later she is still there,,"he come for 3 month what i can do she pleads,i said come home,i give you chance,then i hear maybe he take her to uk,"good luck i said what is your job,whore basically,i am sure they would look at that well in the visa application,then she said she would not go if i give 1 mil bride price,, i could pick up a second hand dartboard with half the pricks this is Thailand,not saying all girls are like that ,but as there is no real social security they are all trying to amass as much as they can before they pass the use by date. Another point ,plenty of falangs i know say they have wonderful marriges,we are up country here ,so how come half or more spend much of their time in the local bar,cos it's <deleted>,they do exactly what the wife tells them,i don't know what it is,Thai women can be so caring,charming and fun,yet i can't help feel that many are masking darker aims, anyway interesting thread keep us posted king Charles.

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  7. My ex wife tried to take my houses off me yet she had signed a legal document put together by my lawyer,that stated i had paid for the land,buildings,and contents,she reluctantly agreed to a divorce foe a 2 million baht settlement plus the new car 1 .7 mil,,but look i kept the 2 houses,worth a total of about 7.5 million.The other reason i did this was to avoid court,as we all know "Thai lak Thai",also so i did not have to sneak around with my new girlfriend,who after 2 month's decicded she was going to see her English boyfriend for 3 months in Phuket,but whatever i still got the houses and nice they are too,out in the country,nice and quiet and a beautiful pool. The quietness is worth a lot and the setting is great,almost jungle on one side and rice paddies and trees on the other,5/10 mins to town.Girlfriend of course wants to come back,but after 6 weeks now starting to forget her,we have no real contact,anyway fairly happy here on my own. These papers are not hard to draw up,one is called 'right to habitation instead" no idea if it would stand up in court,but when the cops read it,when i turfed the cheating ex out,they shrugged and told her " ban falang" so they worked then.

  8. On 10/10/2019 at 9:15 AM, CharlieH said:

    Spare a thought for the guy that has to leave. Imagine the pain and suffering he is going through.

    He made a life here, has his loved ones here, and through no real fault of his own, the changes in regs, the collapse in currency, unable to work being elderly etc, then forced to go back to a country where he possibly knows no one and has to rely on welfare, say goodbye to everything he knows and has built.


    There but for the grace of God .


    And for those that can remain, that have that financial security, enjoy it as you don't know what is around the corner and when it might be your turn.


    Anyone facing that dreadful reality and those very hard decisions, I wish you all the best.

    I know what's around the corner Charlie,i just dont know where the corner is.

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