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Everything posted by Cricky

  1. it could have been smelted and ended up in anything metal, scary Yep, this is what's happened.
  2. YET. ???? Maybe in a few years time. It's very important that this was found.
  3. The Daily Mail photo says it all. This guy like most have mental health issues. Who watches porn on their own? FREAKS. If I watch porn it's with my gf and only if we both enjoy it. The world has so many strange people.
  4. Is the world ready? I don't think so. I see many videos of EV owners struggling to find charging outlets. People rudely parking hybrids and non EV's in charging bays. I own a house and have parking on my property with power outlets but I would never buy an EV if I lived in an apartment or condominium or similar unless I had a parking bay with my metered outlet. Many issues at the moment. I reckon we will be filling landfills with those cheap nasty Chinese EV scooters I see getting around the streets. At a condo I own they are stacked in a corner, not sure why, battery issues or faulty electric motor etc. These vehicles are cheap, I wouldn't take the risk, I'd be too worried about breaking down.
  5. It's quite sad but most of the AN members remind me of Statler and Waldorf, the pair of Muppet characters. I reckon similar age group to. Always with their cantankerous opinions. Never willing to discuss issues they find difficult and that they don't understand. Consistently heckling, antagonizing, repetitive with their jeered hostile replies. The similarities are endless.
  6. Agree, respecting someone you know is important and deserved. BUT Like I said RIP to a child molestor etc. would be respecting filth. Lots of bad people on this planet, you don't know who they are. BTW, Replying to members comments without reading his comment is wasting everyone's time. Stop wasting my time
  7. Are you high? Yep, typical, antagonizing comment from a member without thought. Like I said above, if it's a friend, relative, someone you know, fair enough (RIP) but NOT a stranger. Some people just don't put any thought into their comments.
  8. I'm someone who hates the RIP comments when there's a death, you just don't know the person's history could be a murderer, sex offender, child molestor etc. You see members RIPs regularly for foreigners but rarely for a Thai. Is it because most members hate Thai's? Please explain.
  9. Surprise: They work online. A lot of them are actually working for their regular Russian employers. During the pandemic online work became the norm Just because you and a couple of your Russian mates work online it does not say they all do. I'd say most are here struggling I've been going twice a week to the fruit market on Theppasit Road since it opened many years ago. Sadly I see the Russians swapping out more expensive fruit, then paying for cheaper, eating the fruit before paying etc. I have never seen this behavior before and I've been going to Thai fruit markets for over 20 years.
  10. Surprise: They work online. A lot of them are actually working for their regular Russian employers. During the pandemic online work became the norm Just because you and a couple of your Russian mates work online it does not say they all do. I'd say most are here struggling.
  11. I heard on the local radio station yesterday that a 60yo English man disappeared. He and his wife relocated, buying a condo in Pattaya but he left, not saying a word, just taking himself, Bank book, money etc. Pattaya now has him, he saw the light, decided the Thai Beauties were too much fun, now he's frolicking amongst the bar girls. Poor Doris, hubby's not coming back. Oh, dear, happens all too often.
  12. Ok, explain the 25,000 dead every year Your comment is strange, it has nothing to do with my comment. You are off topic, the topic reads Thai drivers are superior to Expat drivers! The death toll is related to the unlicensed, unroadworthy vehicles, the Incompetent, poor parenting etc. It's the Poor Policing that allow the lawbreakers to freely ride/drive on the roads, killing them too easily. Start a new topic if you want to talk about the road deaths. VID_20230317040814.mp4 VID_20230317041527.mp4
  13. Yep, cop shop not a nice place. Funny story.... I had my license, money and phone stolen a few years back, Songkran. Beach Rd was covered in soap suds, neck high, I was wearing a waterproof pouch around my neck, I waded through the suds, drunk as a skunck, came out the other end pouch less. Only positive was I got some great fondling in, beautiful little things, all playing in the suds.
  14. Sorry mate had to laugh. Go cop shop make a report. Go DLT with all documents. Take a cut lunch. ????
  15. This guy is not going. AN member for sure. He's going to stay in the back garden with his dog. Poor dog. VID_20230316113144.mp4
  16. Evidence. Do have a link for this information, your comment?
  17. That would upset a few on here, might be a need for an "outraged" emoji Yes, that would give the moaners and complainers something to moan and complain about.
  18. Will they be given refugee privileges? Thai nationality, PR etc.
  19. I wish we had more Mods. with a sense of humor. It must be a tough job being an AN Mod. with all the cranky members complaining about this and that. Keep up the great work and thanks. ????
  20. They are human. It's near impossible to use Thailand's roads without breaking a rule here and there. Like stopping at a pedestrian crossing, it's not too bad these days but 20 years ago you'd be sure to get hit in the rear if you stopped for a pedestrian. Speed and Incompetence or both are the biggest issue that concerns me on the Thai roads, sadly, often happens in Oz too. https://fb.watch/jgXflPHXkk/
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