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Everything posted by Cricky

  1. I've also noticed that the miserable, nasty, complaining foreigners are the antagonizers. Can't help themselves.
  2. Yep, miserable, complaining foreigners, there are lots here. Like I keep saying, the worst thing about Thailand is some of the foreigners.
  3. Let's start with the pimps. The bar owners who use these girls to attract customers. Offer their working girls the benefits outlined above.
  4. I read the new iPhone and Samsungs are manufactured to replace batteries easily. The older phones are made in such a way its difficult to replace. If the above comment is correct, 1000 baht to replace an older phone battery seems cheap. If you go ahead, take it direct to Samsung on North Pattaya Rd.
  5. I heard in the local radio station that the CCTV was reviewed and no other person entered or left the room.
  6. Nope, it's not that simple. We are all wild animals. We have needs and wants. It's not that easy to avoid sharing some special time special with a pretty, a beautiful young lady talking nicely, touching you softly, smelling gorgeous, unless you are queer. All for a little bit of money.
  7. Lots of odd foreigners in Thailand. It attracts ODD.
  8. It makes the insecure, lonely, childish, sad sacks feel good.
  9. Sometimes they have 2 bells, one for lady drinks and one bell for everyone in the bar. I was in the bar early afternoon the other day, it was early, only a few girls so the guy rang the bell for ladies only. He was billed for 18 lady drinks. Some girls arrived, looked like they'd just woken up, the cleaners and cooks were there cashiers, and the lady owner had arrived.
  10. Local radio station is saying he was Italian.
  11. Mate, chill dude. Why is everyone so serious here, if you unwind and enjoy your life you WILL live longer. I'm only here for a bit of fun. BTW, the article didn't say the guy was drunk either.
  12. A sick joke???? I thought she was quite clever.
  13. Wow, sounds like you live a depressing, miserable life with that story. Try living in a gated village, mine is perfect, only negative is a Arab living a few houses down, I reckon he's deaf, talks so loud.
  14. Nevada GoGo had the best Airhorns. Taking all the fun out of a holiday. Nothing better than blasting the horn and buying the girls on stage a drink. Sadly the world is changing, like Pattaya. The chicks are getting fatter and it used to be fun riding around after midnight knowing that the cops had gone to bed (long time ago). Nevada was nice, opening at 1pm, on a hot day drinking a cold beer watching the pretties. It did get a lot of fat chicks in recent times. Oh well. Lots of changes
  15. OK, so drunk rider throws up, prostitute steals bike. ???? I reckon I got it right.???? Anyone out there see it differently?????
  16. Geeze, you're a real stick in the mud. Just adding some humour. You EV scooter guys are always cranky.
  17. Might be nice around the BBQ, cook some sausages on. https://m.facebook.com/reel/871306170642675/ VID_20230302183701.mp4.85d4d506b8cd5390dfc98fb4ac5bf3b4.mp4
  18. Yes, I understand and fair point. But I'm trying to make a point to, I'd like to get across this safety issue to other co-owners.
  19. Oh, sorry, I forgot, you like to get off topic. BTW, this post is about EV scooters.
  20. They should ban these dangerous scooters from all Condominiums https://www.facebook.com/reel/871306170642675?s=yWDuG2&fs=e&mibextid=Nif5oz
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