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Everything posted by Cricky

  1. All EV scooters Should be banned.
  2. Geeze, you're a real stick in the mud. Just adding some humour. You EV scooter guys are always cranky.
  3. Might be nice around the BBQ, cook some sausages on. https://m.facebook.com/reel/871306170642675/ VID_20230302183701.mp4.85d4d506b8cd5390dfc98fb4ac5bf3b4.mp4
  4. Yes, I understand and fair point. But I'm trying to make a point to, I'd like to get across this safety issue to other co-owners.
  5. Oh, sorry, I forgot, you like to get off topic. BTW, this post is about EV scooters.
  6. They should ban these dangerous scooters from all Condominiums https://www.facebook.com/reel/871306170642675?s=yWDuG2&fs=e&mibextid=Nif5oz
  7. Dude, are you serious. Paranoid. Maybe Thailand is not the place for you.
  8. You're free to leave also. No one's forcing you to stay, so stop your complainting.
  9. Not sure about Seafarers medical but I get my OGUK at Bangkok Pattaya hospital.
  10. If you don't like it feel free to go back to your own country.
  11. That's OK, I'm just ignoring you EV scooter riders winding me up. Enjoy your free charging. Electricity paid for by others.
  12. Where in my comments did I say you replied nastily? I must say that you have been annoying me since I opened this post, from page 1. I'd like you to go away to.
  13. You're free to move on but you continue to interfere. The post is about EV charging. Your off topic comments are annoying. Stop antagonizing.
  14. Yes, I edited my comment. As I said earlier, it's the nasty, hurtful replies you receive makes you defensive, I replied inappropriately but removed quickly. Why are you bringing this to my attention, I did the right thing, removing and redeiting. Are you antagonizing, would you like me to reply nastily? Geeze, another angry EV scooter owner. Go away.
  15. I posted on this forum for feedback from the members who are co-owners, but it seems I'm getting more comments from angry EV owners who are charging their vehicles illegally and commenting nastily.
  16. Understood Champ, but it is theft. 1st page I posted video of fire and response received from Juristic office.
  17. Yep, fire hazard was my first and only discussion with the Juristic office, I presented them with a video of a EV exploding and they made me aware this is why we have car park security guard. I posted video and my discussion earlier comment.
  18. What's your point. Why would I go to the effort?
  19. This is a 'NO BRAINER' and a waste of time commenting. If you ask the Juristic for anything and they say YES (allow it) it's not unlawful. Are you antagonizing with this pointless sentence?
  20. I gave a lot of thought before posting because I am very aware that some members aren't well off financially and they would be charging their EV's on common property, I was very careful with my wording. This is my opinion and I'm sure the opinions of many other members. It's a free forum for us all to post our concerns, if you are not comfortable with my postings you are free to move on, AS I do when I come across a posting I'm not in agreement with, but I never reply with hostility or aggression.
  21. Naaah, you forgot option 3 ........ Become a selfish miserable person like so many others, plug my EV's into the Condos common outlet and charge my EV's for others to pay. BTW, how did you know I was crying? I'd much rather be crying on the forum's than to be a person who has not got enough money to pay for electricity to charge his Chinese EV scooter.
  22. Yep understood. I said earlier that I'll be buying a scooter, charge for free. I'm also going to be charging my Tesla daily from the common area outlets. If you can't beat them, join them. ????
  23. Oh, OK, so they have asked the landlord if they can plug their EV into the common area outlets and the landlord said yes. You are the Dim one. You and your fairytales can leave me alone too. Yes, I didn't think you'd welcome the thieves stealing your electricity.
  24. Why antagonize, get a life. I haven't mentioned anything about power outlets in the common area toilets. What is your problem. If you're going to be a child, go away.
  25. Thanks for your kindness. ????
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