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Everything posted by Cricky

  1. Yep, it's a portion too bloody much. THIEVES
  2. Look, I don't care about others, why bring them up. I AM PAYING for the EV users to charge their batteries to travel to and from wherever. You guys are winding me up. Please don't comment if you're not sure about this issue or read my comments and stop wasting my time.
  3. Have you got a crystal ball. Most landlords are living abroad. Now you are lying saying that they have consent. I will send them (quite a few) of these thieves around your house so they can charge their EV's.
  4. They are using the electricity to charge their battery operated vehicles, the electricity that I pay for without my consent, it is stealing. Why don't you understand. Kleptomania (klep-toe-MAY-nee-uh) is a mental health disorder that involves repeatedly being unable to resist urges to steal items that you generally don't really need. Often the items stolen have little value and you could afford to buy them. Kleptomania is rare but can be a serious condition. It can cause much emotional pain to you and your loved ones — and even legal problems — if not treated.
  5. They're stealing from me, why should I pay for their trips to 7-Eleven, soi 6 etc
  6. You didn't read the original posting. I said...... I understand that they do not require a lot of electricity to charge but the numbers are climbing, I can see a day that there will be 100 of these unsafe Chinese vehicles in our car park
  7. What is 'CAMO' fees? I do live in a house. I own Condominiums and pay the annual common fees for those condos. What is your problem?
  8. Yes, to be expected, another antagonizing comment. You unethical scooter riders are always miserable. I'm not here to receive compliments and not here to make friends with scooter riders who steal electricity from others.
  9. They are using a commodity that is paid for by others without consent. This is theft. You need to rethink. Your thoughts are wrong.
  10. They are using a commodity that is paid for by others without consent. This is theft. Do you have an education? Why am I explaining this, it's common sense and something that is taught in primary school. You are obviously trying to antagonize me, knock it off or I will report you.
  11. Yep, lots of issues, non of which I can control or have any control over. Electricity theft is an issue and being a co-owner I can stop. I just need to understand how the thieves are thinking.
  12. Wow, you are one confused dude.
  13. We have many lawns, lots of garden equipment for trimming and cutting. So, if we had a petrol bowser to fill the garden equipment some of you wouldn't hesitate to fill up your Honda Wave (or similar scooter) with petrol and not pay. This is how I look at this issue. Those of you that steal the electricity to charge your electric vehicle, do you see my example differently?
  14. You can download playstore. . My gf Realme phone came with Chinese apps pre installed, had to download playstore and Uninstal the Chinese apps. Couldn't Uninstal a few apps that came with the phone, I Put them in a separate folder, out of the way but annoyingly they pop up asking to allow use.
  15. Your a strange person with strange comments. Ride safe on your fully charged Chinese scooter.
  16. Looking at their stickers, they are all renting. We have different coloured stickers for owners and renters. How are these renters paying for the electricity that charges their EV?
  17. Because I don't like thieves.
  18. I'm the OP. I live in a house. EV owners should live in a house and pay for their own charging.
  19. Distorted is a little far fetched ???????? I'm not paying for it, my costs as a single co-owner is miniscule.
  20. PEANUTS You charge daily How much money would that cost Weekly? Monthly? Yearly? It adds up
  21. I'm shocked to read so many members think it's OK to plug their electric vehicles into the common area plugs and charge their vehicles for free, this is theft. They feel its OK for the coowners to pay for their trips to 7-Eleven, soi 6, the beach etc., people's ethics don't seem to exists for some. Anyway, like I said above, I'll join you thieves, buy a scooter and steal the electricity paid for by the coowners.
  22. Yep, that's my point exactly, where will it end. I see the gym users charging their pads and phones everyday.
  23. Nope, not renting, sitting empty. I bought them for my children, I go everyday to enjoy the facilities. I made mention of this in my posting, it is only a small amount of electricity but before you know it, we'll have dozens of them lined up for a charge. It's also dangerous, I see many of them exploding and catching fire (video above), who pays for the cleanup, also insurance premiums increasing. There's lots to think about on this issue.
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