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Everything posted by Cricky

  1. About bloody time. Remove these trouble makers. DEPORT As I've always said, the worst thing about Thailand is some of the foreigners.
  2. Exactly, looking at one now. If you can't beat them, join them. I'm looking at this cool vehicle. I'll charge it up for free, I'll become a selfish human and make others pay.
  3. Now, this comment is just weird. I reckon I've opened a can of worms. I'm sure that the members doing it tough, living in Thailand on their pensions, choose to ride these hideous vehicles. I spoke about this issue in a recent Asean Now post of mine, always angry and miserable, now I see you all riding around town on your scooters with grumpy faces, then parking up and stealing electricity.
  4. I'll give you a wave from my Tesla as I pass you on your scooter mate. ????
  5. Typical Asean Now members. You post an article of concern and all the haters come out of the wood work, with nasty comments (I'm sure this comment is meant to be funny ????). Look if you are a scooter owner and want others to pay for your charging, good luck to you, but it's not fair.
  6. As I said earlier, I don't live at the condo, only used for recreation. This is an alarming issue, I have a few more condos around town, I went for a drive by yesterday to see the situation at the others. They all have these hideous Chinese EV scooters, one of the Condos has 4 or 5 scooters stacked up in the carpark corner, these cheap nasty vehicles will end up in land fill somewhere.
  7. Yes, agree. This is theft.
  8. Thanks for your reply, it's exactly what I was thinking.
  9. No problem. I just bought a new Tesla Model S Plaid, which I've been charging at home, I go to the condo everyday to use the swimming pool and gym, in future I'll drive my car and charge it daily. BTW, how did you know I was crying? Obviously another scooter owner.
  10. OK, you got me, I'm confused. But thanks for your input. ????
  11. I mentioned to the Juristic building manager that they can catch on fire and explode, they replied saying this is why we have car park security guard VID_20230302183701.mp4
  12. It's obvious you haven't thought about your comment before reply. The amenities I don't use and the lighting not on my floor were all in place and existing before I bought the condo. Let me guess, you have a scooter and expect others to pay for charging. ????
  13. I've got a condo and have noticed more and more EV scooters. A few of the residents are scooter owners, they are charging their EV's on common property from electrical outlets in car park. This electricity is paid from the co-owners common fees. I understand that they do not require a lot of electricity to charge but the numbers are climbing, I can see a day that there will be 100 of these unsafe Chinese vehicles in our car park.
  14. You never know the members age, every member is incognito. Age has nothing to do with being a member, it's about being courteous, polite, common sense, factual, and never be rude or hostile in replies. We all have an opinion and we are free to voice our opinions with the above in place. It's the members that feel that their opinions are more important than those of others, the disrespectful replies that are concerning. The demographic I feel is mostly elderly British. At times I'm sure I get my comments removed because I'm not in the demographic, my opinions are different from most, sadly the whiners complain and my comments disappear.
  15. I reckon Dan is being reckless in his videos. I've seen most, he is encouraging foreigners to live in Thailand, even creating a spreadsheet with pricing for cost of living here in Thailand. I see many grumpy, cranky, angry foreigners in Thailand. I struggle to understand how any one on a government pension can relocate to Thailand. When I was growing up, my parents made me aware that you should never rely on the aged pension, the pension is there for the ones that have no money. I've worked since leaving college, with my savings and assets I would never, ever qualify, be eligible for the aged pension. Yes, you can live in Thailand on a budget but why on earth would you want to do that? I could never live without my pleasures, house, motorbikes, cars, restaurants, travel etc. I reckon most of the angry, miserable foreigners living in Thailand are this way because they are angry with themselves, probably living in an apartment, no vehicle, no travel, who wants that?
  16. Sadly, some members are so miserable and horrible, they are always whinging and whining, their humour becomes nasty.
  17. An unarmed man can be quite scary for some, it can be frightening, terrifying and intimidating. In the video you can see this lunatic destroying the car, the car owner would be terrified but remains calm, then the lunatic returns getting his guts blown out for being a d**kead. It's times like this we should all have a gun to protect ourselves from unarmed crazy people. You say people that cannot refrain from violence. Once provoked people change, who knows what the dead Brit did to be murdered. ???? VID_20230302043453.mp4
  18. Before covid I rode to Koh Kong on my PCX, best ride I've been on, I've got 1200cc Ducati's, but this ride was so much fun. I just followed the Sukhumvit all the way to the end. As you get closer to the border the road is closer to the ocean, wow what a view. Like you said, I saw a lot of rain around Trat, I ditched the rain coat, rode wet for an hour and dried of, this was fun. It gets very windy from the oncoming trucks, bit dangerous on the bends at speed, if you're skilled won't be a problem. Going there I broke the ride up to 3 days, coming back to Pattaya I rode straight through. I got to the border at 8am (opening) then rode all the way, stopping at Rayong for a coffee break only, got back to Pattaya 2.30pm.
  19. Oh dear, here they come, all the Thai bashes will come out of the woodwork. ????
  20. Yes, I reckon you've solved the case. Thanks Sherlock. ????
  21. I'm going to the shop right now to get me a 2M baht amulet.
  22. I see many accidents from my social media pages, 99% of accidents are caused by Incompetence or excessive speed or both. Look at these stupid road users. Woman on bike..... idiot Woman driving car....... idiot Drivers should be more aware and more compassionate to other road users. Sadly, lots of idiots use our roads. VID_20230226094631.mp4
  23. The system is different from back home, driving styles are unique, not the safest but the traffic keeps flowing. If you're elderly, fragile, unskilled, Incompetent yes things won't go well for you on Thai roads.
  24. It happens every single thread. Amazes me. Anyway, it keeps the members occupied, some people have nothing better to do.
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