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Everything posted by Cricky

  1. Yep, I agree. Foreigner arrives in Thailand without correct documentation regarding insurance and licensing then due to its own Incompetence finds themselves in a situation then begs (gofundme etc) for money, giving Thailand a bad reputation. Happens too many times.
  2. Yes, agree. I'm sure Thailand will prosper with a growth in tourism. Hopefully the beautiful, poor Isaan girls will make a few baht to.
  3. OMG, this stupid article has gone viral. A 70yo having a bit of fun in his senior years. I reckon lots of jealous women making cruel comments.
  4. a state of disrepair or ruin as a result of age or neglect It's not that old, just poorly constructed using cheap materials, installed by Incompetant workers.
  5. The caller was anonymous.... So perhaps read the article properly or use some logic. So, Freddy, are you saying Deidre looks better than Julie? You're scary too with your rediculous comments.
  6. You are encouraging bad behavior from our members with posting this article. I can't wait to see how many elderly foreigners here in Pattaya that get their heads blown off by some angry shop vendor with his loaded gun. All these foreigners in town with mental health issues, starting to rant over the signage displayed road side. We don't need these poorly worded articles. I'm fed up and embarrassed by some of the foreigners and their disrespectful, angry, nasty attitude towards Thai's here in Pattaya. Leave this issue for the Thai's to sort out.
  7. Cricky

    FM 103 Pattaya

    A few days ago I switched to 96fm. I got so fed up with the inconsistent audio levels, ads were loud, news broadcasts was quiet, music was loud then quiet. After hearing the many years from the owning apologizing and saying that the system is fixed and things will be 100% then only to get annoyed by another malfunction. I'm happy so far with 96fm, nothing to complain about. Only half the ads. ????
  8. It's just another negative article to encourage the miserable, nasty members to Thai bash. The elephant in the room is all the whinging and whining, it really ticks me off. People must understand, you don't follow the rules you will suffer and pay the consequences, it does not matter what country you are in.
  9. I'm not here to answer members questions but I will add, you'll probably find she was riding the bike illegally, that's why the gofundme has started.
  10. Lots of pointing going on, at first glance I thought it was a crime scene.
  11. Yes, this is exactly what Google says but it's not an easy task for you and I.
  12. I bought the gf an oppo something phone. It has these Apps pre installed, I've tried to remove but not easy, so I've placed them in a separate folder. I Force Stop, disallow everything and empty storage but they pop up regularly, very annoying. Her virus software says the music app is malicious software. I'd like to find a tech that can get into the root and remove these nasty apps.
  13. It's a good article. It exposes the way some foreigners interact here in Thailand with their unusual, rude, disrespectful behavior. This guy is strange, a weirdo, an extrovert. He's a foreigner, a visitor to Thailand, this video shows him rudely holding up traffic for his own selfish needs. I'm an under the radar guy, not wanting to be in the lime-light, it doesn't sit right with me. I feel sorry for the people on their way to work or mum's on their way to school to pick up the kids who will be running late now because they've missed the traffic light.
  14. I don't reckon this is a laughing matter. When you receive a laughing emoji (or sad or confused) from 'A' member for EACH and EVERY comment you make it is juvenile and antagonizing, it becomes annoying. I assume now that these emoji's have become unrecognized, the stalkers may not offend anymore. There are members that are chummy (school boy like), posting emoji's like, love, thanks etc. for their chums, this should put a stop to it, discontinue due to the unrecognized system. This forum must be a nightmare to manage for the moderators. Each member gets offended but we all are different and we find different things offensive. At times I've been offended by a comment and reported the offense but the comment does not get removed. My thoughts are to get a broader demographic of people that can judge on what and what isn't offensive.
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