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Posts posted by Cricky

  1. 6 minutes ago, johng said:

    The queues have always been long at Pattaya DLT !

     you need to be there before 8AM when they open the office doors..even then there will be a lot of people waiting..so as soon as they open the doors  go to through the door and turn right and at the foot of the stairs is a ticket machine press

    "number 1 for foreigners"     wait for the number to be displayed on the LED board above the ticket machine then go upstairs to  counter number 11...where your adventure will begin !!!

    :w00t:  ?

    You’re wrong, my mate said the process has changed, apparently they are inspecting documentation upstairs before tickets are issued.


    The question is “longer than normal queues


    I’ve been going there since 2003, I don’t need your input, your just wasting my time.



    If you haven’t been recently please do not reply.


    Sorry Admin for the capitals, but sometimes it’s the only way for people to understand the question.

  2. Yep, its time again to renew my 5-year licences, need to go next month.


    A friend of mine visited the DLT (Pattaya) yesterday, he said the queue was abnormally long, apparently due to the new laws regarding driver’s licences which may not come into effect.


    Anyone else recently experienced longer than normal queues when renewing their licence in Pattaya?

  3. On 8/17/2018 at 4:42 AM, digbeth said:

    it'll be printed at the bottom of the receipt that inspection certificate is required for next year's renewal too

    You’re right mate, just paid my tax today at Central, it has been closed since Mother’s Day.

    I had a look at my receipt and in Thai, it is telling me for next year’s registration an Inspection is necessary.

    • Like 1
  4. I didn’t post to offend, just make people aware.



    Sorry admin for the capitals but this audience need it to understand.

    I wasn’t saying that you are breaking the law by having your window down, I was expressing you should drive with your window up (dark tint in Thailand) to avoid confrontation.

    Yesterday I posted and just this morning had a look at the response, how many of you don’t understand English?

    I didn’t expect this massive response, there were only a few who agreed and a few of you replying with nasty replies, calling me a troll (immaturity showing here, name calling), schoolboy stuff, again something I was expecting, Thailand attracts a lot of delinquents, but I felt if that’s what it takes to get the point across so be it.

    No one is a perfect driver, we all make mistakes, the Thais are very mature with their driving attitude, always giving way and ready to stop for people blocking the road to cross. This system would never work back home. Sadly I see foreigners here ready to blow the horn when only slightly inconvenienced on the roads, yelling and screaming acting childlike. Because we are not perfect road users when we make a mistake on the roads if your window is up the Thais will normally drive on, the point I am making is if you’re hidden behind your window tint they assume you are Thai.

    BTW, my email read “driving around TOWN”, I also enjoy driving with my window part the way down to relieve drowsiness (I made no mention of window being part down) and window all the way down in the country. Why do people not read the whole email? Reply without thought and understanding, it appears to be lack of education.

    1.       Many years ago a friend of mine had an accident, not his fault. The police were called and he was booked, the other party were Thai.

    2.       If you’re at an intersection and 4 vehicles are over the white line driving with your window down and you’re the only foreigner, I know who will get the ticket, therefore keep your window up, it keeps it a fair playing field.

    I have a car and drive it regularly and have done so for years to get away from the pollution. The trucks and buses here have their exhaust pipes directed at window level, funny this height is directed at motorbike riders faces. The newer vehicles I have noticed are directing these exhaust pipes above the roof of the cab.

    To those who understood what I was saying (minority), the people that read my email at length and did not act without thought, thanks for your replies. and a big thanks for the humour, it was a pleasant change.

    I read the comments and did notice an attitude change once my post was posted, prior to posting people are scanning the ThaiVisa website for a negative reply to any post, maybe admin should look at this more closely and remove troublemakers.

    I felt more than half the replies were from people that haven’t even driven a car in Thailand, just people wanting to place a negative reply.


    This will be my last post on this subject as I have a life and cannot be bothered with people who can’t help themselves.


    Please drive safely.

    • Haha 2
  5. I remember when Australia implemented a regulation regarding larger motorbikes, they did it fairly by giving every rider which had a current motorbike licence approval for riding any size (cc) bike.


    I was given a motorcycle licence from the Thai DLT 14 years ago, I showed my Australian licence which was recognised by Thailand.

    I have owned 3 big bikes in Thailand. A Buell and 2 x 1200 cc Ducati’s, why would they want me to sit for a test and why should I be penalised.

    Just start the new laws for newly licenced riders as Australia did, K.I.S.S.


    BTW, yes change the ruling for motorway use while you’re at it.


    • Like 1
  6. I remember when Australia implemented a regulation regarding larger motorbikes, they did it fairly by giving every rider which had a current motorbike licence approval for riding any size (cc) bike.

    I was given a motorcycle licence from the Thai DLT 14 years ago, I showed my Australian licence which was recognised by Thailand.

    I have owned 3 big bikes in Thailand. A Buell and 2 x 1200 cc Ducati’s, why would they want me to sit for a test and why should I be penalised.

    Just start the new laws for new licenced riders as Australia did, K.I.S.S.


    BTW, yes change the ruling for motorway use while you’re at it.

    • Like 2
  7. 30 minutes ago, The Theory said:

    Today I was riding my scooter in a small soy and a red car came from behind and cut me off. It’s rear light bar went inside between my bar handle and break handle. I almost went to ground. I caught him at the cross. He did not want to stop and I just showed my phone. He denied what he did plus he said that it was my fault because I did not use my side maker. ??

    It is easy for them to make up a story and lie. Piece a cake. Easy solution to get away with. ?

    You go figure where we are. 

    Definitly I would not live here if I did not have to. 


    ?   Definitly I would not live here if I did not have to. 



    Wow, forced to live here.

    What a horrible thought.

    You’re obviously doing something wrong.

    Try to get out and meet new people, go for drives to the hinterland etc. lots to see and do.


    Maybe you’re on a budget and don’t have the funds to enjoy the different opportunities.


    • Confused 1
    • Sad 1
  8. 14 minutes ago, mike324 said:

    auction in bangsaen, most likely chonburi plates? Yes 8888 would go for a lot higher if it was bangkok plates. Some other numbers there looked expensive or you could have got it through an agent.

    Some other numbers there looked expensive or you could have got it through an agent.

    There were a few typos in that report.

  9. 3 hours ago, dotpoom said:

    I am reminded of the unfortunate Russian person that was killed almost a year ago while crossing on the Zebra crossing outside the Ambassador hotel at Na Jomtien ..may they RIP.

      It has since been blacked out. A sad reminder of the loss of a life....I pass the spot regularly and think about them every time.

    PS. It was a motorbike that hit the now deceased.

    There have been a couple of Russian deaths, also other nationalities at that intersection.

  10. 1 hour ago, Lef22 said:

    A question about the insurance: I bought premium insurance for 300 baht along with the tax and inspection. This insurance has the previous owner’s name on it, so would I actually be able to make use of it myself; or have I just wasted 300 baht?



    I assume this insurance is CTP, therefore the name is not relevant, the bike is insured. This is a minimum requirement to obtain full registration for the vehicle. 

  11. 23 hours ago, johng said:

    Good question...answer is I don't know  how they count the 5/7 years  I would just take it to a place displaying the testing logo  and see what they say.  (test for a bike is only 60 baht)


      20 hours ago, KhunBENQ said:

    In both cases after the period of 5 or 7 years ends.

    So for motorbikes: before the registration for the 6th year.

    For cars: before the registration for the 8th year.


    My car was first registered (bought) in September 2011.

    This year (2018) I had to do the first technical inspection to get the sticker until Sep. 2019 (2562). I went early as I will be traveling in Sep.

    That’s what I thought, I have a Toyota that I first registered September 2012, when I picked up my CTP from my insurance agent I asked if an inspection was required, obviously they had no idea and just replied an incompetent YES.


    I’m disappointed, have been using this agent in Pattaya since they opened,

    I have 4 vehicles, house and condo insurance over the last 10 years, good business for them.

    When I ask a question, btw an important question because haven’t had to do before they reply poorly.

  12. 1 hour ago, rickjza said:

    That’s what I thought, I have a Toyota that I first registered September 2012, when I picked up my CTP from my insurance agent I asked if an inspection was required, obviously they had no idea and just replied an incompetent YES.


    I’m disappointed, have been using this agent in Pattaya since they opened,

    I have 4 vehicles, house and condo insurance over the last 10 years, good business for them.

    When I ask a question, btw an important question because haven’t had to do before they reply poorly.

    You people out there running these businesses providing a service for expats, train your staff.

    Not everyone knows everything but get your staff to answer honestly, if they don’t know say “I don’t know” or better still - I’m not sure but I will get back to you with an answer.

    TRAIN YOUR PEOPLE THE WAY YOU WERE TAUGHT. Don’t just sit back and reap the rewards.

  13. 7 minutes ago, KhunBENQ said:

    In both cases after the period of 5 or 7 years ends.

    So for motorbikes: before the registration for the 6th year.

    For cars: before the registration for the 8th year.


    My car was first registered (bought) in September 2011.

    This year (2018) I had to do the first technical inspection to get the sticker until Sep. 2019 (2562). I went early as I will be traveling in Sep.

    That’s what I thought, I have a Toyota that I first registered September 2012, when I picked up my CTP from my insurance agent I asked if an inspection was required, obviously they had no idea and just replied an incompetent YES.


    I’m disappointed, have been using this agent in Pattaya since they opened,

    I have 4 vehicles, house and condo insurance over the last 10 years, good business for them.

    When I ask a question, btw an important question because haven’t had to do before they reply poorly.

  14. On 6/10/2018 at 4:57 PM, digbeth said:
    On 6/10/2018 at 4:46 PM, johng said:

    If paying at 7/11 how do they update the green/blue book ? I'm stating to think the updating tax page in the book is a bit redundant.

    They don't, the book'll get updated only when you take it to them in person,


    But paying online and via 7-11 is only for cars/bike not needing inspection, so by the time the 7th years, you'll need to get inspected and present the inspection certificate to them.

    When does a vehicle need to be inspected? Bikes 5 year and car 7 year.

    Is that older than 5 years for bikes or is it the 5th year of registration?

    and Is that older than 7 years for cars or is it the 7th year of registration?

  15. 30 minutes ago, Maradona 10 said:

    What do you mean find out who he is? He's Rudds, old Rudders...everyone knows him. Anyway, I've tried him twice now and he isn't picking up, mind you he is so popular his dog n bone is probably ringing off the hook.

    Mate, you’re not on the same page.


    Shane (Rudders) is taking calls on behalf of the” Popular Expat” who is in need of Blood.

  16. 2 hours ago, Maradona 10 said:

    Of course it matters, myself and Rudders go back a long way...


    And don't other poster something like 'it shouldn't matter if he is a good egg or not' blah blah blah..big yawn!

    Can you do us all a favour?


    Give your good mate Rudders a call and find out who this Popular Expat is

    Also what happened.. vehicle accident, sporting injury etc.

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