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Everything posted by Cricky

  1. It looks sexy when a Thai chick is cruising in this fashion.
  2. Best news I've heard all. Rot in hell.
  3. Agree, but there are a hell of lot more grumpy old men. Both groups of members keep the Mods busy with their many reporting and complaining.
  4. What about Harold, he was American. Very wealthy. ???? Must have been loaded to have a sexy Thai porn star wife. ????
  5. Last I heard of this guy was he had a group of Thai guys looking to beat him up.
  6. Now this is worthy of a headline, makes a change from unworthy Headline...... YouTube millionaire. Thanks
  7. It's a sad world when you see the headline about some extrovert, show off guy making the news. It just amazes me. The media is encouraging this poor behavior.
  8. Drives a Porsche and too tight to pay the paltry toll
  9. Damm foreigners, always wanting to change Thailand.
  10. Unpixelated Photos please. You see more on Facebook. Party poopers.
  11. I'm not sure if he learnt anything. I reckon if he was still alive and back on the bike he'd be doing the same stupid things. Some people never learn.
  12. The Indonesians deported an Aussie chick recently, not wearing a helmet riding her scooter, then abusing the cop. I reckon Thailand should do the same, more deportations for breaking the law.
  13. Now this is a headline. I have never heard of compensation being offered.
  14. I often wondered why those tins of fish are so cheap.
  15. I reckon you need to research before making nonsense comments Pal. You don't see that many Russians making fools of themselves. UK, Aussies and Yanks about the same number.
  16. Makes a change, usually the negative foreigner headlines are the Brits.
  17. No Deepwater drilling in Thailand, only Jackups. If you've got offshore drilling, Barge Master experience try offshore drillers.
  18. I reckon most are petty issues. They cost the country a lot of money with their annoying issues at times.
  19. It's a sad world when a girl gets hit by a psycho (male) with a motorbike helmet and non of the males at the scene offer her help.
  20. Oh dear, it was a nice car. Stupid woman. It's Russian roulette doing this on the road, so many drivers on their phones, not paying attention etc. The accident was bound to happen.
  21. How to open a bank account *All visa apply *No need to hire agents *No need to buy insurance Follow these steps .... https://m.facebook.com/groups/PattayaExpatsClub/permalink/10166853675835291/?mibextid=Nif5oz
  22. If he wants to buy a condo he needs a bank account.
  23. Sad to hear. You guys get the double whammy. Hope the skies clear up for your better health and electricity production.
  24. I didn't see Pattaya Beach on the list.????
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