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Everything posted by GarryP

  1. Would be interesting to see a comparison with flu deaths. During the pandemic, didn't covid cure deaths from flu? At least the number of flu deaths disappeared for a couple of years.
  2. Me. But the difference is that I have worked here, paid my taxes and not sponged off the state. I have also learned the language and adapted to Thai culture and not attempted to force my idealogies/religion on anyone.
  3. If you are unemployed you do not qualify. If you are not married to a Thai, then you would first need to go the PR route, but to do so you would still need to be employed.
  4. Interesting subject. I will retire at the end of this month at 61.5 years old. If the office would keep me on, I'd probably continue as I am only working 3 days a week now, working from home (upcountry). It's not so much the money, but just to keep me occupied. Obviously, I'll have to adapt as the office has had enough of me after 31 1/2 years with them. I'll just have to do more cycling and really get back into fishing.
  5. I already did comment. 😉
  6. Only third? they need to get more active to get to the world leader spot.
  7. If applying for citizenship based on marriage to a Thai, you need to have been married for three years, and have a valid work permit and paid tax for the at least three years before submitting your application. You also need to remain in employment throughout the application process. I know someone whose application took 3 years, 8 months and 25 days, from the initial application to receipt of a Thai ID card, which then was considered quite quick (they applied in 2012). The process speeded up under the Prayuth administration, but now has stalled again under Pheu Thai. It is unclear how long applications will take now as interviews are currently on hold, the backlog is increasing and the Minister of the Interior is a xenophobic xxxx.
  8. 600 Baht a month from 60 to 70 years old. It increases a little bit from 70 to 80. If you get the Social Security pension, which I will be drawing in a few months, the current maximum is about Baht 5,700 per month. But getting the latter means you will not get the former, but not much of a loss.
  9. Yep, I see it as a deliberate wind-up.
  10. The only funds I have left in Thailand based mutual funds are in tax saving funds but I will be cashing out soon and re-investing in overseas funds, although through Thailand based fund companies. I don't have any hopes of improvement in the Thailand economy in the short term.
  11. And what some take as a negative (Brandon and Chomper), I take as a positive. Hence, my earlier quote from that opinion piece. I do not believe that Murray representing Muslims as a collective threat is wrong, in so far as it is not possible to filter out the extremists.
  12. Rather selective there. Flyguy330 did also state "They previously stuck to educating the ignorant on the truth about Islam using the Islamic texts to illustrate the insanity of that cult.", i.e. he is against islam. And Flyguy330's being against islam will not be changed by Murray acting like a zionist. In other words, action still needs to be taken to stop islamic/cultural extremism in Europe.
  13. As explained, but perhaps you did not get, when it is not possible to filter out extremists so they may be targeted and ordinary muslims won't do anything about the extremists in their midst (or at least bring them to the attention of the authorities), there is no option but to target the whole. That is not radical or bigoted. It is logical. Are you suggesting that if we are unable to target extremists, we should just leave the cultural/religious groups they belong to alone? That would be insane.
  14. “Brandon wrote that Murray has “represented Muslims as a collective threat,” and described his time worked at CSC as a “constant struggle to “de-radicalise” Murray and to ensure that the centre’s output targeted only Islamists – and not Muslims as a whole.”” That's the problem though, isn't it? Murray is not radical on this issue; he is logical. When it is not possible to filter out extremists from the many illegal immigrants, and the existing muslim communities, then the only option is to see muslims as a collective threat. Even those muslims who have culturally assimilated (and there are many) are not doing anything (with very few exceptions), despite being in the best position to address what is happening. So, in effect, they are supporting islamic and cultural extremism through their silence, i.e. a collective threat.
  15. Just one and it has performed terribly since covid hit. I'll be cashing out when my losses are not so severe (TMBPIPF). I also cashed out of a Thai based mutual fund as I think the Thai market is isn't going to improve any time soon and reinvested the money in an international fund I am already holding.
  16. No answers for you. I know it is difficult to find vets who agree to euthanasia in Thailand. Must be very difficult for you. Hope you get it sorted.
  17. I thought this gov't supported "soft power" or did they mean limp dick MPs.
  18. Interesting reading what you are doing. Having lived and worked in Thailand for the past 40 odd years, I no longer have an overseas accounts so all my savings have been done locally, i.e. via local banks and fund managers, despite the high fees charged on mutual funds here.
  19. Congratulations. Seems a bit over the top what they are requiring to clear the last hurdle. I wonder if that is specific to your District Office or this is a new requirement across the board. Not heard of them requiring this before.
  20. I think he meant street parties.
  21. I now live upcountry and not one person I have talked politics with support Thaksin anymore. Even former redshirts have had enough and seem to be moving orange. He is past his sell by date, but being the egotistical tw@t he is, he won't step away from his power obsession voluntarily.
  22. True, but we've had enough of "those currently wielding power" too. And that is not limited to the senators. 😉
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