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Everything posted by GarryP

  1. The police could actually make post burning arrests too. Just drive around the countryside and wherever they see evidence of burning, it is not hard to see, inquire as to the land ownership and issue a warrant against the owner. Do that for a couple of years and they'll soon stop burning. Also, close down, or at least heavily fine, all sugar mills that accept burnt cane. If they stop accepting burnt cane, the farmers will stop burning. However, local authorities need to help out with supplying cane harvesters, as locals can't afford such machinery.
  2. Yes, I had to with UOB. Drove nearly two hours to their nearest branch to do this.
  3. Okay, I wasn't aware of that. Probably because those restrictions do not apply to me.
  4. I barely do any banking on my PC. I use mobile banking apps for most of my transactions, even including withdrawals from ATMs, investments, transfers, etc. I have found it convenient and more user friendly than the online banking sites. The facial recognition requirement for larger transactions is good too. I have also set the apps so that I am immediately alerted to any transactions.
  5. Wish I had that amount of money to invest. I'll just ride the tech wave with my Innotech mutual fund. Up 112.89%, but that is over about 7 years. Also up 15% on India over 4 months. But don't ask me about China, I'm down 51%.
  6. If true, that totally sucks. But I seem to recall that it was terrible during the last Pheu Thai govts as was the PR scheme. Crazy that things improved under a coup government, only to revert to the old norm.
  7. I have a relatively new Omron HEM-7156-A which has supposedly been clinically tested. I trust its accuracy now but who knows in a couple of years down the road. The differences in your reading from hospital are way too different. I would be questioning that too.
  8. Yeah, even when I'm about to take a reading at home, I usually worry a bit that the result may be high. As a result, it may cause a rise in pressure. Hence the need for a calming technique. Thanks.
  9. I just tried that at home and I could not believe my readings. I need to try that next time I have my health check up.
  10. 132/77 now, sitting in front of my PC, just played sudoku.
  11. Aren't you allowed to say anything negative about Thailand? There is a lot that is good, but there is a lot that is totally effed up too, including the attempts at holding on to power by the dinosaurs, military, crooked politicians, oligarchs, puppet judiciary, etc. which does not benefit the people of the country only their own pockets. The system is screwed and needs reform.
  12. The only people to suffer from this are the owners of mom and pop shops that are located near 7/11s. Their sales of alcohol will go down as they were making most of their sales to people buying during the off/ban hours. Those customers will mostly start relying on 7/11.
  13. My tax ID changed to my Thai ID when I informed the tax office of the change in my status.
  14. I just do not see any logic in his argument. Amending laws is normal, and amendment of that particular law does not constitute an attempt to overthrow the gov't and the bloke on top. After amendment, the gov't would still be there and so would that bloke. They should check whether the complainant has the mental capacity needed to be a lawyer and, if not, revoke his license.
  15. I bet Steve did a runner.
  16. Actually 5mg per day is a standrad dose used to treat both BPH and ED. I was on it for BPH like you, but many are on it for ED too.
  17. But the last time I checked it no generics were approved by the Thai FDA, so theoritically it is illegal, even if sold by a pharamcist on prescription. Having said that, I know where to get it myself.
  18. In a vat of sulphuric acid.
  19. Since the patent expired on Cialis, one would have thought that the generic version of the drug, tadalafil, would be available here, yet it is not. The price of Cialis bought on prescription (it is a prescription only drug in Thailand) is crazy expensive. I was on it for quite a few months due to BPH, but came off it after being steamed. FYI there are a number of manufacturers of generic drugs in India, including tadalafil. You just need to know how to source them from reputable companies. I would be very wary of the street vendor products being offered in Thailand.
  20. I got Thai citizenship in early 2016 and we bought them as joint owners.
  21. In my case, the last one is not that difficult. I have lived here for 41 years, we've been married for nearly 7 years and we jointly own property here.
  22. I usually go overboard. Last visa we applied for was granted but unused due to Covid hitting. Hopefully, that in itself will be a positive when we submit a new visa application later this year.
  23. I'd rather not have him influence anything. He never has worked for the interests of the people and never will. Yes, there were some good changes under his rule, particularly letting the upcountry folks know that their voices mattered, but I believe that was done out of self-interest. Like the digital 10k scheme PT is touting, which is pretty much a "legal" vote buying scheme. I am not saying that he was definitely guilty of the charges brought against him, but if they let him free, they should let all those political prisoners free too, people for the most part who just stated their opinion. It is clearly a two tier justice system and this needs to stop. The same treatment for all is needed.
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