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Everything posted by GarryP

  1. I came to Thailand when I was 19. I knew nothing about the country. I had next to no money. But I still managed to make a life for myself. You have more advantages than I did so I don't think you need to worry too much. Life is a journey to be enjoyed, but reading some of the comments on here, it would seem some of the posters get their enjoyment from being curmudgeons and hate seeing other people have a better life than them.
  2. Is his nibs okay with this? I thought he was all for the police and military buz cuts.
  3. And circumcision isn't mutilation which serves no physical purpose for the vast majority of males? It should only be done in the case of medical necessity. Hence the comparison.
  4. So if your family was a member of a particular faith that required the chopping off of your ears, you would be fine with that because you would still be able to hear?
  5. If your parents did it, they should have been reported to the authorities. I wouldn't have wanted my mum or dad messing around with my dick. Leave it to the effing doctors.
  6. Surely that is misleading. Wouldn't many of those opting for assisted suicide already be suffering from great pain/discomfort as a result of the big C and other diseases? As a result, they will be claiming that cancer related deaths are dropping, when in fact they aren't. People are just electing to end it early.
  7. It would require having a house registration in that area. If your wife's house registration is still in the NE, then the best way for her would be to register a change of address. If you are renting a house, she could ask to be added to the owners house registration. Whether they would agree to that or not is a different matter. If your wife owns the house, then she would normally already have a house registration for that address and be covered.
  8. Automatic, but it is based on the Tabien Bahn (House Registration Book). People have coverage at the government hospital/clinic which serves the specific area where the house is registered. If they are living in a different area to their house registration (very common), the only way to benefit is to travel to the hospital which serves their official address. This could be in a different province and take a lot of travel time. The exception is in the case of emergencies, such as accidents, in which case they could be treated in the nearest government hospital. All information can be found at this website. https://www.nhso.go.th/home The government is supposedly considering updating the scheme such that people will be able to seek treatment at any government hospital/clinic. However, whether this comes to pass is anyone's guess.
  9. I think it is called limp dick energy.
  10. I rarely agree with you, but you are right on this. My niece is a transgender teacher in a government school. I also live close to a school in north Kalasin and can confirm that there are quite a number of trans students there.
  11. I moved to north Kalasin in February this year after living in Bangkok for 40 years. I must admit that I was concerned about the change in my life, but really love it here. The countryside is so beautiful. However, I do have the advantage of being able to speak Thai, so I am not dependent on others for communication.
  12. You're in a great location. Haven't been in a long time but remember it well. People fishing around the lake and some lakeside eateries. Pretty good location. Ubol is a nice place to live, especially your part.
  13. They ain't got owt better to do.
  14. Was thinking te same thing. It may have come late but it seems to be making up for that. Some of the large dams are still quite low though. Luckily, not in my area, which is pretty much overflowing.
  15. My father started having dizzy/light headed spells resulting in a few falls and as a result had a pacemaker fitted, but that was when he was 88 or 89. He had always had a low resting heart rate and I'm in the same boat. According to my fitness watch, it sometimes drops to 44 and my resting rate is now 50. On top of that, I do take 5mg amlodopine for blood pressure and occasionally feel lightheaded if I bend over and quickly stand up straight again. Hence my interest in this thread. It must be quite stressful, but as you are actively doing something about your health issue, I'm sure things will work out for you.
  16. Thanks for the very detailed post. I know that my father has cut out a number of triggers. Tomatoes, coffee, tea, etc. It looks like I will have to do that too. I now have very low tolerance for spicy foods. Within half an hour after eating something spicy, I notice increased acid. Based on your post, I presume the reason I notice it is that the LES isn't working as well as it should.
  17. I take it you mean that lots of carbs will "increase" stomach acid, not reduce it. Hence, a low carb diet may help reduce stomach acid.
  18. Yep. White coat syndrome. Blood pressure always higher at hospital than at home. Seems I'm a bit like @Neeranam Slightly elevated blood pressure, but not serious and low resting heart rate (Just seen the latest post and it would seem that low blood presure is involved). According to my fitness tracker, which I recently invested in due to similar concerns, my average resting heart rate over the last 7 days 49 bpm. While low resting heart rates are not uncommon especially in fit people, it is quite unusual to have low resting heart rate and high blood pressure. In my case it would appear to be genetic as my father is the same. After a few blackouts when he was 88 or 89, he had a pacemaker installed.
  19. What is your fixation on bargirls about? Projecting perhaps?
  20. I bet there's a few members who would rejoice at something like that happening at their abodes.
  21. I actually do this, but not to save energy. Just to save time making a cup of tea. ????
  22. I'm with you on this. Biden is too old and Trump is a moron. There surely are some much better options on both sides.
  23. Difficult when he needs to bow to the junta parties and the elite.
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