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Everything posted by Eaglekott

  1. AI give like 80% un-correct answers... you have to fact check them.
  2. No Its not... Thailand is not a third world country, but rather an upper-middle income economy. It's considered a developing country that's making progress towards becoming more developed. Thailand has a growing economy and is considered a middle power in global affairs. It's a founding member of ASEAN and has the second-largest economy in Southeast Asia. Thailand's income per capita has increased, and its poverty rate has decreased. It's considered a newly industrialized economy, with manufacturing, agriculture, and tourism as leading sectors. Thailand is making progress towards meeting the Sustainable Development Goals. However, some say that Thailand has pockets of poverty, and that the country's structural transformation has stalled since the mid-2010s.
  3. It might have been Villa Market, A friend of ours she got her CC hijacked 3 times before she realize that is was from after been using her card at Villa Market the details got stolen and used. When she started to talk to her friends about it several of her friends also had their card information stolen at Villa, They did let management at Villa know.
  4. I don't think we are living in the same Thailand been here 20 years and still can only think of one time I ordered a medium rare beef and it was well done. I did eat it anyway because I know when over cooked the only way to fix it is to throw it away and make a new. I did let the owner know tho, and he wanted to compensate me, but it was good so I declined. Or maybe we have different levels of tolerance. I might be perfectly fine with something you send back to the kitchen.
  5. I was in a restaurant with a similar story like yours, the customers made a big fuzz about having 3 beers when the bill said 4, he also stated he never drink more than 3 beers in an evening. In his case they let him off paying 3 beers, and I just by accident was there a few days later when he came back and the manager asked him to follow. Apparently they had it clear on the CCTV that he had ordered 4 beers that evening. He had to pay for 4 only drinking 3 that evening. I asked the manager sinca I know him a bit, and he say he is a regular customer, and just said we was so sorry he must have forgotten one because he usually only have 3. I do forget how many beers I drink sometimes, and if they take the bottles away like they do on some places I just kindly ask them to leave them so I can keep count... My wife taught me to do that. She left off in a bit of rage and almost in tears because she lost her face, being wrong or at least corrected by the boss. She was probably sure she was correct otherwise my guess is she would have corrected it directly as they usually do. If they later can confirm you had 4 she probably has to pay for one out of her own pocket. And that remind me of another story, we went to a Thai restaurant and we ordered a big plate of Khao pad poo. Fried rice with crab, and when severed we noticed it seamed wrong and called the guy serving us, and he said he was sorry since he thought Khao pad Moo, Fried rice with pork. So he took it back and came back a few minutes with the correct dish, He was very helpful and during he was helping us filling classes of beers and such, one of my Thai friends asked what happens with the wrong order, and the servant say he has to pay for it with own money, and he can eat it hungry or not no staff discount given. We gave him tip under the pay slip thingy enough to purchase a lot of Fried rice pork.
  6. I had a delegation of 5 business men from Japan visiting to talk business, and after our meeting they wanted to host me dinner at a pretty nice riverside restaurant, and when we arrived we learned it was an alcohol ban day, they were very disappointed and some tried to drink that undrinkable Heineken 0.0 including me.
  7. Antibiotics does not help against the Flu that is caused my Virus. I was down with the Flu for 11 days, coughing tons of phlegm, 39 degree fever, pain in my muscles, problem to catch my breath, sore throat, tight sinuses... My wife have the vaccine shot, she just got a little sore throat. I'll probably get the flu vaccine next year.
  8. I still go with Cambridge description of a TukTuk (And Wikipedia) I think they simply call the small busses for TukTuk, so tourists understand what they mean.
  9. Being here for 20 years I can not remember a single local call those a Tuk-Tuk, Mini bus or Taxi I have heard, but never called a Tuk-Tuk as far as I can remember. Ok I'm Usually not that often in very touristy places... I also asked my Thai wife if those were tuk-tuk, and she said No, Mini Bus. When I ask for a Picture of a tuk-tuk this is what I get:
  10. I have to agree with Classic Ray, I have been taught that the 1st Picture is a TukTuk, and the lower two is called "Song teaw, sɔ̌ɔng-tɛ̌ɛo" (Two row) สองแถว.
  11. Yepp, Enklich is my third language... sorry 😉
  12. I get a bit annoyed when I can not have a beer or glass of whine with my Pizza when I have a late lunch with friends at Whine Connection. Has absolutely nothing to do getting hammered.
  13. Hot to do to have an AI not to lie to you.. Its ok to link to Face book right? https://www.facebook.com/reel/1128040115768232
  14. And warning for Goolgle AI summary you get on top of most Goole searches. 8 out of 10 is miss-leading or totally a lie. AI (Even Deep seek) Told my friend it was domestic alcohol ban in Thailand during last election, My friend almost refused come to Bangkok his last day in Thailand because of that. He say better alcole free day by by the beach in Hua-Hin than a dry night/day in Bangkok. I had a problem convince him there was no ban in Bangkok,. Another friend is writing some document about Stockholm of all Cities, and on the question "How many Stockholm are there in the world?" AI Summary said "Where is only ONE Stockholm in the world" on the same search page it stated 10, and Maps found 4 with ease. I was getting some Creole spice mix for free with a delivery and I didn't know what a creole was, so I looked it up and AI Summary told me it was a dish originated from Louisiana. A little fact check told me that was a lie, Louisiana Creole is originated there and seams to be one of the more popular ones, but its originated during the colonial times, from the fusion between African, European and pre-Columbian traditions. Another friend of mine got problem with his heart he got Afib, and the AI told him he can expect to live about 5 years. Two other friends with chronic Afib hav had is from teenage still alive at 40 and 50+ Always fact check the lying AI's maybe they are trying to instinct humans already with their lies and miss-leading information.
  15. The No#1 Health concern that kills more people than anything else is Hypertension, It causes so many varieties of deadly medical conditions. Heart attack or Stroke, Kidney failure, Aneurysm, Metabolic syndrome, Dementia and many more. Unfortunate when people dies from most of the examples above the cause of death is rarely linked to or named Hypertension.
  16. Maybe because they didn't want to risk the life of all passengers since Samui runway is to short for a 777, also it's not an international airport could have made things much more complicated for everyone onboard the plane,
  17. I would't call that a fake 1000 baht note, he was fooled by an altered 100 Note.
  18. They were exchanging Cash for cash to get notes to distribute to class mates for the graduation, My guess is the mistake was to give them 30x 1,000 Baht notes instead of 30x 100 Baht notes in an envelope, and they didn't open the envelope until after they got home. Then if it was 40x50 Baht Notes the mathematics seams correct. Probably they wanted to hand out one envelope containing 100 Baht each to every student. I do not believe this is fictional. Good job girls, more stories like this should reach the media attention.
  19. Correct Should have been Cambodia. To my defence Im home with a terrible Influenza
  20. Im not sure how cutting out electricity in Bangkok would help curb the scam callcenters from Myanmar and Burma?
  21. Still today this is an issue, But with a letter from Immigration promising that you will get a VISA if you have a WorkPermit you can get the Work permit before they issue the VISA. Or if it's the other way around.
  22. When I got a new passport and had to change passport number I had to go to the other side of Bangkok to the branch I initially opened the account. I needed to change my PP number so my account matched my new Passport number when I had to scan my face to be able to transfer 50,000 and up. Update the Passport number took a week.
  23. As long as I have known my Thai Wife, 14 years now, she has been using the same cellphone number registered in my name since I got an extra free cellphone number I had no use for while subscribing for 02 land line for my company, and a TV package. Now suddenly she is not allowed to use online banking any longer, Only bank book at bank until we have either sorted out how to transfer the account to her, or she has to get a new number and we stop the number included in the package. Stupid...
  24. Yes and they do not understand or speak Thai well. Usually english works much better.
  25. I agree it is so ugly, and those probably would need 10 treatments, every treatment fade the tattoo a little bit, and apparently does not any harm to the skin
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