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Everything posted by Eaglekott

  1. Maybe this is the reason why my last 3 arrivals I had the date written manually with a pen, Its easy to set a stamp wrong. And it take time to set it to correct date.
  2. Been traveling to Singapore many times in the last month, Thai immigration as never missed to stamp Departed and Admitted stamp. Singapore never stamp in and out, so my passport fill up with Thai Immigration stamps only. I have never heard of any one has a missing Admitted stamp. Maybe OP don't know how they look like and think he never got it. Only thing I notice they do differently recent is instead of put a stamp with the date my EXT of stay expire they write the date manually with a pen.
  3. At least along Udomsuk they clamp cars on a daily basis. Have done for years when I drive by there.
  4. When I get called from unknown numbers, I just say "English please" then they say "Solly" klick.... Sometimes not even Solly. One time someone called me and she said she was from some bank and I said "English please" she replied in perfect english "Sorry Sir, but I don't speak any English at all. Have a good day" and she hung up. Her pronunciation was absolutely perfect. That surprised me. If its Important like call from my Car dealer they find some one that can talk English while you wait.
  5. I have not seen any smokers walking around smoking in markets, but it seams like many smokers is back to smoke in the sun chairs around Pattaya beach. I hate sitting there and a smoker 10 meters away make it stinky for everyone around.
  6. Im not sure why but it seams like many in pickup drivers here in Thailand tend to drive like they have a super sports car like a McLaren or Lamborghini. Sorry folks but putting a huge turbo in a pickup does not make it more stable on the road.
  7. I updated with the one from Aug 11, if you want I can prepare 4 to 10 also. newer after 11 come a bit later.
  8. Hi, Yes I have been in Singapore, can not access the data from there. Seams to be available within Thailand.
  9. Sorry to bring you the bad news, it's not a question IF. You will die. I just hope it's later than sooner ???? (Hope you can stand the irony)
  10. This picture must be fake... None is wearing a mask. Only the kid in front is holding a Tablet, driver should hold a phone so he can follow the GPS and the girl holding the toddler need to check TikTok an any device..
  11. I am not sure where the term Suicide doors term come from, They are not more dangerous than normal doors and I would believe normal doors has caused more motorbike and bicycle accidents than the Suicide styled. The only thing I can think of it it came out of irony if some one manage to open the door in 200km/h and hold the door handle so hard they would been thrown out of the car. The suicide doors is very practical and makes it much easier to get in and out of the car especially if you have some kind of handicap or problem to move because of age or pain related issues. By the way modern cars prevent the rear hinged doors to be opened when the car is moving, It have to be stand still, and in some cases here each side has front and rear hinged doors, ti front door must be opened firs to allow you to open the rear hinged one.
  12. I thought this was called getting older ????
  13. AKA He was driving to fast for the road conditions at that time.
  14. This felt very off topic... Delete the post? ????
  15. My guess that they were illegal many years before but under Thaksin many many very old and outdated laws was enforced, like the Alcohol selling hours law with a 2pm-5pm break.
  16. You definitively should. If something happen it voids the insurance even if some thing happen that is not related to your heart. Like an accident. The insurance company can sell you an insurance tailored for you.
  17. Its not a "Gay disease" it spreads through that a blister breaks and some fluid containing Virus is either transferred with direct skin-to-skin contact. Or skin-surface-skin contact like through bedsheets or such. It is not transferrable by sex or kisses. However Gay men is overrepresented in the statistics to transmit it. Also incubation time is up to 3 weeks, so she might test positive in a week or two.
  18. Most Important thing is to Use Thai Passport when arriving to Thailand, My Friends Thai wife used her UK passport coming to Thailand one month before her husband and she got 45 days overstay when they wanted to go back.
  19. I have a Thai friend with similar experience but that was 10-15 years ago. I believe they wave learned by now.
  20. With my New passport I had to go and do it in Person at CW, Actually I had to go 2 times, because they forgot to upgrade my slip/registration with the new Passport number first time, Its by the barcode up to the right on the printed report. The error I got was "No Previous Registration Found" or something like that.
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