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Posts posted by Jeremy50

  1. Thai couples getting butt naked and having sex in a park seems most unlikely and really implausible . Thais are far too coy for that, and Thai parks are rather sweaty and insect ridden for an enjoyable coupling 'au nature'. If you want to see young couples go at like rabbits. almost oblivious to passersby, and the inevitable voyeurs who spring up around such activity, go to the big Italian city parks - Parco Forlanini in Milan for example.

  2. Just read about another bus crash in Krabi on Phuketwan and the 3 Hong Kong ladies that died in Cha-am a few days ago. When will they even acknowledge this god awful subject?

    Not soon. 26000 deaths a year, but it would need a change in 'road behaviour' from just about every road user in the country, and a massive and prolonged safety campaign with honest and thorough police backing to bring road deaths down to the level of the developed world. About 2000 deaths per year for a country this size. I wouldn't expect anything ever to be done, there is no public will or interest, and responsible government agencies are not even at the 'pre-contemplative' stage.

    Meanwhile there is all that unpleasant spitting to sort out.

  3. Looking at the garbage on the beaches around Ban Chang, Rayong, Mae Pim right now i would say the figures quoted are per day - NOT per year!!

    A clean up at Phala beach alone on Saturday gathered far more than two tonnes, this story is waaaay off!!

    It should have read 500 tonnes. But what's another lie in the land of lies? I went to Mae Pim 20 years ago, It was nice then.

  4. A first step should be to discard the law that every customer who buy something liquid must get a straw.

    I think it's great to get a straw wrapped in plastic.

    I don't want to drink out of some can a cat might have pissed on or a chipped bottle top!

    Oh you poor dear. Bit too much trouble to wipe the top of the can or bottle ? Where I come from, seeing a MAN using a straw, would cause comic reaction.

    The remote wooded hills of Georgia or Alabama perhaps. How many pairs of dungarees DO you have?

  5. Bangkok needs a General Sheridan for getting it out of the dumps. Right after the US's Civil War (which was quite uncivil, btw), General Sheridan took his troops and rode over on horses, over 1,000 miles to Yellowstone - which was the world's first National Park. At that time, there were still Indians cruising around, and rowdie white folks, who would hunt game and shoot at each other. Some of the pioneers were setting up mining and logging and fur operations. Sheridan used his troops to maintain order and protect the wild beasts and forests. He wasn't ordered to do so by an official, but instead took it upon himself to actively/tangibly protect the environment. That's why Thailand needs someone like General Sheridan who can actively protect the environment - which is fast deteriorating. Environmental husbandry for Thailand won't happen by government decree, because environmental issues are a very low priority: much lower than the military, sangha, making money, maintaining power, buying vanity products/operations, keeping mia noi happy, gaining favor from power-brokers, family, traveling to Europe, etc.

    Thailand is on the Chinese route of development: millions of tons of concrete to build people-structures in every direction, beyond the horizon - and the environment be dammed/damned. Thai attitude about 'wildness' is: if you want to see a pretty an non-ruined landscape or a wild animal, there are plenty pics of those online.

    Unfortunately this is so, Thais have little or no interest in a natural environment. Despite many years living in the Thai countryside I have yet to see any wild animals apart from rats, dogs, reptiles and some birds. At my own house with 2 rai, I let nature do it's thing, it's a jungle and I only cut something down if it starts to brush against the house. The place has filled up with many species of birds,[swallows have built nests on the house], three types of squirrels, bats, frogs, lizards and so on. It's amazing what you can achieve with a piece of land if you don't dig it, hack at it, saw at it, put bright lights all over the place, blast it with music, but just leave it the f//k alone.

  6. London has achieved 30 percent cycle usage, but that took decades and the efforts of 'cycling Boris' Even though I cycle like a maniac all over Thailand, I wouldn't dare to in Bangkok, it just looks like a thoroughly nasty experience, no cycle lanes and high pollution levels. Cycling to work really isn't an option here as your nice pressed shirt will be soaked through within a few minutes,and your Thai colleagues will look down on you because you are sweating heavily. Then, where to put the bike? Have you ever tried taking a bike into an office building in Bangkok? And lets face it, most Thai people want to exit the sitting position in front of the TV, and go to another sitting position in the car, with as few steps as possible in between.

  7. I don't think smokers realize how disgusting non-smokers think their habit is. That vile smell that insidiously creeps under doors and across hotel balconies, the coughing up of mucus that smokers have to do every morning. Either ban it or put the price up by a 100 baht a pack. And keep these social pariahs the hell away from me.

  8. I haven't seen the version of the tape where the women can be seen. I was walking through Soi Cowboy the other day, and some western women were exclaiming 'OMG they look 12 years old!' Pointing at some bar girls who were quite clearly several years older than 18. This is an example of how many western women seem completely unable to judge the age of a Thai girl, they can't cope with the small frame size or something, whereas I can accurately guess the age of these girls usually within a few months.

  9. How about free or heavily subsidised condoms for starters? This would also help reduce the huge rubber stockpile that the Government has on its hands.

    The problem is - why use a condom when it feels so much better without? Is there a man or boy in the world who enjoys that 'condom moment'?

  10. Sad news! Means more tour buses and more crowded tourist attractions. I hate large tour groups. Of any nationality.

    Indeed Thailand will change and not be the same as it used to be. I recently was absolutely shocked when I saw a picture of a beach in Krabi (must have been Ao Nopparat?), populated by virtually Ten Thousands of Chinese tour group day-trippers, so you weren't actually able to see any sand or the sea. You only saw people, people, people, bodies, bodies, bodies......

    considering it will take 220 years for all Chinese nationals to visit Thailand in case the yearly numbers of 6 Million visitors remain the same, the worst is yet to come.....

    Ghastly............ As long as over population and how to reduce it is a taboo subject, the planet is doomed.

  11. Was the student in an English class or was it just a random student ?

    anyone have a link to the " English Delivery by Chris program "

    there seems more to this story that is not posted.....

    Come to your own conclusions about this guy.


    Oh! he is a Thai guy, I was expecting a westerner. It's a pity he has to talk about 'farangs' when he could so easily use the more respectful term 'foreign people'. My students never call me 'farang', though out on the streets I have to hear it every 5 minutes, along with 'gluey' [banana], 'maleng', [insect], 'hean' [lizzard], 'paksida' [guava]. I wonder if Thai people realize how hurtful this can be when inflicted day after day after day, or are they just without empathy, or is the hurt intended? The other day a British politician had to make a full media apology to a Thai lady living in England, at her home, face to face, in front of TV cameras, after he had referred to Thais as 'dting tong'. The painful irony of it!

  12. There is no flat land forest left in Thailand, so encroachment spreads further up the sides of hills, even steep ones, this can be seen everywhere. There are few mammals left anywhere. If a deer was suddenly to appear, it would be surrounded by astonished locals and then caught to be sold or eaten. Much of Thailand is a wildlife desert. The rats do well in the paddies and along the rubbish festooned highways, and because of that some birds of prey also do well. It seems like everyone here is poking around in bushes or ponds trying to find some living thing that can be sold at the market.

  13. I don't know why people frequent these overpriced places. The food is not usually very good, the service always poor, the beer never cold enough. The beer is on a trolly out of reach so someone can top up your glass every time you take a sip. Get me the <deleted> out of here. Of course the taxi driver would have demanded his cut too.

  14. Corruption, cronyism, and complacency. A lot of the teachers at my last school didn't even bother going to the classroom. Breakfast in the staffroom 8.30 to 9.30am and lunch 12.30 to 1pm, these are the highlights of the teachers day, eating and gossiping is what the job is all about. The boss of the department actively encouraged this, after all - why should he care? Meanwhile most students just goof about, around the toilet blocks and canteen. Looking for a socket to recharge the phone takes up a good part of the day.

  15. Even the poor are willing to be poor to uphold face.

    I have said, the Thai mentality is that the brand name of the wallet or purse is more important than the amount of money in it.

    Really? Just the Thai mentality? ONLY Thai people will buy a luxury item based on brand name?

    I am sure this will come as a shock to western world, who have for decades spent fortunes on everything from Rolex to Gucci ... Rolls Royce to Cartier ...

    Is there no subject under this sun that you people can not use to paint that Thai people as inferior, stupid and needing to suckle on the teat of the Oh So Wise Westerner to show them the way?

    Really? Only Thai people are suckers for brand names/ REALLY?

    Please reply back when you have finished your $5 Starbucks.

    The flights leave every 4 hours .. feel free to leave anytime.

    Anyone with taste knows how vulgar this brand name tat is. Good taste is something you can never buy, and I've seen little or no evidence of it in this part of the world. Unfortunately we live in a world where everyone wants to walk around looking like David Beckham, and that miserable looking Spice Girl woman. Surely the most vulgar and ostentatious couple on the planet.

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