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Posts posted by Jeremy50

  1. These guys got taken for everything by a Thai girl, and could not stand to go back home broke and humiliated.


    They love Thailand so much they would rather kill themselves than leave ; )


    Notwithstanding a lot of these guys come for a go at another life or in someway to live a youth they might have missed out on. It must be absolutely devastating when the girl leaves you and all the money is gone too, which is usually the reason for the girl leaving in the first place. Most people I have known of in this situation considered suicide at some stage or another. The goose that lays the golden egg is just a turkey once the egg

    is all eaten up, the girl usually goes looking for another goose. Of course there could be many other reasons why this chap took his own life.

    • Like 1
  2. he was alerted of the jump right after it happened and informed the Samitivej Hospital to rush an emergency medical team to the scene

    Doesn't bode well for travelers that there is apparently no emergency medical team available at the this supposed international hub of aviation. ermm.gif

    What's the response time from Samitivej to the airport?

    There is one. Watch 'Bangkok Airport' to enlighten yourself.

    • Like 2
  3. This is SE Asia. It is still developing, and many things are behind the West. This is not western Europe or the USA. But that does not give anybody on here the right to be rude, scornful and condescending regarding the local populace and their means of transport. It is what it is, accidents do happen, but if mum and dad and 3 kids need to get to the market, on their only transport, a 100cc motorbike, then that's the way they are going to travel. The small moped revolutionised transport and travel in Asia, 2 or 3 generations ago, and is still needed today. Pity we in the West don't open our eyes more often to stuff that is simpler, cheaper and easier.

    And why do the 3 kids need to go to the market? Millions of people in this country do agree with you, and do exactly as they please with regards to safety, which is why Thailand is, has been, and will always be...............'developing'

    The UK has roughly the same population as Thailand, but a road death toll of 1500 per year to Thailand's 26000,

    It's a pity you are blinded by the 'it's their country' train of thought.

  4. Well, once upon a time no one wore helmets either. Then they started enforcing the law that the "driver" had to be wearing a helmet (but not the other 1-4 people on his scooter). Then they started cracking down even further and now pretty much everyone is supposed to be wearing a helmet while on a motorcycle.

    Of course it's going to be a hard sell in some places:



    But the good news is, the BIB are practising and ready for the task:


    It's when you see westerners doing this as in the picture above that really sickens me, These people are not fit to be parents. Their children lost the lottery of life by ending up with a couple of bozos like this. As for the Thais, they seem either to know no better, or just don't care. Some even do it at considerable speed. Out cycling the other day a family on a motorbike including a baby came past me doing 100k+, and cranking it over on mountain bends. A vision of pure insanity and malevolence.

    • Like 1
  5. In England you would get 2 years for grooming a students on the internet. If sex occurs, it's 5 years, regardless of age, up to 18. At Thai schools I have worked at it seems quite common to 'hear rumors from students in ones class regarding a student-teacher 'romance'. I have also met several western teachers over the years who thought 14-18 year old students were 'fair game'. One of these guys did a year in the Bangkok Hilton when the extraordinary scope of his activities were uncovered and angry parents got involved. Another guy was extradited by British police for outstanding child molestation charges in the UK. Really when a middle aged teacher always takes a camera into the classroom, some other sad git starts 'meeting' 14 year old girls at the school every Saturday, or as happened the other day old western guy teaching here buys 40 teddy bears for his class of 16 year old girls, I sigh, and think- here we go again.

    Students do sometimes complain though, a few years ago at an English camp at the beach, 15 years old students complained that 60 year old western teacher was 'hugging' them under[the cover of] the water. That was the end of him.

  6. Thais have always been bigots. Nothing can change that. Us farangs we live with it, deal with it and come home to our families.

    If you have the protection of a Thai family it doesn't really put you in the same league as someone living on their own here and having to deal with Thai bigotry on a day to day basis. 24/7.

    I can quite understand why so many get a 'family' or live in big western enclaves so that they can be less visible on the radar.

  7. Japanese parents seek justices for slain daughter


    BANGKOK: -- The parents of a female Japanese tourist who was killed in Sukhothai province 7 years ago has approached justice officials to ask for progress in the case.

    So far, no suspects have been arrested and the police have stated that they were willing to allow Japanese authorities to look at all the evidence.

    The Japanese ambassador to Thailand accompanied Yasu-aki and Aeko Kawashita, the parents of the murdered Japanese female tourist to meet with Gen. Paiboon Khumchaya, the minister for the Ministry of Justice yesterday.

    They asked for any developments in the case.

    The Kawashita’s daughter Tomoko Kawashita, was murdered at Wat Saphan Hin temple located within the grounds of the Sukhothai Historical Park during the Loi Kratong festival in 2007.

    After the meeting, Gen Paiboon stated that he had clarified the situation involved in the case and had reassured the Kawashitas that authorities were still actively investigating the case throughout the entire 7 years.

    He explained that the Royal Thai Police Department is in close cooperation with the Central Institute of Forensic Science in thoroughly investigating all evidence involved in the case which includes DNA checks but has so far been unable to bring the case to a closure.

    The minister also stated that Thai authorities were willing to clarify any contentious points raised by Japanese authorities and were more than willing to hand over all relevant files involved in the case to their Japanese counterparts.

    (Photo : Thai PBS File)

    Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/japanese-parents-seek-justices-for-slain-daughter


    -- Thai PBS 2015-03-07

    That's an interesting picture. Who is the giant wearing the DSI jacket? I once got chased out of this park, jogging here is not allowed.

  8. mai pen rai

    I do not care

    I do not accept responsibility

    I am never wrong

    I never apologize ... no need too

    I am perfect

    I have a small penis

    I have debt but no savings

    I own nothing

    So my life must be perfect

    What a croc of ............

    I don't want to say that this small dick thing is a complete fallacy, but a friend of mine who lives in Chiang Mai reports a gay cabaret where the Thai performers are hung like John Holmes.

  9. What's a 71 year old man doing travelling alone here to Thailand? Rhetorical question. Particularly when you consider the silly old fool 'fell when exiting a bar'. Som nom na, as they say hereabouts.

    Life stops when we die.

    Up to then, everybody has the right to enjoy his life.

    Yes, he should have insurance but it's very wrong of you criticizing him just because he wanted to enjoy the last years of his life.

    Probably you are still young, but when you come to our age you will be looking at life from a different angle.

    1. No, it doesn't.

    2. If that's the way he found to 'enjoy' himself, again, som nom na.

    3. No, I most certainly don't.

    Is there a special pill you take to have such a lack of empathy?

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