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Posts posted by Jeremy50

  1. Why would anyone in their right mind fly with an airline that is struggling financially? There is such a big choice of quality airlines with brand new planes. Thailand should focus on reducing the catastrophic number of road fatalities, once that is sorted, then think about taking to the skies again, with a re-branded Thai airways that refuses to give free flights to big haired hi-so ladies with their 50 Louis Vuitton suitcases.

  2. It's only a matter of time before a crash. Until then it is just spend spend spend like there is no tomorrow, and most Thai people only plan about a day ahead anyway. The first rule of personal finance - If you don't have the money, don't buy it. I can't see what is so difficult about that maxim to understand. I have never had a credit card. Meanwhile the Thai baht is stronger than ever, no idea what that is all about.

  3. Interesting to know if the male model showing his ars3 was a farang.

    Here's the video. He's a farang, and appears to be wearing a clear G-string. Shucks.


    All the models are drop dead gorgeous. The guy taking a shower looks like Michelangelo's David, though I don't suppose the Italian Renaissance swings much weight here. I would have been happy for my kids to see this as they have healthy and natural acceptance of nudity. I applaud these young people for their professionalism.

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  4. Set the victim on fire! No mercy. Father, you have a monster evil son. End of story.

    Yes, he has a monster son and the girl must also be a monster. But the part of this story that breaks my heart if true is this:

    A passer-by alerted the rescue workers and police to put out the fire.

    Are there no "Good Samaritans" left in the world. What difference might it have made had the passer-by tried to put out the fire. I guess the only positive thing is that he/she apparently didn't stop to make a video.

    Actually they did make a video, it went onto liveleak. sad.png Sure somebody can provide the gruesome link.

    Please do not do that. Some things cannot be unseen.. I guess in a nation obsessed

    with selfies, it would make perfect sense to take a video of someone you just set on fire..

    These kinds of ghoulish videos are extremely popular here and are avidly shared on facebook etc. Just one example: 4 little kids were run down by a school director in his truck at a school near here last year. Within 2 hours of the accident, video of the young children's pathetic corpses were on the phones of most of the students and teachers at the school.

  5. France was scandalized, when Manet painted 'Olympia' But that was in the 19th century. Ironically, at that time in Thailand , it was perfectly acceptable for women to walk around topless. People should have the freedom to express themselves as they wish, it's called developing individuality. It's what makes human society interesting. I wonder what the junta would make of sites such as Omegle where girls routinely play with themselves to 'entertain' groups of anonymous strangers.

  6. Not his possession, nobody can ever 'own' an animal. The lack of wildlife in this country is shocking. Six years of cycling and running in the Thai countryside and I have yet to see a single wild animal, apart from reptiles, rats, dogs, and small birds. During one run in South West England at Christmas time I saw several species of deer, a fox, a badger ,a hare, a weasel, game birds and several large birds of prey.

  7. Personally, I find the 'head in the sand' brigade more annoying than the whiners. There is nothing wrong in seeing a place for what it is, to walk around with blinkers on makes people appear none too clever and somewhat in denial. The author of the article sounds like a bitter person himself, and etiquette is a word usually associated with politeness, so completely misused in the context that he chose for it.

    The most miserable expats here are the ones who seem to have no interests. The happiest have at least 3 interests, perhaps 1 sporting and 2 intellectual. And often a full time job on top of that. Too much time on your hands is a big problem. Highest points on the misery index always go to the alcoholics and the old sex-pats. Those two groups just seem to be caught in a nightmare cycle of despair.

    What a load of rubbish. Im retired at 47 have loads of time of my hands and love life and the people and the family around me. I have my 8 dogs and studio and drum room as interests and met my thai wife in the UK so can hardly be described as a sexpat as you put it. I have a standard of living I could only dream of back in the UK. If anyone is bitter it sounds like yourself. I dont need the money to work so choose to live me life as I wish. Now I know your comments were not directed at me but your generalisation is way off the mark. I know of many expats like me who love it here. Im not in denial nor do I walk around with blinkers on. Is it perfect? No such thing as perfect but compared to living in the UK? No contest. Thailand wins hands down.

    Exactly, you have many interests. My case in point. And I only suggested that the sex-pats were the unhappiest people here, not that everyone here is a sex-pat.

  8. Personally, I find the 'head in the sand' brigade more annoying than the whiners. There is nothing wrong in seeing a place for what it is, to walk around with blinkers on makes people appear none too clever and somewhat in denial. The author of the article sounds like a bitter person himself, and etiquette is a word usually associated with politeness, so completely misused in the context that he chose for it.

    The most miserable expats here are the ones who seem to have no interests. The happiest have at least 3 interests, perhaps 1 sporting and 2 intellectual. And often a full time job on top of that. Too much time on your hands is a big problem. Highest points on the misery index always go to the alcoholics and the old sex-pats. Those two groups just seem to be caught in a nightmare cycle of despair.

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