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Posts posted by Jeremy50

  1. Don't kill the messenger. Read his letter.

    I did. If he really cared about Thailand he'd be sending it to Suthep. He's the primary enemy Thailand needs to face right now. The rice scam is a massive mess, made worse by what's happening now, but somehow the country will get through it. What it won't get through is the destruction of the democracy to benefit the elite privileged grouping this aristocratic failed finance minister represents. Given his past, should any country really take his advice?

    I understand your point. Some of those people don't seem very trustful. On the other side, I don't see how the country will get through the mess of the rice scam (and other scams), because YL never wants to acknowledge mistakes and always blames the others.

    What it really needs to try and solve this is a working government, not one kneecapped by the self-serving demands of a scumbag like Suthep. I tend to agree she needs to listen more and there are few signs that she's doing enough of that yet. That said, reporting on Reuters last week was quite clear that she was no longer cow-towing to her brother and she's increasingly her own person. Given the vast amount of external money invested in Thailand I imagine there are all sorts of hefty discussions going on here that we don't know about, involving global players.

    She also seems to have garnered some international respect for the calm determination she's shown in recent months - although the "man in Dubai" chanters would never be able to grasp that.

    Sorry? Why was she towing cows? And what with?

    By the way, she kowtows to just about everyone.

    • Like 1
  2. A mass withdrawal of monies from banks? Just what PT needs right now.

    Based on the bank that assured it staff it would not give a loan to pay the rice farmers, we have today closed that account at that bank, the boycott works both ways,.

    Just a little drop in the bucket, but my drop!


    I can understand token gestures. I feel better already not drinking Singha water. But the bottom line is: Thailand is in good shape ( rice mountain notwithstanding), can and will pay its debts, has plenty of reserves, strong foreign investment. These problems are so temporary....just a blip. All will recover, life will go on.........

    Bad advice that no one should listen to. Infact there is clearly some panic in your words.

  3. Payment to poor rice farmers of N and NE must be stop at all cost.

    No reason why the rice farmers cannot sell rice themselves, when everyone in Thailand is eating rice.

    Government should be giving help money to oil palm & rubber farmers in the South instead, as they are the one that are in need of help.

    Because unlike rice, not everyone in Thailand is eating palm or rubber.

    Insideous palm oil gets into many food products. You just don't know you are eating it. Nasty s**t.

    • Like 2
  4. That will give them a clear majority and a return to power. Guess Suthep may have been wrong when he stated the majority supported him.

    It is not sooo hard to win a majority if you run the elections without opposition.....The leader in North Korea also got reelected every couple of years. Honecker also won every election.

    Saddam used to get 100 per cent of the vote with no opposition and Mugabe has been known to get more than 100 per cent of the vote in some areas whistling.gif and that's in a democracy just like Thailand. Of course the party boss in Zimbabwe is a very rich and powerful man...erm.... just like Thailand.

    And Mugabe is a personal friend of Thaksin's who has business interests in Zimbabwe.

    Mugabe will die soon, and the world will be a better place.

    • Like 2
  5. Another key PDRC leader also urged all protesters who have money in any bank to withdraw their money if their banks provide loans to the government.

    The Public Debt Management Office invited financial institutions to hear terms on the bridging loan auction today after the first round failed with no bidders.

    The loan in the second round auction will be doubled to 40 billion baht.

    Hit them in the wallet, that's where it really hurts. I don't understand why Suthep hasn't pushed the idea of people boycotting all Shin businesses. Get after it, and mail me a copy of the list.

    They have a good point. This could easily result in a run on the banks weeks or months down the line.

  6. These loonies need to pack up an go home. They have been trounced. The people have spoken: they want to be able to choose their government, not have it dictated to them by corrupt former politicians like Suthep, D-list celebrities no one ever heard of, and the likes of the beer heiress. Fortunately Thai people have better sense and are brave enough not to be intimidated by the hired goons.IT'S OVER...

    Fine......They can all go ahead and drown in a mire of corruption then.

    • Like 1
  7. Shame on Thailand. They look preposterous. Who would ever do business with Thailand seeing how this place is run?

    I agree with you..why would anyone else in the rest of the civilized, financial and investment world even want to blink at showing an iota of a risk interest in this place anymore?...I wouldn't...This place is a comedy act out of vaudeville..Its an embarassment...If only those who were born and raised and live here had a clue at how stupid they have made this place look..then they would understand why the rest of us snicker at it all so much

    For those looking for a cheap place to live, it'll do. As for investing here, not in a million years.

  8. The farmers need to stop rice farming, go into palm oil... Suthep knows a thing or two about that!!!

    Oh great! Palm oil, the ruin of virgin forests all over the world. As Thailand has almost no forest left might as well grow it. Potatoes and wheat would be better, both far more nutritious than white rice.

  9. The friendliest people, the prettiest girls and a better quality expat live in the North and North East. Foreign investment would be relocate there due to the low risk of flooding and good communications with Lao. Already many companies are moving to Khon Kaen and the Chinese are buying land like like it was going out of fashion. Without the racist Democrats (ha ha) a better relationship would be forged with Cambodia. The North and North East would retain its land of smiles. The South would be run by corrupt nationalists, where everyone is fighting to get to the trough.

    'Better quality expats' Like all the ones lurking outside the crack-whore shacks. And most of the expats in Bangkok have jobs too.

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