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Posts posted by Jeremy50

  1. 300 wild tigers in Thailand? That is a complete lie, there have been no wild tigers seen in Thailand for many years. Tigers need large areas of forest to roam, these types of habitat no longer exist in Thailand. Deforestation and hunting have wiped out many species of animals here. Wild tigers do exist in Burma which has large areas of forest almost untouched by humans.

    Laos may have some, Vietnam probably not. Malaysia has a very few.

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  2. It makes sense to contemplate a permanent move to CM. It is far more suitable than Bangkok and a move could free the govt of all the hangers on living high on the hog in BKK, at taxpayers expense

    They finally might do something about the burning and awful pollution up there if the government does as you say. The big guy since 2003 has had the chance to bring a little change in the air quality to his homeboys but all his supreme efforts in this matter sadly have amounted to nothing.

    Over 10 years have passed under our dear leader and everything is still just as backward as when he took office.

    Air pollution keeps me from any long stays up north and i suspect anyone with half a brain won't want to move up there in the future. Beautiful area with very nice people and has all the attributes to be a great place to live but nothing has changed and i doubt it will.

    If they don't sort out the burning issues then soon there will be an exodus of business people/ residents. Have you ever been there when it's thick with haze?

    People are losing patience and want to leave those Northern area's because of the terrible pollution.

    I always thought Chiang Mai to be an over-rated dump, so many nicer and less polluted areas of Thailand.

  3. At least 17 more dams are planned along the Mekong Once this happens this great river will have gone the way of many others, a lifeless canal churning out electricity for humans, the scourge of the planet.

    If you want to see how people in government would like the Mekong to look, go to Vientiene and see the montrous concrete wilderness that has replaced what was once an idyllic riverbank with pleasant places to eat and stroll. Millions of tons of rock are dumped on to the Mekong river bank in Thailand every day, covering rich fertile soil that families have lived off for generations. There is no turning the clock back on the damage that dams and other river projects cause.


  4. I won't trust this guy. He was a communist, anti-royalist and want a republic.

    I mentioned here in ThaiVisa that 'old elite' power and 'emerging power' of the people should come together to talk to bring unity to Thailand. I have also asked 'what and who is this third party we often referred to?'.

    I have to be very careful in referring to this 'third party'. If the two powers mentioned above are not careful and continue to be suspicious of each other, we will be building this 'third party' into a power that will eventually take over the present system of government.

    They have infiltrated many sectors of the society. They are in the present anti and pro-government movements. They are in so called independence agencies, the Army, the Police, among the academic, learning institutions - virtually everywhere. They create discord at every moment. They 'usually' disgust themselves as royalists, champion of righteousness, democracy.

    What is comforting at the moment is that they have not emerged among themselves a clear leader. However, if we are not willing to unite under the present system, we will see them becoming a power. Chaos, disunity will see them surfacing .......

    I shall continue to be careful and promoting the coming together of the two powers I mentioned here to forgiveness, reconciliation and unity and learn to live and inclusive of each other.

    Cool, another conspricacy!

    So icommunity, who's this "third power" who's going to bring death, destruction and mayhem down on Thailand if the pro- and anti-Govt sides don't kiss and make up?

    I don't think you want to understand what I am trying to alert. If you want to catch a snack, you don't beat the bushes.

    Indeed you don't. You go to 7/11.

  5. almost 40 years here in Thailand and this is the time I can see civil war on the horizon ...so sad for a Country with massive potential

    I agree with your closing thought: "a Country with massive potential" It is because of this potential, as well as billions in foreign investment. Thailand does not have the stomach for any kind of conventional civil war. Perhaps after 40 years your eyes don't delineate the horizon as clearly as they once did.

    The land is over-farmed, the waters are over-fished, the roads are over-crowded, and the towns are over-populated. Perhaps you would like to detail what you mean by'massive potential'

  6. this is a subject i have so much to say about......this is the village mentality...i see loads of little muts(boys)cruising around on thier scooters,they find young vulnerable(bored) young girls and say a few nice words a few promises and...bang...another pregnancy...this is why i have no respect for thai men.....thai girls are raised to please the thai man...the men take advantage of that,when was the last time you met an honourable thai male,or a woman from isan over 25 who didnt have a child....i wont rant...but i will say this....this does not happen in vietnam,it is not oncommon to meet a 30-40 year old beautyful vietnamize woman,who has no children...why...because they honour their bodies,familly and future......we have this problem in the usa... in the black community...80%of black babies are born out of wedlock....15% of usa is black,90% of the crime is comittted by blacks....1 out of 4 woman under the age of 18 have been raped in africa....do we see the pattern....uneducated,poor,lonley....dont blame the woman...they are just looking for a future....look at the BUCK...and by that i mean the males,who spin a story,use too much hair gel and, need to prey on young uneducated woman....and the world thinks the foriengers come here and abuse the woman......hahah....the thais need to man up...the end......wow that felt good....thanks

    And a lot of them believe that 'pert sing' taking a young girls virginity will give power and vitality to the male. True in many Asian cultures. The experience is sometimes sold for the price of an iphone.

  7. What credible organization or NGO did this survey? Totally unsubstantiated allegations.

    How do you know that the information provided by the Ministry of Social Development and Human Security (the first sentence of the report if you read it) is unsubstantiated?

    Yes, one really has to question the 9yo claim. Who is the father? And is he in jail? Most likely some idiot just made it up.

  8. The helicopter was thought to cost 1 million baht?? Where do they get these numbers from!

    Looks like a 700 size helicopter, with a Naza flight controller for autonomous flight and an FPV setup to see where it is going. Shouldn't cost even a tenth of the "experts" estimate.

    I have a gps drone, it will fly up to 5km's away and then return along a programmed flightpath, steaming video to my ipad as it goes. A lot of fun for looking down on jungle, rivers etc. Mine is not up to carrying anything though.

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