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Posts posted by Jeremy50

  1. Give Puket a miss and go to Pattaya which is much safer and has more to Offer to all travellers.

    There are beautiful beaches, great hotels, lovely women and trannies and much more Tourist police looking after tourists. A great place for solo travellers and families too with great shopping and sight seeing too. Paradise on Earth

    Pattaya beaches are a lot of things, but beautiful they are not.

    • Like 1
  2. Please NOTE:

    This is article about Portuguese Man-o-War, and the article states they are different from jellyfish and the treatment of a sting is not the same. You should not apply vinegar to this type of sting.

    And urine is always a bad idea because of the risk of infection.

    You don't know much about urines components. If it caused infections none of us would have survived infancy given that we pissed and shat our way through year one.

    Urine is filtered blood. It is totally harmless. Check some of the Harvard research. It is very beneficial for certain like stings, bites , tropical ulcers etc. It is anti septic and anti bacterial. It poses no risk of infection in fact it offers the opposite. It is often the go to solution for jellyfish stings in Australia ....don't know if it works for these Phuket dudes but it's worth a try. It certainly won't do any damage.

    Also a well known hair tonic.

  3. The military seem intent on getting rid of a lot of bad apples, but what will happen when Thailand returns to Thai style democracy?

    Sent from my GT-N5100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    They are doing a lot of window dressing things at the moment. I hope they really start to tackle serious stuff like land encroachment or tea money in schools.

    Education and road safety, neither of which we have heard anything about from the junta.

    • Like 1
  4. Come on all the Daily Mail readers on TV... Where are you?

    We don't need the Daily Mail to tell us that 20 or more pedophiles have been caught in Pattaya in the last 12 months; the evidence is out there for all to see.

    Fact is, Pattaya is a haven for pedophiles. Get your head out of the sand.

    Fact is, Pattaya is also a haven for quasi-pedophiles and crypto-pedophiles. Guys screwing girls technically "adult" but looking only 14-15. Often the first to post on TV: hang all pedos.


  5. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    The insanity begins

    Yep. And being typically Thai they say that it's the roads ...............CRAP ! I have been driving here over 9 years 0 accidents! It's common knowledge to anyone with half a brain that it's NOT the roads..............it's the Thais !!!

    The insanity is every day of the year, and will continue until sweeping changes are made in Thai driving habits and law enforcement.

  6. There is a really interesting back story to this available on Wikipedia if you do some research on Thailand-WW2-Free Thai Army. In the later years of the war while Thailand was still functionally occupied by the Japanese, a Thai resistance force called the Free Thai Army had formed and was effectively mounting successful raids against Japanese facilities.

    There were several American former diplomats involved and when the Americans began large scale bombing of Bangkok, especially the Bangkok Noi railyards, they desperately tried to get the US to stop. The bombing was very inaccurate, little of strategic value was being destroyed and thousands of civilians were being killed. Public opinion was swinging back into Japans favor and making things very difficult for the pro-American free Army. US bomber command totally ignored them and continued the basically useless raids for several months longer causing a lot of bitterness on the part of Free Army leaders.

    One interesting fact of WW2 was that while Great Britain and France were officially at war with Thailand, the US never was. The Thai Ambassador in Washington refused to deliver the Declaration of War to the State Department the day after Pearl harbor, thus, never technically at war.

    This odd fact had a huge affect on post war reparation negotiations and the US blocked many British and French reparation demands.

    Very interesting history for those who care to dig.

    Thailand declared war on the US on 25 Jan 1942, not the day after the Pearl Harbor bombing. Whether it was accepted or not, they still declared war. Thailand also declared war on the UK. Oh, and the Seri Thai (Free Thai Movement) - really didn't do much for the war effort in Thailand as they didn't return from the US/UK until around mid 1944. Show me proof of raids against Japanese facilities..

    I have seen many old newsreels of British planes bombing Thailand at the end of the Second World War. I am not quite sure why you would disbelieve this. How do you think the Japanese were being beaten before the 2 bombs fell?

    Most modern-day Thai people are unaware of a Japanese military occupation which lasted for 4 years.

    • Like 2
  7. There but for the grace of God.......................RIP

    Do not believe God had anything to do with it, people make decisions everyday that will affect them down the road. This guy made the decisions that seemed to work for him, who are we to second guess them. Best wishes to the family and friends in their time of grief

    You may not be familiar with the expression ' There but for the grace of God go I'. It is not used in a religious context.

    Anyway, a couple of wrong turns in a place like Pattaya, the wrong girl, the wrong 'friends', a robbery, a mishap, and many people end up like this unfortunate man.

  8. If you are on an extension of stay, theoretically the reason for the extension has terminated on the day that she dies and your permission to stay ends that day and you would be on overstay. It has been reported that immigration does give some time but nothing definite and you will,have to look for another way of staying.

    It's a bitch. Your wife has a car acccident, your wife and child are killed and yoou have llived here for years but you are immediately in violation of the immigration law and could be deported before the funeral! Unfortunately that's the law!

    Not all that bad. Get a tourist visa, 'study Thai' for an Ed. visa, or get a 'job' for a NON IMM B visa, followed by a yearly extension, a retirement visa, there are so many possibilities, most of my friends are not married, and are here for life.

  9. I guess lotsa people currently in Thailand led a sheltered-life or are too young to remember back to the late '60s or early '70s.

    No, it's because we are British. We did not take part in the Vietnam war. We never adopted the word 'slope' as a racist term. Growing up in the 60's and 70's in the UK, I never, ever heard this word, other than referring to something not level or even 'sloped off' ==> walked away.

    Now if Mr Clarkson was American, he would certainly not use that word....

    The name was changed to Myanmar by the military junta who seized the country. Hence Burma is seen as the correct name by most Burmese, as I understand it. I've only ever met Burmese who refer to the country as Burma.

    Stange, because that is not my experience - having worked in Myanmar in 2011 -2013. I found that only the Burmans (main ethnic group) occasionally used the word, because 'Burma' means land of the Burmans. That excludes all the other minority ethnic groups (Shan, Kayin, Kachin etc).

    The word 'Myanmar' was seen to be a more inclusive word to refer to all ethnic groups of the country. II was encouraged by all my work colleagues never to use the word 'Burma' or 'Burmese', because it was considered a divisive word.

    Anyway, this is going off-topic....


    "No, it's because we are British. We did not take part in the Vietnam war."

    We did! We just wont admit it.

    There are are plenty of Brit expats in Thailand who claim to have been in the jungles fighting Charlie, after having joined the French Foreign Legion at 15 and a half, and later on doing special ops over Cuba and getting shot seven times, and....................................

  10. Hahahaha...... great joke.

    Keep it up Clarky....

    BTW 'slope' is not derogatory... It comes from the Vietnam war and was used by US troops to refer to Vietnamese Communist troops.

    Gooks, slopes, Cong, VC, Charlies ..... etc.

    Not for defaming reasons, but more a casual military designation.

    When the Brits liberated the Falkland Islands. The British Squadies referred to the island locals as 'Bennies'.... If you are a Brit you should know what I mean. For those who don't... Benny was the name of a popular 70s soap opera character, who happened to be mildly retarded.

    The military put out a communique to all squaddies and contractors not to refer to the locals as 'Bennies'... So after that everyone referred to them as 'stills'.

    They're 'still' Bennies........ lol.

    As 'slope' is in reference to the shape of an Asians face it is clearly a derogatory term, not defamatory as this would imply that they do not have sloping faces like they do. It does not come from the Vietnam war as it is recorded in use already in the 1940's. Gook was used by the US navy over 100 years ago to describe Filipinos before coming into general use for all Asians during the Vietnam war, clearly a derogatory term as it was originally used to describe prostitutes. Cong, VC and Charlies all coming from Viet Cong, the official name of the political group, is in no way derogatory. Benny wore a hat like the Falklanders and this is what innocently gave rise to the term Bennies but due to the fact that he was also retarded it could be taken as defamatory as not everyone on the Falklands is a retard.

    'Benny' was widely used in the UK in the 80's to describe a 'country bumpkin' with 'average' intelligence and limited sartorial elegance. It was hardly an insult as Benny was one of the more likeable characters on 'Crossroads' in a cuddly and lovable sort of way.

  11. Out and about in Udon, I pick up about 10 racial slurs on a daily basis. Farang! Paksida! Gluee! Heean! usually preceded by adjectives: old, ugly, crazy, mad, scary etc, and mostly shouted by youngish Thais from the back of motorbikes [cowardly], the mouths just seem to open , and this s@it just comes out. They are all complete strangers to me of course.Only in Korea did I come across more open and unreserved racism.

    So Clarkson says the word 'slope' when referring to a bridge in Thailand which may well have been sloping and everyone starts slagging him off. 'Slope' is hardly known by most people,but I always thought it referred to the sloping foreheads of some Vietnamese people. Surely he would have said 'Look, the bridge has a dink in it!' if he wanted to be racially offensive.

    Anyway, I love Top Gear and Clarkson's humor. So keep up the good work.

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