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Posts posted by Jeremy50

  1. I worries more about the house dogs that have been trained to attack unknown people.

    Many times here the owners forget to close the gates and they run around free.

    And if you hit the dogs when they chase you, the owners get very angry blink.png

    2 weeks ago a Thai boy was bidden here. The owners of the dogs did not care at all.


    If a dog comes at me, I kick it or throw a rock at it. I don't give a damn what the 'owner' thinks. I have

    also been given verbal support from other locals.

    If you can't, or are too lazy to train a dog properly, you shouldn't own one.

    • Like 1
  2. Wonder what will happen to all those foreigners that are married, have children, but don't have enough money to get a Non-Imm visa based on marriage.

    Will Immigration start splitting up families?

    You only need 40K/month for a visa based on marriage or a kid. Even an English teacher makes that.

    You obviously don't know that Thai government schools are paying between 15k and 35k for English teachers. Only a few schools in BK will pay 40k.

  3. Yingluck seen shopping at Tesco


    BANGKOK: -- Former Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra went shopping at Tesco Lotus near her home Monday morning after returning home on a chartered flight from Singapore Sunday night.

    She was seen at Tesco Lotus hypermarket on Praditmanutham road which is near her home on Soi Yothinpattana.

    Her appearance caught shoppers at the hypermarket by surprise. But they didn’t miss the opportunities to snap her photos with their mobile phones.

    Ms Yingluck told reporters rushing to the place after being alerted of her public appearance that she would not need to report to the National Council for Peace and Order as she had returned Thailand by the date earlier approved.

    She also said some people might have questioned whether she would return.

    However she made clear the trip was primarliy for her to spend time with her son before his school term began.

    She spent about an hour at Tesco before leaving home with her aide.

    Ms Yingluck left Thailand for a holiday in Europe and the United States after she was granted permission to leave the country between July 23 and Aug 10.

    She was required to request permission because of pending legal allegations against her.

    During her overseas trip, Ms Yingluck attended the 65th birthday celebrations on July 26 for her brother Thaksin in Paris. Speculation was rife that she might stay abroad rather than return to face charges of dereliction of duty in connection with her government’s failed rice-pledging programme, and other allegation.

    Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/yingluck-seen-shopping-tesco/


    So, she likes tuna..............the plot thickens.



    I don't even understand who would want to ride a motorbike! I hate the things! far more enjoyable is a 1,500 baht " Bicycle " from Big C with " basket and bell " ideal for " cruising about " rather slowly and stopping for a picnic lunch " enroute "  ( I obviously live in a different world from most......) 


    Farang Jaideesmile.png


    Reminds me of the song  by  ????



    I've got a bike  you can ride it if you like.

    its got a basket a bell and things to make it look good.

    I'd give it to you if I could...... but I borrowed it.



    Pink Floyd


  5. I don't even understand who would want to ride a motorbike! I hate the things! far more enjoyable is a 1,500 baht " Bicycle " from Big C with " basket and bell " ideal for " cruising about " rather slowly and stopping for a picnic lunch " enroute "  ( I obviously live in a different world from most......) 


    Farang Jaideesmile.png


    Or even a 100 000 baht carbon beauty from Probike.


    No mention of needing to complete a re-entry permit at immigration when I left Thailand.
    You should know the law yourself

    Wrong visa application form and wrong Embassy map location on Vientiane Thai embassy web site. Struggled to find the embassy and had to re-write a new visa application form on arrival.
    Your fault

    Standing in rain and sun for 5 hours with 400 other people at Vientiane Thai embassy while only 2 windows and 2 embassy staff open for 900 visa applicants! simply ridiculous!
    Could use a company

    Sent away after waiting 5 hours because missing one form, when a person who checked our paperwork 2 hours earlier didn't advise us about the missing form which could have saved us 3 hours of waiting.
    Your fault missing the form

    On return to Thailand my retirement extension was cancelled because I did not submit a re-entry permit when departing and I was only issued with 15 day tourist visa.
    Your fault


    I have to agree here. I also saw another thread where you whined that you didn't know you had to get a re-entry permit. This is basic stuff, basic!! 



    Just buy a multiple entry when you get your long stay visa. I have to agree that conditions at the Thai embassy in Vientiene are atrocious, waiting in the baking heat for hours. The automated system that issues tickets has been out of order for 2 years now. It would only take a thousand baht to fix it. Waiting in direct sunlight in a long line the following day to pick up. It would be so easy for the embassy to put up some shades. Always some scum who runs to the front of the line as soon as the gates open. Same every time.  The only time the officials at the border will smile is if you have to pay overstay and then it is mockingly. Never mind, there is plenty of time to go and see the shockingly ghastly new waterfront that is Vientiene's 'pride and joy'. Only North Korea could have made it more ugly.



    Abhisit went to Eton and Oxford. Proof that even the best education in the world won't guarantee you a functioning brain.


    Can't actually comment on the OP though?


    Why no functioning brain?? Do you feel this ideas will negatively impact in Thailand during their transition? What do you feel are the ramifications if Thailand followed this advice?


    As I stated previously today "The UDD have shunned hard policy debates in favor of simple credos" You have mirrored this credos and Dr Weng can be assured his communist teachings have served him well through your lack of insight, constructive criticism and simplistic unrelated rebuttals to intellectually driven narratives.


    What are the PTP ideas for the transition or are they too busy criticizing everyone and anyone that does not suit their agenda? Maybe busy building a defense for upcoming court cases. In other words things that have nothing to do with making Thailand stronger or more prepared for ASEAN.


    The Right Honorable Ahbisit might not have a functioning brain, but he is presenting ideas and planting seeds that may or may not lead to progress for the people, the voters and the children of Thailand that will inherit the country. That in itself is a righteous, honorable and constructive approach to leadership, policy moulding and positive guiding narrative that can be looked upon in a bright light. These are also refined qualities taught at Eton and Oxford.


    I wonder what a Kentucky State University graduate would say to prepare Thailand for ASEAN? "The NACC treated me unfairly"? or "There is no irregularities in the rice scheme"? or "I promise to return by the 10th of August"? 


    Well done Ahbisit it is not only through your constructive narrative that show you to be a brilliant politician thinking of the future of Thailand it is also the lack of an educated, response from some on TVF that highlight it is in fact them that don't have the functioning brain?


    My comment was 'tongue in cheek'. I think he is a great guy. I am sure that the ASEAN 'single community' consisting of some of the most corrupt and autocratic nations ever to grace the surface of the planet can look forward to enjoying abundant prosperity, and that everyone will have a swell time.


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  8. "When in Rome"... people make mistakes, nothing bad happened and because of this the Thai would have thought it a personal attack from the American. If the opposite had happened and the American had been at fault and put his hands together and said ka toot kap the Thai very most likely would have given the same "polite" gesture and moved on. When in a country that has a "polite particle" in their language for both male and female, even if you are in the right a display of anger is considered very impolite.

    Really? Must be why Thais throw sticks, small stones, and fireworks at me when I am out cycling. You must be living in some other Thailand.

  9. Ok.... let's have a guessing competition.... what will the next crackdown be on?

    I'm in favor of a crackdown on people wearing sparkly "doll eyes" contact lenses, in an unnatural colour. The day-walkers. 5000 baht on the spot fine. Just a quick walk around any university campus or the Siam area and the authorities will clean up. I mean surely these people are a threat to themselves and society in general. When I was a wee chappy we didn't stand for this kind of nonsense.


    Women who wear short skirts with lycra cycling shorts on underneath. What the hell is that about?

  10. The British Embassy, despite huge pressure, appears to have done absolutely nothing to help. A call several weeks after the kidnap saw an embassy official telling the father that the official dealing with his file was on vacation, nothing was being done.

    Why did we not sell all the land the Brit Embassy is on and send the whole bunch back home - they are nothing but a disgrace and a total wast of taxpayers money.

    Agreed. I dread having to go there, and loath every living being within its walls.

  11. Thais have no idea of the size of the road death toll neither are they interested. Road safety is not taught in schools,

    and bad motoring habits are handed down from older generations. Changes can only be made with outside help, from

    experts who have transformed road safety in their own countries over the past three decades, in particular, France, the UK

    and Germany. It would take a massive campaign lasting years to reduce Thailand's road death toll from 20000+ a year to

    what it should be, around 2000 a year.

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