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Posts posted by Jeremy50

  1. the tragically sad thing is that thai people accept these seemingly weekly and often fatal school and passenger bus crashes as something normal and no one does anything to prevent the crashes and unnecessary deaths and injuries continuing.

    Thai people don't die,they transition to the next life...chat na....that is why there is little done about the carnage on the roads.

    What visa do I need?

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  2. But most drivers don't know what the rules are do they and many will not even stop at red light crossings, good luck to the cops.

    Neither do the police.

    How many have you seen:

    Ride without helmets

    Ride on footpaths

    Ride on the wrong side of the road

    Jump red lights

    Talk on mobile while riding motorbike

    also (not traffic related) throwing cigarette ends on the floor.?

    Don't get me started! Daddy with baby on his lap while riding.The look of surprise and more than a little laughter that I observe when I position myself correctly with arm stretched out to take a right turn, not forgetting the 'life saver' before the turn on my....bicycle really gives me a sense of superiority over the buffoons I see on my daily travels.

    Keep setting a good example

  3. Hats off to the clever voyeurs, but I can't see for the life of me how any part of the female anatomy would be on show while she squatted down to urinate

    It has been rumoured that around 50% of the 'ladies' using the conveniences actually stood up and lifted the seat, so great entertainment for those 'on the other bus'

    I remember being given back my fee for visiting a 'working girl' in London's Soho. Amazed by this generosity I later discovered I was appearing in glorious technicolour in the popular 'home-made' series of porn movies.

    What happened to my 'repeat fees'? Should have joined Equity!

    In the days when Soho had 'character' and women had body-hair.

  4. The devices were removed last month after the contract with the distributor company expired

    So which company has secured the new contract for spy cameras in the toilet cubicles?

    "Relieved herself" This could be taken as ???? bad headline.

    It's a dirty job but some in-depth study of said video is needed to ascertain..... In the interests of journalism.

    BKK Airport To Probe Flight Attendant

    The whole headline and sub headline have 1970's porn movie undertones..

    'Flight attendants probed by spy cams at Bangkok airport' Great! Where can I buy the DVD?

  5. Safety is my biggest worry here.

    The maximum speed I drive here is 80 km/h.

    I try to stay far away from all U-turns.

    I avoid using the most left lane, where all the motorcycles are.

    I avoid using the most right lane that is "misused" to jump the queue at U-turns.

    I try to go with the flow, but keep a safe distance with the car in front of me.

    But I am almost sure that within 1 year I'll have another accident.

    I never had an accident in my home country.

    Here I had 2 accidents in 2 years (1 serious).

    But I see so many accident daily, that soon I must be involved in one again.

    I need to drive 100km per day, on the same dangerous road.

    My neighbor lost 3 children on that road.

    Another neighbor has only half brain and head left and is paralyzed. He can still walk a bit, but can't talk. He collects and sells garbage now.

    The restaurant owner nearby was crashed to dead (together with several others) by a truck while sitting in the songteaw, leaving a husband and children behind.

    At least once a month I see a body covered with blankets.

    I love Thailand, but if there would be one reason to go back, it would be safety in general.

    This kind of image just makes me sick.

    No-one needs to drive 100k a day. The solution is always simple. Find a job, then find accommodation as close to your job as possible, within walking distance. Maybe you are a traveling salesman. Also the value and condition of your vehicle must be in steep decline.

  6. What is the betting that there is some girl that he met here and he just thought he could not live without her ,so sad and as for the guy who said what is there waiting for a 64 year old guy back home ,life must be very sad for you if you think that there is no familly and friends at home for most people.

    As you grow old. Family, and friends die. In todays world. Even good friends often move far away. After a few years. They often forget all about you. Then you also realize. That some people. That you thought were good friends. Were not really as good a friends. As you had thought. Sadly, some times when you work hard, and have success. Some people, who you also thought were friends, resent your success. Then they turn a little hostile towards you. A lot of people. What friends that they had, were at work. Then, at some point they retire. Most of these people, then don't care to keep in touch. In America. Once you reach a certain age. To a lot of people, You become, an invisible person. You can be wealthy, and experience all this. Many older men. Once they reach a certain age. Are essentially, never touched again, in even a rented caring, Human way. If you are wealthy, you have more options. But, if not. Then you can really be doomed to a lonely, last part of your life. Counting pennies, with limited options. To all this you can add. People who experience real Endogenous depression. At least in Thailand. An average middle class man. Can have some company. When he wants it, and can afford it. It may be rented. But, has a lot of value. To people. Who other wise . Feel, and are treated. As if they are invisible. Of course you should not loose touch with reality, and think a rental, is something it is not. Don't loose the plot!

    Physical contact with another human has value, rented or not.

  7. nabbie, on 28 Feb 2014 - 05:40, said:

    she's willing to die on the democratic battlefield

    This headline is not something that will generate the peace but increase the violence.

    In contrary to that, I just hope YS means to say something like

    she's willing to do her utmost challenge to resolve this ongoing crisis.

    Then it will convince everyone that the peace will be generated instead of the violence. That is her job to increase the Thai integrity!

    Not supporting either sides.

    You can hardly blame Yingluck for the headline when The Nation (and some posters on this forum) wouldn't know what a metaphor was if it bit them on the a#se.

    OK, OK! Keep your hat on!

  8. 15 dead in Thai school bus crash

    BANGKOK, February 28, 2014 (AFP) - At least 15 people, including 13 children, were killed when a bus carrying students on a trip to the seaside collided with a lorry in eastern Thailand Friday, police said.

    More than 30 others were injured in the pre-dawn accident in Prachinburi involving the double-decker bus and an 18-wheel truck, the authorities said.

    The students, aged around 10 to 14 years old, were heading to the resort city of Pattaya from the northeastern province of Nakhon Ratchasima.

    "Thirteen students and two teachers died -- 11 of them at the scene -- and more than 30 injured are in three nearby hospitals," Police Lieutenant Colonel Anukarn Thamvijarn said by telephone.

    "The bus's brakes may have failed or the driver might have fallen asleep," he said.

    Safety standards are generally poor in Thailand and deadly road accidents are common.

    A recent report by the World Health Organization said the country saw some 38.1 road deaths per 100,000 people, compared with an average of 18.5 in Southeast Asia as a whole.


    -- (c) Copyright AFP 2014-02-28

    Another thing that I'm wondering is why a school trip over a distance of only about 317km or so has to take place at night?! In 4.5-5 hours a bus could easily cover that distance by departing at the far more reasonable hour of say 6 in the morning, allowing it to arrive before lunchtime. If the cause of the crash was due to the driver falling asleep, it's clear that he shouldn't have attempted to drive at the ungodly hour of 5am, meaning the bus must have departed Nakorn Ratchasima at like 1 or 2am?! I've never heard of any "school trip" departing in the middle of the night, only in Thailand!

    It's quite usual for school trips to drive through the night. At this time of the year, there are many school trips. Pattaya and Sattahip are popular destinations, because of the beach and cheap accommodation. Much of the trip is spent on the bus, 2 days, with less time at the holiday spot. I went on one which started from Udon through to Sattahip, the bus took the 304 after Khorat. Although there are steep sections in is certainly not Alpine. Most 'VIP' buses have a wooden frame and don't do well in a crash. Seat belts wouldn't have been worn.

    A lot of these trips are run on a profit making basis, and are promoted by school teachers.

  9. why in the hell you all like thailand so much.

    as all of you are complaining about it so much.

    if you not like the thai or the country or the spicy food or the way they want to live their lives, as same as the way they want to drive on the road or do their things, just leave thailand and stay in your own country.

    please not turn thailand into one the same dull shit country as all the western countrys are already.

    here in thailand there is at least some spice in your life.

    We live on a tiny planet in a galaxy 200.000 light years across. People from one part of it should be able to influence the behaviour of people in another part, as long as that influence is positive and beneficial to others. If you respect Thailand at least give it a capital T.

  10. I've been driving in Thailand for a/b 7+ years. Also road a "chopper" in BKK. I have NEVER seen such antics on the road as here. Up here in Isaan I think it's WORSE, if that is possible. Thais' seem to just do whatever they feel like doing re: operating a motor vehicle. Hell 6 year olds operate motorbikes here.... with a band of friends hanging all over the machine as well.

    The most perplexing driving habit that I observe - perhaps - is making a right hand turn from the right hand land and onto the right hand lane of the street/road they turn into. Can this maneuver be explained? I really can not understand why they think this tactic is desirable. To do this is unimaginable (to me); THEN they seem genuinely SHOCKED when a vehicle (traveling in the left lane) nearly hits them.

    I could go on but you most likely know the other usual driving infractions. With NO police enforcement it can seem like utter madness/chaos. Wouldn't self preservation prompt individuals to think a/b what might get them killed, and avoid that? I don't get it. Maybe you folks with more experience can clear this up for me. If so thanks in advance.

    I agree, the exiting from the wrong lane onto the wrong lane is totally insane. Also done the other way, drive onto the right-hand side of the road 200 meters before your right-hand turn and then enter the smaller road on the wrong side. Also simply driving on the wrong side of the road is very common, as is waiting until it is pitch black before turning your lights on. Kids on motorbikes everywhere, no helmets are worn. The other day I saw a woman was riding her bike across a busy intersection at 50kmh with a naked baby in the front steel basket.

    Driving slowly in the fast lane. Sitting in the fast lane preparing to take a U-turn which is 5k's down the road. Cars parking in the motorbike lane. Cars with cuddly toys all over the dash. Totally blind overtaking etc etc etc.............

  11. 300 wild tigers in Thailand? That is a complete lie, there have been no wild tigers seen in Thailand for many years. Tigers need large areas of forest to roam, these types of habitat no longer exist in Thailand. Deforestation and hunting have wiped out many species of animals here. Wild tigers do exist in Burma which has large areas of forest almost untouched by humans.

    Laos may have some, Vietnam probably not. Malaysia has a very few.

    It wasn't a lie, it was an estimation by people who are probably in a much better position to know than your pontification indicates. Unless you can show otherwise.

    Fine, back up your claim as you seem to agree with this number. Are you a wildlife expert? What areas are these tigers living in? I am basing my knowledge on reading and study. I am sure that Thailand would like the world to think that it still has wild tigers, but it simply isn't true.

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