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Posts posted by Thaiready

  1. Well there are bigger problems in Thailand than watching a movie without paying America for it.....At the end it is just a movie...

    A completely ignorant, uninformed comment.

    Sigh, I guess I'll have to educate you. Movie productions cost MILLIONS (100's at times). DVD's help pay for this at the back end.

    Also, royalties (same as the CD's you buy) of the artist' work are stolen by bootleggers.

    If you ever produce a movie or write a song, you would feel quite different.

    Or produce anything else for that matter, other than hot air...

    So which movie did you star in, or what song lyrics did you write that were stolen ? whistling.gif

    Everybody likes a little arse....but nobody likes a smart arse

  2. When you go to the Concrere Plant they show you a list of prices for concrete.......I said to myself <deleted>.....in the US you only have one price...here the cheaper the price the less cement is added.....purchase only the highest price...because if you don't it's not hard enough....I also made a visit to Concrete Plant each time I placed a order to make sure their not cheating.

  3. There are many countries as hot if not hotter then Thailand, Vietnam for instance, here thay build many houses on slab, but as I have also pointed out they have been occupied by Ferang, French Belgian USA etc so have learnt other ways of many things, Thailand has not had this advantage, and I have told them in no uncertain terms, as I am paying WILL be my way, but still the Blank Stare!

    I was told this morning that I will not find a builder in Issan who will build for me, but have found one in Buriram, who not only reads plans but has email also! Bonus.

    But the Village Boss says I must have his approval and pay him 50,000Bt, is this normal?

    Go buy some land atleast 30k away from family......or you will be sorry.

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  4. Here is an article from a local newspaper with a lot of details. Of course as always there are conflicting stories as there are in this article. It indicates the shooter and his comon law wife set a trap in the garage for an intruder and left the door open. Stupid is as stupid does. When someone does this the outcome is predictable. In my opinion they and the two intruders are all culpable. The intruders went into the garage at 12:30am. It apears that none of the four people were endowed with much commom sense. If I was on the jury I would vote to send the shooter and his comom law wife to prison and a five year suspended sentence for the other intruder who ran away.

    I have no issues with shooting someone who breaks into my house with the intent to harm me and/or my family but this intent needs to be established first. A person should never start shooting randomly in the dark just because their house has been burglarized previously. The boys boys were wrong for going in the garage but the couple commited a bigger wrong by setting a trap and shoting the intruder without just cause.


    key word "Intruder".....had it been my home 44 mag 240 JHP

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  5. If you can't respect the Schools morning routine maybe your in the wrong Country.

    You come across as slightly brainwashed and unable to think objectively.

    Why would somebody with a free mind and ability to think objectively respect a system specifically designed to indoctrate and condition children before they reach the age of reason with xenophobic, stiffling claptrap?

    You're a Thai raised Thai, right?

    Well Buba....I'll tell you this.....I'm a School Owner, if you can't get your child to my School on time....you can take them elsewhere....You see I interview new Students and Parents...if they have the slightest chance of coming across as "Libturds" (term for idiots in my home Country), I show them the door.
    • Like 2
  6. obushma/Kerry threaten nothing but adding sanctions (the G-7 did), certainly not military action. Russia, China etc. laugh at the US, a paper tiger who's technologically advanced military can't win a war against a bunch of rag tag rebels. Like Vietnam, winning battles does not win a war, not in these days and times. The only people that he really threatens are American citizens that he has NSA, FBI, CIA etc. spying on and our whistle blowers. He certainly is no Marxist, Communist, Socialist, Populist, liberal or anything else resembling a President that cares about true democracy. Fascist maybe, certainly that is where the corporate police state is headed. He has done more to destroy the Constitution than cheney/bush et al and they belong in GitMo. He is nothing but a bankster/Wall Street puppet, a Manchurian president. Many hate him for all the wrong reasons, ah duh color, especially the right wing. Kerry is no longer part of the solution, he is part of the problem along with obushma. He is not the man I thought I once knew.

    Actually, US can win and has won the conflicts, but they cannot change these country's thought processes or stop their infighting that will continue during the attempt to maintain security stages. US could have turned these little countries to rubble, or worse glass marbles, but US agenda was more surgical in nature.

    What history has shown is an effort to fight wars surgically and by attempting to mitigate collateral damage does not work and leaves our troops exposed.

    While Russia military capability has rebounded in the last 15 years, they still are perhaps somewhat limited. Russians, however, would fight a conflict without concern about collateral damage unlike US who is always worried about how the rest of the world views the US.



    Do name conflicts where US has won or achieved it's objectives?


  7. Yes, the Thai laws and restrictions on firearms are working every day. So do the "Royal Thai" police, they are preventing this from happening every day. Good work. wai.gif

    Tell me where you are from, and I can point out where it happens there also. Certainly not limited to Thailand. But then again, you responded just to Thai bash. Go ahead, if it makes you happy. May I suggest ThaiBashing.com?

    what the hell is your problem.....can't handle the truth.

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