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Posts posted by Thaiready

  1. Let's hope that if this bunch are refusing to move, then the PDRC are ready to 'move them' forcefully.

    If the courts can't do it, and the army don't have the stomach to do it.... then the people will do it.

    It may get ugly.

    You do know your out numbered.....even with all the loses the farmers took with the rice scam, the farmers still hate the Bangkok Elites.

  2. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    This decision is absolutely idiotic and will ultimately cause enormous harm to the country.

    The coup appointed NACC and the majority military puppets in the senate playing nothing but political games for the people who put them there.

    This idiotic decision just fuels the fire and divides the country further. Another case of the people behind all this of saying you can only be corrupt if you are on our side!

    If the ex PM is impeached and criminal charges brought against her every single Thaj politician, government contractors, civil servants have to be prosecuted.

    There is no one in this country in any position of power who can cast the first stone - the entire country lives of nepotism, connections and corruption!

    The people behind this have robbed the country for decades have stolen 100's of billions from the Thai people and now go on raiding pretending they have the countries best interest at heart.

    If this stupid military coup appointed NACC wants to clean up the country then they are the first ones who should be replaced!

    Thailand will soon end up in a civil war where no one is safe anymore just because of a few old stubborn men who have no vision for the country - only a selfish agenda destroying the country in the process!

    Total rubbish comment, no basis whatever in reality or fact. Spin, spin, spin. nothing more.

    spin spin spin your rubbish all you want......but there will be trouble.....just as you Brits think your better than the Irish....the same goes with Bangkok thinking their better than the North.....there will be trouble...mark my word

  3. Impeach her? She's gone already.

    She is gone, but still needs to be punished. I'm guessing she will get a fine of around 600 billion(or however much it is found that her clan have stolen from the Thai people) and with any luck a lengthy prison sentence to deter any future politician from emptying the state's coffers to enrich their family in such an arrogant and blatant manner. Fair is fair.

    500 bhat fine and a slap on the wrist

  4. And you did not do anything about it????

    How come?

    If you think it was so unjust you could at least have screamed to the security to stop. Probably he would have been so surprised that he would stop beating up the boy.

    I don't understand you.

    me also....I'd backhanded the $hit

  5. Sales of pirate DVD's in Thailand do not affect profit margins of the US companies. Sales of pirate DVD's at flea markets in the US do.

    It should also be remembered that print shops in the US pirated copy right books after independence from the UK. The question really

    should be, for how long should developing countries be able to pirate copy rite materials to help bring its economy up to the level that

    they can afford to pay royalties. coffee1.gif

    your wrong

  6. ***********Size is not a BIG deal....and also most Thai women's ********** are SMALL......Too BIG******* can be a problem for too SMALL***** ....But....too BIG also can be very good for a too BIG FARANG EGO. Anyway...Thai men win over most farang men...They have a better TONGE skills...They speak Thai! Not everything is about ********* making love.

    touched a nerve with you didn't it.....we all know now you suffer from lack of Man-hood Tooling.

  7. The last 2 apartments that I rented I got my deposit back, minus some small expenses.

    Don't confuse folks here at the Farang Fantasy Factory with any real examples that don't support their prejudices.

    Undoubtedly getting a deposit back can be a trial. I know the few times I rented many years ago in the US it was never easy or quick to get. But based on my few experiences I would not feel qualified to start spouting about MOST CASES or make other generalities for which I couldn't possibly have sufficient information.

    All of which you just did....

  8. Why are people on this forum if not to advice or assist others?

    They should go to some other site if they just want to be negative.

    don't worry so much about the A-holes making comments....those losers have nothing better to do with their pathetic lives.

    • Like 1
  9. When I met my Wife for the first time it was in the US...She was on a field trip with her College from KK. I was a IT Project Manager at The Coca-Cola Company in Atlanta,Georgia. I was giving the tour of our Data Center and she caught my eye...we exchanged contact info and went from there....and no kiss happened while in the US....We also met in KK almost 2 years later....I hugged and kissed her for the first time...I then turned to her Mother and did the same....her Father I shook his hand all this happened after the Wai....I knew about the Culture of not doing in Public......but when you Love someone that all goes out the window.....Even today 15 years later, we have no regrets about showing our Love in public....

    • Like 2
  10. Oh shut up for crying out loud.

    If Suthep wanted to he can have millions... you can just get a few thousand.

    Stop embarrassing yourself and the red shirts once again you complete loser.

    Nattawut's only motivation is that he can get more deaths and injuries per grenade when people are more closely packed together. We all know what's on your mind you horrible little runt.

    Just drop dead already.

    Millions my arse....I could give a shirt less...but to flat-out lie about numbers....pathetic

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