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Everything posted by Inderpland

  1. And your hyperbole is getting to be a bit to shrill. Try easing the grip on your emotional pearls, okay?
  2. If said PM was to be of Sikh origin then things could indeed get interesting.
  3. Trump backs out of CNBC interview, his second about-face with mainstream press this month 'Trump’s decision to back out of the appearance comes less than two weeks after he canceled an interview on CBS News’ “60 Minutes” with Scott Pelley.'
  4. Yes, a good interview but if that was an example of Trump 'handling it' (as you seem to indicated) then I shudder to think what he looks like when he doesn't handle it. There's no way Trump's staff were high-fiving each other when that interview was done.
  5. Yes, and the gangsta will pay with c-notes!
  6. To be fair, @frank83628 gets nailed on a regular basis.😁 Here's more on the interview - it's a complete s*** show. Trump Lashes Out at Live Fact-Checks During Disaster of an Interview 'Bloomberg’s top editor, John Micklethwait, pressed Trump on issues ranging from immigration, proposed tariffs, the dissolution of some of America’s biggest corporations, foreign policy with regard to Taiwan, and ultimately to the country’s fate post–Election Day. But Trump, seemingly, wasn’t prepared with answers. The former president elicited groans from the crowd while dodging questions about his proposed foreign tariff plan, which includes a 200 percent tariff (which Trump insinuated could even be as high as 2,000 percent) on foreign cars.'
  7. Yeah, it's your birfday all right.😂 PS. You obviously try to sound like some American gangster. C-notes? Nobody says that outside the movies.😂😂😂
  8. And I call BS on this. No American would post that he want's Harris to go to Liverpool and do some accents. And "Americans" don't generally refer to themselves as yanks. So please don't go around claiming you're an American. That's so, so lame.
  9. Well, as your point was merely to blow smoke I'd say I aced it, and not by cheating like a little punk the same way Donald does. America's former top soldier, serving as chairman of the JCS for four years, gives a damning assessment of Trump (like every other top official that served in his administration) and the MAGA crowd goes full on pearl clutching. Pathetic.
  10. I wish I could. I wish I could wake up one day and the whole Trump thing was just a bad dream. A dream in which a criminally mad scientist put together the most ill suited person for a leadership position imaginable. A Frankenstein of horrible traits. Dimwitted, vain, useless. And millions of people actually went for it! But alas, reality beats horrid fiction in this case.
  11. Wow, your deductive skills are on par with S. Holmes! Yes captain obvious, when the former head of the join chiefs of staff (doesn't get more 'top' than that, does it) says Trump is useless and dangerous it would indicate he's no longer serving. Thanks for clearing that up.
  12. The usual word vomit. Yet somehow the MAGA crowd thinks he's fit to lead.😂
  13. Are you now claiming to be an American? Because earlier you indicated you were from Liverpool, UK. So calling a non-American a 'foreigner' is as dishonest as it gets. Agreed?
  14. The president can essentially be fired by the vice president should he become significantly impaired If that happens it's time to hide behind the sofa..............wait a minute..🤔
  15. Don't worry. I think most can deal with lame insults coming from a retiree in Liverpool, UK.
  16. What's your point other than your obsessive compulsion to always defend the convicted felon?
  17. That shows the sane are in the majority, so that's great. Thanks for pointing that out, mate!👍
  18. Netanyahu is a PM, not a president, and I strongly disagree he's been good for Israel.
  19. This is the opinion of one guy who hasn't even met Trump. Compare that to the large number of people who have worked closely with him and now denounce him and your lone guy is like the proverbial fart in a (non-man made) hurricane - insignificant.
  20. Hmmm, not an expert on UK politics but haven your conservative party just lost after having been in power for years and years? And doesn't that make your post rather 'dishonest'? PS. Just did a google search and your 'tories' have been in power for 14 years and recently lost in a landslide. So the 'socialists' have been in power for 2 months and already wreaked havoc on the UK?? 🤣🤣🤣
  21. Yes, I agree the arguments are quite convincing.
  22. Why? To see all the sad bin dippers struggling after the Brexit fiasco?😂
  23. Funny how all the top people in Trump's former administration has turned on him. Almost makes you think there's something there.🤔 Trump’s top general calls ex-president ‘fascist to the core’ and ‘most dangerous person to this country’ '“He is the most dangerous person ever. I had suspicions when I talked to you about his mental decline and so forth, but now I realize he’s a total fascist. He is now the most dangerous person to this country,” he said.'
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