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    UK / Takhop, Korat.

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  1. Not a great look for the Brit but blown out of proportion. I have seen many Thai's drunk and behaving agressively but they never make the news. The media love bashing the foreigners to the point of being Xenophobic.
  2. Exploding the world population I would guess...
  3. And the so-called "crackdown" quitely stopped.
  4. An over-reaction but understandable, Probably cheap Chinese PB's that arn't tested to standards
  5. Anything coming from the US administration these days isn't worth the salt. World leader? Don't make me laugh.
  6. This old chestnut again. The Story's been circulating for the last 20 years. I'm OK with the ban, afterall it gives me a day or two to detox. What they SHOULD remove is the stupid daytime law of buying alcohol in the supermarkets.
  7. Don't dispute what you're saying but in theory with the installation of AI cameras, and remember these things are very invasive to the point they don't just check your speed but can see inside your car with 4D radar. I am sure they'll be cutting the traffic police roles over time. At technoloogy improves futher then more jobs will be lost. Hopefully they'll never see the light of day, I've already received a few tickets from the current cameras...
  8. AI Cameras are cheaper AI Cameras can't be bribed
  9. This wouldn't even be a story if she wasn't midly attractive.
  10. And yet, so many people of colour buy whitening creams. Crazy world eh! People like her are the problem not the solution
  11. The Institute of Race Relations / The Race Equality Foundation / Race on the Agenda Not a biased article at all and given it's written by the left leaning Guardian, I will take this with a pinch of salt.
  12. Isn't Phuket the ultimate scam ?
  13. Do some research on the net. Start with trustpilot but mix up your search with other websites, Remember people usually complain and very rarely compliment so you might get a negative overview. From my 20 second search they seem illegit If the tickets seem considerably cheaper than legit websites like Skyscanner then I would be wary.
  14. If the EU doesn't get a grip on immigration quickly then the far-right parties are only going to gain momentum.
  15. I agree although plane crashes tend to have a short-term impact. IMHO there has been too much nepotism, cronyism and bad management over the years that ran them in the ground. They were slow in upgrading their aircraft to fight the growing competition from the ME airlines and were always uncompetitive on price. I've flown First a few times recently and the service has got better but it's not a patch on Emirates, Etihad and Qatar. As for their website, it's a mess trying to navigate.
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