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Posts posted by Chelseafan

  1. 43 minutes ago, Moonlover said:

    I am curious to know how your transfers from NBS via T/W only take seconds.


    I've been using this method for well over a year now and it usually takes around 4 hours.


    Not that I'm complaining about that, I would still use T/W in preference to having NBS use the SWIFT method.


    I use Halifax to send to Transferwise. It used to take between a few hours and on rare occassions a few days but all my transactions for the past 6 months or so have been pretty much instant.


    How quick is NBS sending the money to TW ?


  2. 3 minutes ago, phutoie2 said:

    The money is in Thailand already. Maybe you should read up on how TW works. 

    Nationwide is a building society, not a clearing bank. They used HSBC for transfers. Well they did, I gave up on them years ago. 


    I'm well aware of how it all works thank-you.


    The OP was commenting on Nationwide taking 10 days to send money to Thailand. 

    I simply pointed out that he could use Transferwise (from his Nationwide account) to send money to Thailand in seconds.


    Maybe you should read my comment


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  3. 16 hours ago, sandyf said:

    Yesterday morning Thai domestic check in at swampy was absolutely mobbed, I only saw a couple of empty seats on our flight to Krabi.

    In the afternoon I was sat having a beer opposite the Swordfish monument on Ao Nang front and in the space of half an hour 2 large tour coaches pulled up and were obviously full with the numbers running around taking pics.

    In the evening another large coach discharged it's contents into our reception, couldn't move until they all checked in. Just over 750,000 nights have been booked under the government domestic tourist scheme so far.

    Of course you are free to believe what you want, but you really need to get out a bit more.

    750,000 out of 6 million

    Usually they are oversubscribed...


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  4. 45 minutes ago, sambum said:

    Chelseafan - I note your confusion, but let me explain my post:-


    There are millions of people in Thailand that are probably absolutely over the moon (Not!) that their Government has decided to spend 22.8 billion baht on submarines when a lot of them have to line up on the streets just to get something to eat, which by the way more often than not is provided by/acquired by "dirty farangs" (At least where I live!)


    Do you think that they care a jot about the fact that a Sea-wolf class submarine costs $2.8 BILLION and a Virginia class $1.8 BILLION?


    Just trying to put things in perspective a bit - in the current situation, I would have thought that the last thing to worry about would be an attack by sea from a foreign power!!!  


    I think you missed the sarcasm in my post ????


    Firstly I am completely aware that this a a complete waste of money and even more so given that people are going hungry, losing jobs and their homes.


    Secondly my sarcasm was really aimed at the fact that the final figure will NOT be 22.8billion. Its far too cheap for two fully functional submarines. It will be interesting to know what the final cost is once they are manned and at sea (if ever) and also what the ongoing running costs are.


  5. 7 hours ago, Dan O said:

    I think there are quite a few "tourists" that would come given the chance to if borders were opened to allow it. Many tourist come for longer than 2 weeks. I certainly would. The cost of the ASQ hotels are not all in the same 100k range and if more tourist could come then more hotels would participate in the program to generate income. 


    I would hazard a guess that you are in the 0.001%. ????


  6. 8 hours ago, hotchilli said:

    Just tell the tour operators, the hotels, the guest houses, the restaurants, the bars etc etc to charge reasonable prices instead of trying to gouge everyone.

    If the price is right people will come... and the government will not have to subsidise anything.


    You really are full of crazy ideas today !! ????


  7. 12 hours ago, ezzra said:

    The understatement of the year, people at TAT are getting paid to state the obvious and come up with catchy slogans to woo non existent imaginary tourist...


    Totally agree. We knew all this about 2-3 months ago. In fact I seem to recall that TAT were making downward projections which was very much unlike them so we knew it was bad. Domestic tourism isn't the answer, the real money comes from International tourists.


    Until they open the borders the TAT is redundant.



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