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Posts posted by Chelseafan

  1. 16 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

    I don't understand why hotels have minibars, it makes more sense to have a vending machine on each floor.

    Better turnover of stock, don't have to maintain individual rooms, or chase down guests who eat and drink without paying.

    Never use them, if they came with a nubile young Thai attendant I might change my mind.


    Because it's a nice earner. I expect that physiologically speaking, people are more prone to take from the mini-bar than having to get dressed and walk to the end of the corridor to get a mini vodka bottle.



  2. 19 minutes ago, darrendsd said:

    Sorry Anthony but the points you have raised for change should be standard practice anyway but you are only changing them because of the situation you now find yourself in?


    If people are paying top prices to stay at top hotels and this is the kind of service you are providing them then you really should be ashamed 




    Got to agree. I'm lucky that my job allows me to stay in some of the most lavish hotels in the world including many of the so-called 5*'s in Thailand and I have to say that when you compare the service and facilities to somwhere like Dubai, Japan or Singapore, Thailand are years behind. A lot of these features he mentioned are already standard.


  3. On 10/30/2020 at 10:13 AM, Surelynot said:

    Johnson cannot lockdown now.....he and his ministers have torn that theory into shreds time and time again.


    Starmer laid the bear trap when he advocated lockdown as opposed to whack a mole.


    If whack a mole fails we are looking at a very humiliating climb down...and lockdown


    Well he did...


    He tried everything possible to avoid this by isolating high risk areas of the country.

  4. On 10/29/2020 at 11:22 AM, 2530Ubon said:

    The UK is an island - a very small one at half of the size of Thailand. Locking down and eliminating a potentialy lethal virus should have been EASY! 

    Then again, Bojo the clown spends far too much time with a finger up his pooper looking pleased at the smell of his flatulence. Sort it out Boris, please. 


    No, for once this isn't the Governments fault.


    We got to blame ourselves. Time and time again, I see people not social distancing, wearing masks, being sensible.

    There are too many idiots who are ignoring the rules and this is the consequence.

    We are the problem, not the Government.


    • Haha 1
  5. 5 minutes ago, robblok said:

    Still 500 bt a day while if you can work in a shop selling stuff and getting even more money what would you do. You also don't need much education for selling.


    I do get what your saying but still the wages are not high compared to what is expected. In a shop there is a lot of idle time and stuff like that. Just saying that the wage is still not that much. (then again I live in BKK ) and know BKK salaries of ppl in shops and office work that did not require much education too. 


    Manual labor would really be the lowest on my list to do. I did stuff like that when growing up. No way that I would do it again if the pay difference was that minimal. Id rather have less money and a better job.


    The average daily wage in Thailand is circa 650 baht per day so paying workers 500 is very good money especially when the factories are located in more rural areas and cost of living is much lower.


    Of course, no-one really wants to do manual labour in such a monotonous job but beggers cant be choosers.


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  6. 4 hours ago, robblok said:

    Maybe if you increase the wages a bit they would be more inclined to work there. But face it a production job is not something most people want to do. I know I studied hard to never having to do it. 


    Learned from my jobs while studying the things i absolutely did not want to do. So i studied on. So I understand people not wanting to do stupid jobs like that. But higher pay and the fact that they have no job should persuade them.


    Those "stupid" jobs are the ones that are feeding us and making our lives better.


    Higher pay means that you become uncompetitive and end up going out of business.


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  7. 10 hours ago, sammieuk1 said:

    Sickening how you can be wiped out in a second here with alarming regularity any time any place any road ????Rip


    Whats more sickening is that this happens time and time again with little enforecment of the law, poor driving skills, poorly maintained vechicles and idiots behind the wheel.


    How many crashes in the UK are caused by brake failure ? Hardly none!


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  8. 1 hour ago, Leaver said:

    That's right.  Like I said, it may be only a move of 100 baht, but depending how much you are trading, it may be worthwhile to trade it. 


    Currency traders do this with only small. increases or decreases in exchange rates.  Depends how much you are trading.  


    The original point still stands however you want to look at it. "slump" is not the right word to descibe a small swing.


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