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Posts posted by Chelseafan

  1. 6 hours ago, CorpusChristie said:

    Although he didnt sign a peace agreement with NK , the dialogue and meetings stopped the confrontation and caused Trump and Kim to become acquaintances and no longer hostile to each other

    So, it wasnt a failure 


    I suspect it is due to his reported "poor health" that he's no longer confrontational.

    Pre-Trump, there would be the occasional tantrum from the fat controller but hardly anything to worry about.


    I give him credit for at least trying but he achieved pretty much jack and again hardly merits for a N.P.P.




    • Thanks 1
  2. On 9/1/2020 at 7:31 PM, BigStar said:

    No, TAT: TVF says that Thais only spend on som tam and Sangsom and don't stay in hotels & condos. However, if domestic tourists did actually exist, they'd be found, for example, to spend in a full range of Thai & Thai-foreign restos, very much including those in the tourist areas of Pattaya, some which have a high concentration of such. Perhaps OP can't see any of those because Thais are in them. This is commonly the case with shopping malls, where no shoppers have ever been seen.


    It isn't as written, but to those who don't acknowledge domestic tourism, it of course must seem so. The businesses throughout Pattaya, and notably those in Central (which the OP specifically mentions), serve the wants and needs of all people, not just members of this forum.


    Limiting the "category of customer" only to TVF members is simply your own irrelevant and inappropriate restriction, not the OP's, and my observation that about as many businesses are open as 2 weeks ago, with many doing better on weekends and holidays, is a legitimate observation, though puzzling.



    While the locals may be propping up SOME of the lost tourism income, it's inconsistant and limited to weekends (certainly for Pattaya anyhow) not only that, my missus just stayed in a large 2 apartement room in VT6 for 1000 a night. That same room for Farangs is 2500-3000 per night. That's a 66% drop in income, multiply that across all the rooms across the city and the fact that Mon-Thurs hotels are empty and thats a lot of money lost!


    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, CorpusChristie said:

    I was referring to hospitalizations due to the virus, rather than positive tests 

    700 hospitalizations per day with Covid in the UK, Zero in Thailand .

    Thais take measures to avoid getting infected , you call that paranoia ...............and also wonder why Thailand doesnt open its borders to people who dont care about contracting and spreading the virus 


    I'm suspicious of the lack of testing.


    Tests per 1m/population

    UK : 259,229

    TH : 10,729


    Of course the UK will find more.


    According to the article below, there have been 13,000 excess deaths above the average since March. Cooincidence? perhaps but I am suspicious





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  4. I got married in January, a week after the wedding I had to fly back home for work. I booked flights to go back in April and August which obviously didn't happen. All in all I've spent 6 days with my newly betrothed in the past 8 months !!


    I don't see Thailands borders opening up (in any meaningful way) this year so am working on a tourist visa for her to come to visit the UK. Incidentally, I assume their are flights out of Thailand ?




  5. On 8/31/2020 at 3:47 AM, treetops said:

    Here are the fees using Bangkok Bank London.  Send in baht and they'll do you on the exchange rate, send in pounds then they'll do you with fees.  Add another 150 baht if you're sending your GBP to another bank in Thailand (it's cropped off the bottom of this image).




    This is where it might be cheaper if you are sending large amounts as TW charge a %age


  6. On 8/28/2020 at 2:50 PM, supersomchai said:

    I send money to thailand every month via nationwide ...never had a problem in the 6 years i been sending it takes 2-3 days max .Never more.

    i know there are cheaper ways...but it works and i got proof on my bank statements.????



    You get Email receipts from transferwise and can login and print off receipts.

    I know you say it "works for you" and I was of the same thought process but decided to get off my <deleted> and send a small test transaction. I was surprised at how quick and cheap it was.


    Why would you knowingly want to be overcharged for a service ?


    I've just sent the missus 13000 baht.



    It cost me £317.25 in total for her to get 13,000. She received the money 3 seconds after I pressed the send button


    Halifax on the other hand



    That same £317.25 means she will get nearly 200 baht less AND I'll be charged £9.50 extra

    It will also take at least three days to get there.


    If you like throwing money down the drain I'll happily take it ????


    Try it, you won't regret it.





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  7. 7 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

    You understand why there is quarantine and tests during quarantine right?


    Pre-flight test: Self administered or imperfect - Negative result. 

    Arrival Test: Negative

    Day 5 Test: Negative

    Day 12 test: Positive 


    It apparently takes 4-5 days (I’m not 100% sure) for Covid-19 to show up on a PCR test after someone has contracted Covid-19


    Thus a person could contract Covid-19 and still be negative on a test a few days later. 


    Its possible the lady contracted Covid-19 on the flight over, tested negative on day 0 (arrival) and on day 5. 


    This is why there is a quarantine of 15 days.


    That said: The numbers are so low I think it perfectly acceptable for people to be tested on arrival and quarantine at home. BUT, people will break quarantine - unfortunately the harsh reality of the self-centred population we live in. 










    I don't understand what the point of the test 72 hours before travelling if they are testing on arrival and enforcing mandatory quarantine.


    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, nausea said:

    Typical negotiation talk. The more I hear about Britain being intransigent and unrealistic, the more I hope for a good outcome.  Britons are notoriously reactive, a good deal at the last moment, yeah, I hope for it. You have to hold the Sword of Damocles over their head (no deal) to get anywhere at all. Who'll blink first?


    Nororiously reactive ? I hardly think so. Don't let the likes of front-line politics fool you. If anything we are meticulous planners but huge procrastinators.


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