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Posts posted by Chelseafan

  1. 13 minutes ago, Farma said:

    I've been informed by a member of the provincial health department a car will meet me at my local airport, test and deliver me to my accommodation followed by daily visits by medical staff to check my temperature. I know of 2 people currently undergoing home quarantine in my province.


    You're Farang I presume ? You're tainted with Covid, not like those clean Thais ????

  2. 10 hours ago, robsamui said:

    Of Course. 
    What did Trump say about bringing the USA's numbers down? Stop testing.
    What do you think Tland's been doing since the panic started back in March?


    A little bit of truth in this



    Thailand has tested 14k per 1m of the population compared to 393k per 1m of the population in the US,

    Having said that, if the virus is truly under control as they claim then the need for testing diminishes


  3. 4 hours ago, Patts said:


    All Governments in all democratic countries have said things that have turned out to be incorrect. Your companies logistics manager should be talking to his counterparts and know what items tariffs apply to as well as having a good idea of the procedure that will need to be followed in the event of "No Deal" as I am sure he/she deals with imports/exports to WTO member countries day in, day out. 




    It's down to individual companies to know how they may be affected by Brexit and to have a plan of action to mitigate possible reductions in trade, but this should have all have been in place a long time ago. 


    Our Brexit team are aware of the tariffs, the point I was trying to convey is do we actually incoportate them in particular on items with long leadtimes, we're assuming that we are going to have to get HC's for protein and diary based products but if we get a deal then what a huge waste of time. The Government should have had this sorted 6 months ago to allow companies to plan accordingly.




  4. 2 hours ago, Patts said:

    I don't disagree that there will be some short term pain; but over the following years the problems will be ironed out and new agreements will be created. To say "no deal" will be catastrophic is a massive assumption......


    There maybe delays, some price increases and some falls. Some sectors will lose trade and some will gain. The government has already stated that they will not be applying tariffs to 88% of goods. 


    GDP may drop a little more on a "No deal" but it seems to already have found the bottom of its trading range and has been on somewhat of a recovery over the past few months. 



    I said Catostrophic for the short-term.

    The Government has said a lot of things regarding Brexit which have frankly been proven to be BS. Please tell me which of the 88% of items will be tariff free so that we plan out. There are less than 75 days to go and we are still in the dark. Which sectors are going to lose trade ? How can those sectors avoid it ? We plan very well in retail but the uncertainty is causing massive issues.

    GDP is only rising given the uncertainty of what is happening in the US. If there IS a no-deal I would very much expect the pound to crash further.



  5. 8 hours ago, Hi from France said:

    For those of you who have time 


    I'm watching the parliamentary

    Brexit Environment Sub-Committee




    As you can see, the Brexit situation whether there is a deal or not is deeply worrying 

    After watching the intro and when you get bored, you can skip: 10:54 is particularly interesting. There are talking about replicating REACH in Britain, and this is simply not feasible on a market one-tenth the size of the UE. 


    Yet you cannot do without it. 


    Likewise, the UK will loose the benefits 20 regulatory agencies (the country used to host drugs and banking, but there are many more). 


    I was quite surprised to see the UK "slam the door" here and I think it is inevitable that it comes back in order to mutualize what a single country cannot afford. 



    As you know, we already incorporate REACH legislation into our systems so I do not understand why we have to change it. ALl that is needed is for companies to keep up with EU policy changes if they are to continue trading. His comment on Tarriffs is sound but all companies are in the same boat at the moment.


    The Government hasn't slammed the door, merely left it ajar.


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  6. 4 hours ago, Lormak said:

    The British public voted overwhelming to leave the corrupt and evil EU. Out means out! We want a clean no-deal Brexit!

    Companies have had years to prepare for Brexit. Any difficulties are self-inflicted. Most companies speaking in favour of the EU are thinking only of their own financial interests and not those of the Great British Public!!!


    My company (+£3bill uk t/over) has prepared already at significant cost last year only for it not to happen


    If you could tell me how we can prepare (again) including any knowledge you may have of duty tariffs, quota charges, health certificates and further legislation then I am at your disposal.


    You may want a no-deal Brexit but that's not neccessarily what those who voted leave want.


    What do you expect companies will do....Of course they are going to look after their interests. Name me one company that looks after those "of the Great British Public" over themselves.


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  7. On 10/17/2020 at 12:42 AM, vogie said:

    Does anyone believe what the media says anymore, whatever the source, if we are to understand it, Lord Frost has told Mr Barnier not to bother coming unless the EU can try to understand the UKs position. Macron has said he still wants total fishing rights to the UKs waters and by anybodies standard that has to be an impossible ask. So when Macron said he wants to protect the French fishing industries, he has ended up with nothing and as the rest of the EU, so let's all clap for Mr Macron.

    So unless Mr Barnier comes across on a rubber dinghy, he'll not be coming.


    Macron is, as France always has done, playing the tough line with Britain, remembery didn't want us in the EEC in the first place. So Macrons posturing is of no surprise or consequence.


    BJ has played this right, the onus is now on the  EU to come up with something different

    There will be a deal in whatever shape or form and as always it will be left to the last minute.


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  8. On 10/16/2020 at 8:23 AM, Patts said:

    We don't need access to the internal market, the UK buys considerably more from the EU than they do from the UK. If the EU don't won't to allow us access to the internal market then it is they who will lose.


    "The EU, taken as a whole is the UK's largest trading partner. In 2019, UK exports to the EU were £300 billion (43% of all UK exports). UK imports from the EU were £372 billion (51% of all UK imports)".


    Why should the UK be held to ransom when we are at a £72 billion annual deficit and give the French and Dutch access to our already over fished waters!? 


    You realise that the UK fishes in EU waters too. It works both ways.


  9. 2 hours ago, Kinnock said:

    Need to factor in the high numbers of undiagnosed and symptomless cases, which will siginificantly reduce the fatality rate.  Then allow for people who died of other causes, but happened to also test positive for COVID.


    Unlrelable and largely meaningless stats like these are the key problem.


    Don't disagree but its the only data we have at the moment. I suspect the real figure is somewhere between 98.5% - 99%



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