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Posts posted by Wuvu2

  1. 17 hours ago, kinyara said:

    If they wanted privacy they should have hired a private location.

    If they wanted privacy just tip the local police and turn Pratumnak Beach into a private location for a few hours :tongue:

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  2. 3 minutes ago, giddyup said:

    It does seem to take longer to get approval than it did a couple of years ago. Then it was within a couple of hours, now it might be days.

    The online applications are processed by human beings, and two years ago was mid covid so not as many of us applied. I set a reminder and do it 13 days before the due date. It has always come back within a couple of days. 



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  3. 18 hours ago, Hanaguma said:

    Eg, if I put up the 800,000, I lose 40,000 baht a year in investment return if I assume a 5% return. 

    You got that right. After years of parking 800k in a Thai bank with minimal interest, I switched to an agent who charges 12,500b/year for the service.  That's only 1.6% on the same 800k.   There are plenty of expats who will argue that someday the agent method won't work. So far a lot of us find an agent the better way to go. 

  4. 1 hour ago, georgegeorgia said:

    the best in Pattaya in my opinion is the one on the corner of second road and South Pattaya Rd

    Quite a while ago that location made their own wraps from fresh dough for each order. They were much better than the premade wraps. Does anyone know of a place that makes their own fresh tortilla wrappers? 

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