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Posts posted by Wuvu2

  1. 4 hours ago, Lorry said:

    Did you notice that the baht appreciated quite a bit against, let's say, the pound during the last 20+ years?

    It has not been a bad investment to buy baht.

    Well, I'm not sure what 20 years has to do with the 800k yearly deposit for a visa, but your math is incorrect. The Thai baht has actually been a terrible investment over the last 20 years. The S&P index is up about 450% in the last 20 years.  A dollar invested in the Thai Baht is only up about 10% over the same 20 years. There are good reasons that some folks like to hold the 800k in the bank - because it's a good forex investment isn't one of them.   

  2. 40 minutes ago, Grusa said:

    Pity about the potential jail term and/or deportation, not to mention fines and blacklisting.

    Well, I could be hit by falling space debris too, but I choose not to worry about it.

    Have you ever heard of anyone who faced jail, deportation, fines, or blacklisting when their only misdeed was using an agent in this way? No, I haven't either :tongue:

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  3. I recently got a notice from my Private Mail Box provider that as of Jan 1 2024 the USPS is requiring notarized proof of identity and proof of a physical address in the USA. The proof of address requires a lease or utility bill etc.  I could not get it accomplished from here without a lot of hassle, so I shifted my mailing address to a friend's home. 


    "Homeless" can register to vote in any chosen zip code. I find it strange it's now more difficult for state residents without a home to receive mail.  Following this thread see what you learn.

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  4. 9 hours ago, arithai12 said:

    This seems to me a case in which availing oneself of the service of a good agent is well justified.

    I did it all myself with qualifying 800k deposits for many years. I gave up jumping through shifting hoops and started using a well-recommended agent a few years ago. I couldn't be more pleased with the service.  It cost less than 2% of the 800k in fees, which I recover in interest by leaving the money in my investment account in my home country. 

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  5. 19 minutes ago, TroubleandGrumpy said:

    Thanks mate - much appreciated. Checked it out and it seems to work better than Diclofenac for some people. Will give it a try.


    I've found that any of the NSAIDs get less effective after a few weeks and that rotating every few weeks helped. I used to bounce between Naproxen, Diclofenac, and Ibpruprophen.  Doctors have told me that should not be true and that changing meds was less safe than sticking with one. I did it anyway to ease my pain.   When I started using Etoricxib, a normal dose worked better for me than a greater-than-recommended dosage of other NSAIDs.  


    I finally had spine surgery here in Thailand - with a life-changing great result. Back pain sucks. Good luck.

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