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Everything posted by 3NUMBAS

  1. now leds stopped flashing but its says error 1:1 % on tx
  2. the tx says rxbinding but it never completes and the red led is still flashing on the controller .it never goes solid red
  3. 3NUMBAS

    Isaan Woman

    had this woman come to my open door and gave me a smiley titty rub even tho i had never seen her before ,inquiries with neighbors said she s married to a norwegian whos out of town..we met up later .............................
  4. Arcturus: New Covid variant sweeping India shows unique symptom in children
  5. is the binding plug just a simple cable that goes to 2 pins so used a plug in cable ,no polarity??
  6. i recalled i had a collision with an object so ordered some new motors and ESCs think i may have done damage to an ESC or motor so going for a rebuild
  7. i have this racing drone that wont work flysky tx and rx bind ok but theres no signs of life from it,, leds are flashing but nothing.. any ideas where to look?
  8. we must remind readers of brewers droop and ED as hormones dry up and it becomes slack willy you can try 10mg of tadanafill to alleviate the trouble hard exercise may also work
  9. they can sell stuff to the rag and bone man so i have seen .crates of coke bottles and other junk is saleable
  10. in china town they have/had a good solution .a large cage with some food inside and a hole so they get in but cant get out.i saw a piccy somewhere years ago
  11. they also seem to be changed by hackers as i have some changed by others but not paypal so far
  12. very long nasal hairs and very long earhole hairs needs trimming very often
  13. hanging is too good for them ?? junta in control means hanging miscreants
  14. so varifocals when 1 eye has not the same strength of the other will work?? my left eye and right eye are not the same ,will they need a special correction for varifocals to work ??
  15. i read that they were moving to india as well for ipads production and teslas are moving some production to mexico
  16. What is the main cause of sarcopenia? Causes include declines in hormones and numbers of neuromuscular junctions, increased inflammation, declines in activity, and inadequate nutrition. Newer molecular discoveries that may impact sarcopenia include alterations in mitochondrial biology, the angiotensin system, and apoptosis.
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