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faraday last won the day on March 1 2020

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  1. Ridiculous
  2. Punters
  3. Wife bought me 3 bars yesterday, but unfortunately a rat found them & ate the lot... 😁
  4. Wow.... had a rush of memories after reading your post. Dad smoked Gold Leaf & if I remember correctly -probably don't though, 😄 the fags were a little bit bigger. *For our American members* A Fag, is a cigarette..😅
  5. Yes, absolutely. The Vapes are marketed similarly to soft drinks, bright colours & tastes. However, for the ex tobacco smoker, they are surely better...?
  6. Thought e01 was ok....wasn't too sure. Seemed a bit 'mysterious' aka 'vague & open to wild interpretation' Won't bother with e02
  7. Yes, & the subs are very good. It's an excellent series..
  8. This one: https://youtu.be/pAxMy31nffA?si=h9EI0FZrslIL7URs
  9. Just finished watching: The Agency e10. Amazingly good!
  10. Thanks JT, I'll have a butchers later. Yes, I read NL when I 16/17...an interesting book, albeit confusing & weird, at times. Also read Hunter S Thompson, too. Another odd, but interesting man. Touch of genius & madness in both of them... Good to see Craig in a different role...🙂 nb: 'butchers' is Cockney rhyming slang for 'look'. Butchers Hook - Look...😁
  11. The Substance https://youtu.be/xRd1KZZ76_o?si=fpLhRXePwUETcTHW
  12. American Primeval https://youtu.be/LT1FTLVr1rc?si=8q79jKiy9H6bcbK9 https://m.imdb.com/title/tt24069848/

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