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Posts posted by faraday

  1. Perhaps it is just the critical thinking mechanism that she was taught in school finally clicking in and not believing everything she has been been told or seen on Thai television. There is such a thing as empirical reasoning. Until she has experienced it herself it does not exist. ...............facepalm.gif

    I quite agree. Afterall, the only thing that we can be certain of, is that we exist. Cogito etc....

    Everything else is 'outside' & may be a dream.

    Indeed, this whole forum could just be a clever computer & every other member, part of a program.

  2. 1. The Russians monitored everything and they wanted to be first.

    2. There is a reflector there that the astronauts set up for calculating ever changing distance between earth and moon, you can use it yourself.


    Nope. T'was Aliens what dunnit. whistling.gif

    Seriously though, the LLR could have been put there using an unmanned craft.

    And then there's the TR-3B.....

  3. Not sure about everybody else .....But for me ....Built a resort for my wife ($150,000) so have a self paying and supporting investment in Thailand that cost me a LOT less than my divorce in the west...

    So for me ...if divorce was in the cards ....Its just a plane ride away!

    As for trashing western women.....why....well its so easy ....They age terrible (45 year old western women look 60 vs Thai woman who mostly look 10-15 years younger) .....Go to the mall in the west and see out of 100 women how many have a "huge" ass...probably 90 (guess thats OK if you're into big rear ends) vs Thailand where when I go to the mall I see MOSTLY sharply dressed young Thai women....And the added bonus in Thailand is when I smile at this young nubile lovelies ...they smile back ....NOT like the west where they flip you off and call you a "dirty old man"

    Why trash western women? Western guys over 32 aren't exactly a catch either. Just because your currency is stronger doesn't mean you are not being taken advantage of. Do you smile at the people in the mall here? Certainly no westerns want to make an eye contact with me. The other day there were 2 disabled Germans on the wheelchair trying to cross street on the very busy road in bangkapi. No one was helping so my gf literally forced me to push their chairs. 10 minutes later not even a thanks from them. So.... What about western men?

    I take it that you are younger than 32....?

    I'd relate my thoughts, experience & views on why older men are indeed a 'catch', but I doubt you'd believe it.smile.png

  4. Why trash western women? Western guys over 32 aren't exactly a catch either.

    Happy to shag anyone under 40 years old and under 50Kg.

    Their nationality, race and religion ...... I'm not really bothered.

    As for paying, quite happy to share my pension with someone half my age and weight.

    You so lomantic. wub.png


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