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Posts posted by faraday

  1. Still remember a Corporate Dinner from over 20 years ago, when I first had Japanese food.

    There was a Green blob on my plate, didn't know what it was, so I asked the Country Manager.

    Straight faced ( he was German) he said it was delicious & best eaten whole on it's own, & to make sure I chewed it thoroughly.

    Of course, I did!!!


    Quite like it now, though.

  2. Do you honestly think your funny?If you want to make jokes why not to go to the joke section...My mistalke for not originally posting in the medicle forum..

    Lighten up Liqui....it was a joke.

    When I had a vascectomy done years ago, the jokes I got from my mates was....challenging. smile.png

  3. Replying to The amount of food Thai girlfriend eats:

    Remember this fellow male farang friends: For how much Thai ladies eat and eat and eat and eat, their almost invisible, dark buttt holes are teeny tiny in general -- as compared to the much larger star fish of their erstwhile western counterparts..giggle.gif


    Careful, or else the hip hop member will admonish you for such a scurrilous comparison.


  4. I find it both sad and pathetic that people believe in this nonsense as it speaks to both their intelligence and intellect or lack there off.

    In a more rational country logic would dictate that there is a high likelihood of some contamination as so many people have been effected however, logic has left the building and the local culture remains

    Do you, do you really?

    Look up Symbolism & it's use all over the world.

  5. this is why the research in this country is so crap, they did not look at the whole circadian rythm and stuff, studies on northern europeans in which UV light therapy helped workers in multiple ways. if its based on us researchers then same as above but we know they is corrupt anyhow

    Nope. The original report has - as usual - been incorrectly interpreted by a Journo. Which is the norm for many reporters all over the world.

    Rewriter : Benjamin Rujopakarn

  6. Let's see how old people are on here....

    Anybody remember when John Lennon's son was born & he wanted to call him Jesus?

    Of course there was a big outcry by the church, & it wasn't allowed.

    Years later, I learnt that it's quite a common name in many Spanish speaking countries.

    But to answer the OP, nope, I wouldn't mind.

    As Bill says:

    "That which we call a Rose, would smell as sweet"

    An outcry from which Church? Definitely not the Catholic church in Latin America Jesus is a very commonly used name in Mexico, and is also popular in other Latin American countries (pronounced Hey-soose)

    Yup, that's what I said.

    Can't find any links to the story, but it was in the 60's.....


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